Yao Qingmei, The Trial, 2013, Video, 9 min, Courtesy the Artist and Magician Space
地点:Para Site艺术空间,香港鰂鱼涌英皇道677号 荣华工业大厦22楼
姚清妹的行为录像作品《审判》即将于香港Para Site艺术空间的群展项目《偷单车的人》中展出。
姚清妹,1982年出生于浙江乐清。作品多使用干预性的方法对现实中的权力系统与惯常认知提出质疑,她以批判的方式与其所涉及的主题保持一定距离。作品以荒诞滑稽却又诗意浪漫的表演形式与姿态,结合对象征形式的挪用和错位,探寻权力意义的变化。她的创作或是发生在公共场合的行为介入,或是结合了舞蹈、音乐、文本、物件与图像的类似舞台剧的表演及其影像。2017年获保时捷首届“中国青年艺术家年度评选”大奖,2014年获得法国第59届蒙鲁日(Salon de Montrouge)艺术奖评委特别奖。其作品曾在东京宫,Rochechouart美术馆,尤伦斯艺术中心等艺术机构展出。
Bicycle Thieves
Curator: Hanlu Zhang
Opening reception: 7:00 - 9:00pm, Jun 28, 2019
Duration: Jun 29 – Sep 1
Locaition: Para Site, 22/F, Wing Wah Industrial Building, 677 King’s Road, Quarry Bay
Yao Qingmei’s video “The Trial” will be participating in the group exhibition “Bycycle Thieves” at Para Site, Hong Kong.
Bicycle Thieves is interested in the fine line between sharing and stealing. Paying tribute to theeponymous Italian neorealist film in which a worker spends all his family savings to buy thebicycle needed for a new job but ends up losing the bike at the hands of a thief on his first dayof work, the group exhibition extends the film’s concern to a contemporary context andhighlights individuals’ precarious status as situated within increasingly tricky relations tovarious institutions and systems.
About the Artist
Yao Qingmei (b.1983, Zhejiang) currently lives and works in Paris. She achieved DNSEP with honors from Villa Arson, Nice, France in 2013, and was awarded the winner of Prix spécial du jury at the 59th Salon de Montrouge the next year. Yao often uses an interventionist approach to re-imagine and perturb the parameters of reality to yield new possibilities. Layering absurdist gesture with poetic action, a particular emphasis is placed on how symbolic gestures gain or lose power through acts of displacement and appropriation. Her theatrical performances and interventions find form in areas overlapping burlesque techniques of parody, which combine with framing devices influenced by theatre sets and costume, pedagogical lectures, political satire and modern dance choreography.
Exhibition View | Yao Qingmei "The Ecdysiast"
西安现场 | 姚清妹 :三足鼎及其鼎纹探究 - 关于“镰锤”符号起源和发展的几种假设”
Email: info@magician-space.com
Instagram: magicianspace
Facebook: magicianspace
开放时间:周二至周六 10:30 - 18:30
