Gestalt and the Gaze
Part of Neo-Mōrōism Exhibition Series
2019. 6.11 — 9.10
6.29 16:30
Curator:Wang Shuye
Zhu Jianzhong
Wang Shuye
Ye Jianqing
Tian Wei

Wang Shuye
Extensive and adequate understanding of “Neo-Mōrōism” and its artistic aspirations has been lacking ever since the movement’s inception. This exhibition attempts to offer up a concise theoretical framework with which to maneuver in it, in the hope of sparking in-depth analysis and further clarifying the concepts underpinning Neo-Mōrōism.
First of all, our exploration of artists who fall under the moniker of Neo-Mōrōism must be set apart from the objectives of former Mōrō modes of visual expression. Neo-Mōrōism entails an emphasis on world views and modes of viewing, whereas the objective of previous Mōrō visual expressions remained largely confined to evoking the imagination by way of implicit metaphorical devices. Neo-Mōrōism subverts the viewing patterns of a deterministic world view, while also making up for the latter’s lacunae. Only by combining the visual expression of Mōrō with the deep-digging nature of a non-deterministic world view, can the matter of viewing be probed into more profoundly. If we view everything from the all-encompassing perspective of the spatio-temporal world, we perceive the uncertainty in all differentiation and variation of things. Conversely, hidden beneath a non-deterministic world view lies the holistic stance of existence itself, as well as a holistic absoluteness and immutability. This thorough, non-deterministic perception constitutes a “transcendent viewing” which remains constant despite the transformation of all things. It’s a wisdom-based perspective from which to understand our never-ending existence, and is wholly different from understanding the fickleness of things through intellectual cognition.
Painting is the most direct presentation of ways of seeing. By representing objects in such a way that it eliminates or reduces certainty and differentiation, attempts are made to get rid of or reduce artificial world views that involve objectification, attribution of meaning, conceptualization and intellectualization, and instead usher in an inert mental state that helps people cut loose from their diacritical understanding of things, and enables them to perceive the non-cognition-based, absolute world. The “cognition” referred to here, means using a differentiating gaze to size up and discern things, i.e. an ideological process of contrastive differentiation. The whole or gestalt, on the other hand, is an absolute existence which has not been interfered with by cognition (nor can it be). Hence, the cognitive gaze discerns the reality of that which is relative, local and in flux. The non-cognitive gaze, in turn, sees an absolute, holistic and everlasting reality.
In doing so, Mōrō’s non-deterministic visual representation is assigned brand-new objectives and concepts. The Neo-Mōrōist artistic praxis alters ideational concepts on a fundamental level, and reframes systems of perception, thus allowing us to receive new experiences pertaining to the world, different from those we’ve been accustomed to.
The current state of affairs of Chinese contemporary art is plain for all to see, and yet it still hasn’t been able to cast off the methodological yoke of Western contemporary art. Neo-Mōrōist explorations in the visual arts are geared towards giving full scope to oriental spiritual thought and wisdom-based experience. It involves calling into question the rational premise of modern society as well as the conceptual foundations of our existing modes of perception, while constructing breakthrough artistic methods through trial and error.
Having personally coined the term Neo-Mōrōism, I ought to include the following addendum. The reason I added the prefix ‘Neo’ and suffix ‘-ism’ to the word “Mōrō” at the time, was precisely because I had come up with the abovementioned new objectives, ideas and methods.
The artists featured in this exhibition are, without exception, all major participants of the previous Neo-Mōrōism exhibitions. They each have their own distinct ‘look’ and ‘thoughts’ on the visual expression that is ‘Mōrō’. In this, my opaque writing leaves room for one caveat: for a more comprehensive and detailed introduction to these artists and their works, we must rely on further elaboration provided by them in future discussions and events to come.
Beijing, first month of summer, 2019

Zhu Jianzhong

朱建忠 镜像 一 170x95cm 纸本水墨 2019

朱建忠 镜像 二 138x68cm 纸本水墨 2019

朱建忠 自在 二 68x138cm 纸本水墨 2019
Wang Shuye

王舒野 “下楼梯的裸女”的时空裸体 即 131 ...

王舒野 “下楼梯的裸女”的时空裸体 即 132 ...

王舒野 “下楼梯的裸女”的时空裸体 即 133 ...

「溪山行旅图」的时空裸体 · 即(127) ...

王舒野 “下楼梯的裸女”的时空裸体 即 123 ....

王舒野 “下楼梯的裸女”的时空裸体 即 123 ....
Ye Jianqing

叶剑青 高云之外 460x200cm

叶剑青 渐上九霄 450x200cm 2019
Tian Wei

田卫 六十甲子 A Cycle of sixty years
66x33cmx60 纸本水墨 2019
Tokyo Gallery+BTAP invites you to celebrate
2019.6.11(Tues)- 2019.9.10(Tues)
展会 | Art Basel in Basel
参展艺术家:Atsuko Tanaka,Sadamasa Motonaga,Ushio Shinohara,
Tomio Miki,Kishio Suga,Jiro,Takamatsu,Aiko Miyawaki,Nobuya Abe,
Park Seo-bo
2019.6.11(Tues)-6.16 (Sun)
7F, 8-10-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo104-0061 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3571-1808 Fax: +81-3-3571-7689
Ceramics Third Street, 798 Art ZoneE02
4 Jiu Xian Qiao, Rd., Chao YangDistrict, Beijing,
Tel: +86-10-5978-4838
Mail: info@tokyo-gallery.com
Web: www.tokyo-gallery.com
