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参展艺术家:哈维尔·冈萨雷斯·佩谢 | 易连
开幕时间:2019年6月22日 3:00pm
支持机构:Fortress Contemporary Art Foundation
“不事生产”本意为无心谋生之道,不注意通过劳动生产的方式解决谋生的办法。但是在不同的语境中,它的指向褒贬不一 —— 一方面,春秋时代农工为平民之业,士大夫“不事生产”,这和古希腊的贵族相似,但他们却能广闻博览;而另一方面懒惰成性,“不事生产”,便是指摘人四体不勤,五谷不分。参与到这次展览的两位艺术家 Javier González Pesce 与易连,既不是“不事生产”指涉的前者,也更加不是后者。他们是依托驻地项目的机制,获得了一阶段“不事生产”的时间和空间,这往往区别于日常的工作模式,以便于进一步挖掘个人的创作秩序。
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哈维尔创作现场 图片:Points
哈维尔的工作将个人想法、情境和物件糅合进艺术化的叙述,并且系统性地用他们来占据一个特定的空间。驻地期间,他描述了这样一个情境,“当我平躺在空间中心,蚊子携带着自己的血液在其身体周围绕行,又或者是混合着这个昆虫的血液。我的身体和蚊子是一个脆弱且不完美的太阳系模型。” 他描述的如同一个虚构雕塑,而这个虚构的雕塑也的确在展览中成为了一个引导支撑——表明他建立的创作秩序是将艺术家的身体作为的核心,与一个外部的“合作者”共同完成创作,并留有不可控性。
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易连创作现场 图片:Points
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艺术家共同创作 图片:Points
开幕时间:2019年6月22日 15:00
Points International Residency Project II : Leading a Life of Idle Pleasure
Artists:Javier González Pesce | Yi Lian
Time:June 22th, 2019
Location:No.1, Wutong Xifeng Yuan, Jinxi Ancient Town, Kunshan City
Opening Time:June 22th, 15:00-19:00
Artist's Talk:4:00-5:00pm
Organized by:Points Center for Contemporary Art
Supported by:Fortress Contemporary Art Foundation
Leading a Life of Idle Pleasure is intended to be a way of making a living without paying attention to the way of solving the problem of earning a living through the means of labor production. However, in different contexts, its orientation is mixed – on the one hand, agricultural workers in the Spring and Autumn Period were civilians, and the scholars Leading a Life of Idle, which is similar to ancient Greek nobles, though they were well-read; on another lazy hand, Leading a Life of Idle can mean that people are not diligent, and grain is not divided. The two artists who participated in the exhibition, Javier González Pesce and Yi Lian, are neither the former nor the latter. They rely on the mechanism of the residency project to obtain the time and space to Leading a Life of Idle, which is often different from the daily working mode, so as to further explore the creative order of the individual.
Pesce's work combines personal ideas, situations, and objects into artistic narratives and systematically uses them to occupy a specific space. During his stay, he described such a situation: "When I lie flat in the center of the space, mosquitoes carry my own blood around their bodies, or are mixed with the blood of this insect. My body and mosquitoes are a fragile and imperfect solar system model." He described it as a fictional sculpture, and this fictional sculpture did become a guiding support in the exhibition — indicating that his creative order was the core of the artist's body, and the external "collaborators" work together to create the creation and leave it uncontrollable.
Yi Lian's creative approach differs from Pesce. He is more inclined to be a situational producer, to leave the subject or other creatures in the situation to react, and then to create a sense of alienation, strangeness, an imagination outside daily life. In residency at Jinxi, there is a place similar to Yi Lian's hometown, water with which he is familiar. He invited outsiders and locals to enter the waters, which is different from previous creations — the text becomes a very important element. Yi Lian will tell a story and dialogue on the water, extract it into text, and run this through the beginning and end of this creation.
Artist residency projects often occur in venues with different situations, facilities with different conditions, and shifting institutional reputations, but all roads lead to Rome in that all residencies create time and space for artists to create. Especially at the moment when it is difficult to get to time to be Leading a Life of Idle, the residency provides an artist with practical and effective supplements outside the studio, exhibition, and gallery. At the end of this period, we will present in parallel the interactive content of the two artists in a number of spaces at Points Center for Contemporary Art.
几点当代艺术中心 Points Center for Contemporary Art
图片版权归属几点 Courtesy of Points
几点当代艺术中心(Points Center for Contemporary Art)于2017年创立,致力于支持全球当代艺术创作与记录、推广当代艺术与文化研究,主要项目包括艺术家驻留、档案数据库建设、展览及公共教育活动等。艺术中心提倡“艺术中的生活”,邀请并支持具有当代艺术创作视野的全球艺术家在地生活、创作,与在地文化艺术形成联结,以此激发全球化当代创作的能量。几点致力于为艺术创作者提供优质的条件,并为公众建立与当代艺术互动的环境和平台。
Points Center for Contemporary Art, founded in 2017, is devoted to the creation and recording of contemporary art and the promotion of art and culture. Main projects include artist residency, the construction of an archival database, exhibitions, and public education activities. The center advocates "life within art", inviting and supporting the life and creation of global artists in this center, forming a connection with local art and culture. We espouse contemporary artistic vision and explosive creative power in order to stimulate the energy of globalized contemporary creation. Points devotes itself to providing high-quality conditions for art creators and creating an environment and platform for the public to interact with contemporary art.
