“Punctum”—— 倪志琪个展
Punctum:the art of Ni Zhiqi
艺术家Artist:倪志琪 NiZhiqi
策展人Curator:Jan Van Woensel
开幕式 Opening: 2019.07.10 18:00 - 21:00
展览时间 During:2019.07.03 — 07.13
Ladislava Sutnara Gallery
Riegrova 11, 30100 Plzeň
展览标题“Punctum”涉及到Roland Barthes 在1980年出版的书籍《露琪达的相机:关于摄影的思考》(Camera Lucida:Reflections onPhotography)一书中的概念,“伤口”的出现建立了一种物体或人的直接关系。“然而,刺点并没有表现出对某一种道德或品味的偏爱:刺点可能是粗野的” 来自:Roland Barthes,(《露琪达的相机:关于摄影的思考》第43页)
倪志琪(1957年,生于中国上海)在捷克共和国的首次个展“Punctum” 触碰了污染这个话题; 当代生活中令人瞠目结舌的伤口之一和大规模生产下的一次性物品的直接副作用。
—— Jan Van Woensel
▲倪志琪《Punctum #3》综合材料 2019
▲倪志琪《Punctum #4》综合材料 2019
▲倪志琪《Punctum #8》综合材料 2019
倪志琪教授此次在捷克共和国的个展得到了捷克西波西米亚大学艺术与设计学院(Ladislav Sutnar Facultyof Design and Art,University of West Bohemia)的大力支持和帮助,展览的同时倪志琪教授还将与西波西米亚大学艺术与设计学院合作,主持为期一周的学生创作工作营。为此我谨代表华东师范大学设计学院向西波西米亚大学艺术与设计学院和院长Dean Josef Mi?tera 、艺术家Prof.Ji?í Beránek' 、副院长Vojtěch Aubrecht表示衷心的感谢。
—— 华东师范大学设计学院院长 魏劭农教授
▲倪志琪《Punctum #9》综合材料 2019
▲倪志琪《Punctum #11》综合材料 2019
▲倪志琪《Punctum #17》综合材料 2019
The exhibition title “Punctum”refers to a concept from Roland Barthes' 1980 book “Camera Lucida: Reflectionson Photography” and refers to the appearance of “the wound” as something thatestablishes a direct relationship with the objector person within it. "Yetthe punctum shows no preference for morality or good taste: the punctum can beill-bred" from:Roland Barthes, “CameraLucida: Reflections on Photography” (Page 43).
Ni Zhiqi's (b. 1957,Shanghai, China) first solo exhibition in the Czech Republic, “Punctum” touchesupon the subject of pollution; one of the gaping wounds of contemporary lifeand an immediate side-effect of disposable objects of mass-production.
Ni Zhiqi uses plastic asthe art medium of his choice. Here by, the artist touches upon “the planet'swound” of plastic waste and presents it as an alarming problem that affects ourecosystem. By recycling plastic waste Ni Zhiqi successfully transforms trashinto aesthetic artworks while never neglecting the depths of the environmentalproblem we are faced with.
▲倪志琪《Punctum #22》综合材料 2019
▲倪志琪《Punctum #23》综合材料 2019
▲倪志琪《Punctum #31》综合材料 2019
—— Jan Van Woensel
Punctum is Ni Zhiqi'sfirst solo exhibition in Czech Republic. His inspiration is from theobservation and extracting of our quotidian life. He inputs them and outputs asart works.
In today's society, withthe domination of consumerism values, consuming is more and more far away fromour real needs. The materials are bearing a functional expression ofsocial status and self-recognition. An excessive desire for materialscauses an unnecessary wasting of our resources. The Artist continues his usualcreation style, with geometric composition as aprotagonist, he tries to use thereflective PVC, express delivery bags, plasticpackages······ all these things whichare difficult to be degraded become main materials in his art creations, andthe recycling eco-friendly ideas give the rebirth to old things.
