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荣荣,《北京东村 1994 No.20》 (张洹,《12平方米》),1994

RongRong, East Village 1994 No. 20 (Zhang Huan, “12 Square Meters”), 1994


Day after Day

RongRong and the Beijing East Village

开幕: 6?13?, 6–8pm



地点The Walther Collection Project Space

526 West 26th Street, Suite 718, New York, NY 10001   

?我们东村,做什么的都有。祖咒搞摇滚、写诗; 孔布策划、写评论,还有张洹、马六明、朱冥做?为……?我是唯?的摄影家,这是多么完整的团体啊,?定能做出有意义的作品来。妹妹你知道这里每个?都跟我?样,远离家乡到另?块天空下寻求梦想,我们都是离开家的孩?,时常有饿的感觉……” 

——选自《荣荣日记: 北京东村》

三影堂摄影艺术中?非常荣幸能和?尔特收藏中? (The Walther Collection) 合作举办 “?复??:荣荣与北京东村”展览。此次展览包括了荣荣从1993年到1998年在北京东村拍摄的四?余张重要作品,全?展?了被称为「中国当代艺术史?颗不可磨灭的陨?」的北京东村。与此同时,由瓦尔特收藏中心和史泰德(Steidl) 共同出版的《荣荣日记:北京东村》也计划在今夏发行。




“?复??” 展览强调了1994年东村艺术群体被驱赶前在村内发?的?量艺术?为活动。荣荣极具情感的影像将与他当时在村?的笔录以及后来的回忆录相结合。这些?字为当时这些?为的诞?以及它们的实现都提供了重要的考证。这包括了张洹在极度炎热的情况下在公厕进?的《12平??》、?六明在《芬·?六明》?为后被逮捕的恐慌,以及在寒夜的东便??交桥下由众多艺术家合作完成的《原?》。

荣荣,《北京东村 1994 No.1》,1994

RongRong, East Village 1994 No. 1, 1994

荣荣,《北京东村 1994 No.70》 (苍鑫,《踩脸》), 1994

RongRong, East Village 1994 No. 70 (Cang Xin, “Tramping on Faces”), 1994

荣荣,《北京东村 自摄像》,1994

RongRong, East Village Self-portrait, 1994

荣荣,《北京东村 1996 No.21》(马六明, 《鱼孩》),1996

RongRong, East Village 1996 No. 21 (Ma Liuming, “Fish Child”), 1996

关于 The Walther Collection

The Walther Collection (瓦尔特收藏中心) 是致力于研究历史与现当代摄影和媒体艺术的基金会,常年举办国际性展览,进行系统式收藏,原创性的研究,并出版学术性书籍。基金会的宗旨是强调摄影媒体的社会影响以及扩大对摄影历史的认知。通过The Walther Collection (瓦尔特收藏中心) 在位于德国城市新乌尔姆市的私人博物馆,位于纽约市的实验空间,以及世界巡回的展览场地长期举办专题和主题展览。



Day after Day: RongRong and the Beijing East Village

Opening: 13th June 2019, 6-8pm

Duration: 13th June 2019 - 12th July 2019

Tuesday to Saturday, 12–6pm

Venue: The Walther Collection Project Space,

526 West 26th Street, Suite 718 New York, NY 10001, USA

 But here in the East Village, we do almost everything. Curse plays rock music and writes poetry. Kongbu curates and writes criticism. Zhang Huan, Ma Liuming, and Zhu Ming do performances … But I am the only photographer. Everyone left their hometown and seeks dreams here from afar. We are all children who left home, which makes us constantly hungry …


– RongRong

The Walther Collection, with Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing, is pleased to present Day After Day: RongRong and the Beijing East Village. The exhibition features forty of RongRong's seminal photographs from 1993–1998 portraying the Beijing East Village—an artistic community poignantly described by Silvia Fok as "a meteor in the history of contemporary Chinese art." Day After Day coincides with the planned summer publication of RongRong's Diary: Beijing East Village by The Walther Collection and Steidl.

RongRong, then a 25-year-old from the southern province of Fujian, joined a group of young and struggling bohemian artists who settled in a desolate village on the outskirts of Beijing. RongRong captured the quotidian yet eruptive life of this community, as many of his fellow artists pushed their bodies to the brink to create radical and subversive performances. Considered highly disruptive by political authorities, these artists lived under constant fear of harassment, raids, and arrests. Both as a principal photographer and essential collaborator, RongRong faithfully documented what remain some of the most powerful and important performance works of Chinese contemporary art, by artists such as Zhang Huan, Ma Liuming.

The exhibition Day After Day emphasizes these explosive performance art activities in the village, before and after it was forcefully evacuated in the summer of 1994. RongRong's emotive photographs will be paired with excerpts from a diary that RongRong kept during his stay in the village, as well as his present-day recollections. Such writings provide essential insight into the performances as they were being conceptualized and carried out, such as the extreme heat and squalid conditions of the public latrine that was the setting for Zhang Huan's 12 Square Meters; the ominous arrest of artists and viewers that followed Ma Liuming's groundbreaking nude performance Fen-Ma Liuming's Lunch; and the chilly evening when the collaborative Primordial Sounds took place beneath a Beijing overpass.

The Walther Collection worked closely with RongRong to produce the monograph RongRong's Diary: Beijing East Village, containing a near-comprehensive compilation of the artist's writings from this period. In short journal entries and personal correspondence with his sister, RongRong recounts his blossoming friendships with fellow artists, memorable outings and incidents, and their guerrilla approaches to staging new works. In doing so, he offers reflections both mundane and profound: adjusting to his new life in Beijing, deep anxiety about police backlash, and wavering faith in what photography can achieve in turbulent times. The book's interplay between RongRong's images and texts creates an absorbing personal narrative of an artist coming into his own.




RongRong was born in Fujian Province, China, in 1968. He was a key member of the Beijing East Village group, experimenting with photography and documenting the performances of his fellow artists in the early 1990s. These works have attained an almost mythic status in the history of contemporary Chinese experimental art. In 2007 RongRong and his wife and photographic partner inri founded Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing, emphasizing international collaborations and the creation of a sustainable infrastructure for young Chinese artists. RongRong's best-known works include the 1990s "East Village" and "Ruins" series, as well as his collaborations with inri since 2000 such as "In Fujisan," "Liulitun," and "Tsumari Story." Their joint work explores the beauty of the human body in nature and the urban environment, as well as the development of their family. His work has been exhibited worldwide during the past three decades and is held in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; the Myriam and Guy Ullens Foundation, Beijing; the Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, and several distinguished private foundations.


About the Walther Collection


The Walther Collection is an art foundation dedicated to the critical understanding of historical and contemporary photography and related media. Through a program of international exhibitions, in-depth collecting, original research, and scholarly publications, The Walther Collection aims to highlight the social uses of photography and to expand the history of the medium worldwide.

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