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毕蓉蓉 Bi Rongrong
无用的理想空间(二)Ideal&Useless Space2
墙面丙烯 Acrylic on wall | 尺寸依场地而定 Size: site-specific | 2019
This mural painting was originated from my painting "Ideal&Useless Space". It was once transformed into a small bazaar space in a market, and the small shop became a useless but idealized painting space. Today the painting is extended to teh surface of a khaki-colored building that looks like a temporary house or office, creating a new real space. Whether this real space is closely related to the real environment, whether it can be used as a way to measure the environment is the topic that the series Ideal&Useless Space is trying to discuss.
童义欣 Yi Xin Tong
短片 Short Films
GIF 图 GIFs | 尺寸可变 | 465 X 333 Pixel | 2013
Short Films is a series of GIF images narrating short stories or depicting scenes. The archival photographs were collected from the Ohio State University Byrd Polar Research Center. When combined into sequences, the original contexts of the photographs were slightly shifted to build new narratives (usually humorous or insignificant by appearance) that could happen in the remote place Antarctica. They are mostly romantic or of a wry humor, concerning landscape, the figure in landscape, survival, and the amplification of silence or detail.
方迪 Fang Di
希望之城的终点 The Destination to Promising Land
视频 Video | 33’55'' | 2017
希望之城的终点讲述的是关于非洲移民背井离乡来到陌生之地,都为了更好的生活努力,但哪里才是幸福?用每个个体鲜活的视角,全方位透视二十一世纪初近十年来非洲移民在广州的各阶层百态,反思狂热的移民现象及其背后的根源。记忆闸门的打开把来自不同国家的非洲人带到了最现实的问题: 哪里能赚到更多的钱,哪里就是家。
Promising Land Is about African migrants andadventurers leaving their hometown to a different place for a better life. Butdo they find success and fulfillment? The different perspective of charactersrevealed the question and history about Africans migrants in different socialstrata in the city of Guangzhou starting from the beginning of 21th century.They teach us to re-think the phenomenonitself it not only a reflection of the galloping increased immigration. Thequestion of reality open the memory gate for African migrants from differentpart of the world. It becomes to questioning where can make more money, where isour home.
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or contact: vanguardg@gmail.com.
Vanguard Gallery
R204,Bldg.4A, 50 Moganshan Rd., 200060 Shanghai, P.R.China
Facebook:Vanguard Gallery