The artist is alwaysextremely sensitive to the materials' visual effect and their own natures, heremains on purpose the marks of used materials, with the overlapping ofdifferent colors and materials to seal time and memory. So those works thatseem abstract, actually they contain a speculative thinking to the time andspace of himself.
These art works aredifferent from a conventional esthetic experience, they are attempting toenlarge the esthetic impact which is extended from the details, waking a moreinternal and primitive sensation. So the works offer to the public a way ofwatching——based on the known surface, to feel the punctum.
Professor Ni Zhiqi is afamous contemporary artist in China, he studied in Antwerp, Belgiumat Royal Academy of Fine Arts. His art works are displayed on many occasions inexhibitions in China andabroad. Ni Zhiqi is also professor and art director ofSchool of Design of East China Normal University and he has been for many yearsthe responsible for the teaching works of Public Arts Department andthe curator of art exhibitions of School of Design of East China NormalUniversity. As a professor, Ni Zhiqi also had huge success, the PublicArts Department of School of Design of East China Normal University hadsplendid achievements andhas always a very good reputation in national andinternational field. Many of his students have become the mostactive andinfluential artists in Shanghai and in China.
This time this soloexhibition of Prof.Ni Zhiqi had strong support and help from Ladislav SutnarFaculty of Design and Art of University of West Bohemia, during the exhibitionperiod, Professor NiZhiqi will also hold a one week creative workshop inLadislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art. Here on behalf of School of Designof East China Normal University, I would like to express my sincere thanks toDean Josef Mi?tera, Artist Prof. Ji?í Beránek, Vice-Dean Prof. Vojtěch Aubrechtof Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Designand Art of University of West Bohemia.
Prof.Wei Shaonong
School of Design
East China Normal University
倪志琪 1957年出生于中国上海,早年曾在比利时安特卫普皇家美术学院研究生院留学深造,并获得比利时卡雷尔·维斯拉特(Karel Veslat)艺术展一等奖。现任教于华东师范大学,工作和生活于上海。倪志琪的作品曾多次展出于亚洲及欧洲,并被广泛收藏。他的个展及群展包括:《真空、干地与房间》,艺术门画廊(上海空间),中国上海;《书上的记忆》(2018),米兰10 Corso Como上海空间;《新加坡总统基金艺术展》(2014),新加坡旧国会大厦,新加坡;《第三届中国油画展》(2003),中国美术馆,中国北京;《德国慕尼黑当代艺术邀请展》(2002),慕尼黑当代艺术中心,德国慕尼黑;《卡雷尔·维斯拉特(Karel Veslat)艺术展》(1994),比利时安特卫普;《倪志琪个人艺术展:绘画》(1994),国家高等艺术学院美术馆,比利时安特卫普;《首届中国油画展》(1987),上海展览中心,中国上海;《日本大阪神户巡回艺术展》(1986),大阪艺术大学美术馆,日本;《前进中的中国青年美展》(1985),中国美术馆,中国北京。
Ni Zhiqi b.1957 inShanghai, China. In the early years, he furthered his MFA study at the RoyalAcademy of Fine Arts, and won the first prize at the Karel Veslat ArtExhibition. He is currently teaching at East China Normal University, lives andworks in Shanghai. Ni’s works have been featured in exhibitions in Asia andEurope and widely collected. His solo show and group shows including Vaccum.Dry Land.Into the Room (Pearl Lam Galleries, Shanghai, China,2018), Memory on the book (10 Corso Como,Shanghai, China, 2018), Singapore Presidential Fund Art Exhibition (TheArts House At The Old Parliament, Singapore, 2014), The 3rd ChineseOil Painting Exhibition (China Museum of Art, Beijing, China,2003), Munich Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Artists (Pinakothek der Moderne,Munich, German, 2002), Exhibition Tour of Nine Artists (MunicipalMuseum of Brussels, Belgium, German, 1994), The 1st Chinese OilPainting Exhibition (Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai,China, 1987), Art Exhibition Tour in Osaka and Kobe (Osaka Universityof Arts, Japan, 1986), Art Exhibition of International and NationalYoung Artists, (China Museum of Art, Beijing, China,1985).
