Photo by Zheng Haozhong 郑皓中拍摄于佛罗里达州
无论在哪里,日出都是相同的,太阳在天际线缓缓升起,人因为在自己所处的不同的位置看到了不同的风景和色彩。 我关上了室内的灯,透过坦帕市高楼之间的狭缝,看到不变的日出,时间记录着水彩的变化,直到我画完这张不大的纸张,太阳完整的升起来。这幅画也完整的显露在我眼前。
The sunrise is the same everywhere: the sun slowly rises on the skyline and people see different landscapes and colors in different locations.
I turned off the lights in the room and I saw the rising sun through a slit between the tall buildings of Tampa. The time recorded the change of watercolor. By the time I finished this small paper, the sun had risen completely. The picture on paper became was finally visible in front of my eyes.
佛罗里达 Florida 2019
36x48cm 纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
佛罗里达州的车牌上有两个金灿灿的橙子,水果在我的绘画观里是一个宇宙,种子入土,生根发芽,生长为树木,瓜熟蒂落,如此往返,是四季轮回。 最灿烂时最脆弱,时日不多,成熟的水果变质,人就没办法吃了,最恒久时风干的果子,这是水果带给人的启示。
Photo by Zheng Haozhong 郑皓中拍摄于坦帕
There are two golden oranges on the license plate of Florida. In my painting world, fruit symbolises the universe. The seeds are buried in the soil and rooted, then they sprout and grow into trees, ripe melons, and so on. It is a four-season reincarnation. When fruit is at its prime, it is also at its most fragile state, and there is not much time. When mature fruit rots it becomes inedible. The most long-lasting dried fruit is the revelation brought by fruit.
佛罗里达 Florida 2019
36x48cm 纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
佛罗里达 Florida 2019
36x48cm 纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
I bought two oranges in Tampa and painted them for four days. I brought the oranges with me to Fort Myers, but they were taken at the airport and eaten.
The country and the country are the boundaries and boundaries. The United States and China have stipulated that one cannot carry seeds across national borders. I have eaten these two oranges that are available all over the world. I think if I go back to China to find a land for no one, I will draw a bubble. Will the seed grow into a tree?
Photo by Zheng Haozhong 郑皓中于佛罗里达州
佛罗里达 Florida 2019
36x48cm 纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
佛罗里达 Florida 2019
36x48cm 纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
佛罗里达 Florida 2019
36x48cm 纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
特别致谢 Visit Florida,BANK 荣幸与其合作开展这次艺术家旅行/个展特别活动。艺术家郑皓中在4月前往佛罗里达州墨西哥湾海岸的坦帕与梅尔斯堡体验,用最原汁原味的阳光为他在BANK的个展"TAKI"提供灵感。
Special thanks to Visit Florida, BANK is very happy to coordinate with Visit Florida for this artist journey/special show. Artist Zheng Haozhong was invited to travel in Tampa,Fort Myers in Florida and got so much inspiration for his solo show TAKI in BANK.
Artist gave a speech in front of his works
Installation view of Visit Florida @BANK
Installation view of Visit Florida @BANK
Mathieu gave a speech in front of media group
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