
≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆

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≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 Tao Hui

你好,尽头! Hello, Finale!, 2017

高清录像装置(彩色、有声)HD video installation (color, sound)

40 min


Installation view at Red Brick Art Museum, 2020


Image courtesy of Red Brick Art Museum

 摄影:邢宇 Photo by Xing Yu

正在展出 Current Exhibition

群展 Group Exhibition 

“2020 +” 

陶辉 Tao Hui

展期 Duration: 2020.8.1-10.18

地址 Address: 红砖美术馆



Red Brick Art Museum

100 meters  west of the intersection between Maquanying West Road and  Shunbai Road, Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang Township, Chaoyang District, Beijing

(Scroll down for English version)

1938年,英国诗人奥登参观布鲁塞尔美术馆后,将观看16世纪荷兰古典大师勃鲁盖尔(Bruegel Pieter the Elder)作品的感悟融入了《美术馆》这首充满视觉性的诗歌中,在这里,苦难、悲剧和众生的场景交错出现,平静中透露着沉郁悲凉。 


≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 Tao Hui

你好,尽头! Hello, Finale!, 2017


Installation view at Red Brick Art Museum, 2020


Image courtesy of Red Brick Art Museum

 摄影:邢宇 Photo by Xing Yu

奥拉维尔·埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)为2020年“世界地球日”创作的《地球视角》,将作为“2020+”展览的线上作品呈现给观众。艺术家以地球上9个特殊的自然、人文事件的地点,创作了9张不同角度的地球图像。这一作品表达了地图、空间以及地球本身是被建构出来的事实,无论是个人还是集体,都有权利从新的视角去探索和解读这个世界。

展览的线下部分在瑞秋·罗斯(Rachel Rose)的影片《一分钟前》中拉开帷幕:西伯利亚平静海岸上陡然刮起冰雹,狼狈的半裸游客们慌忙避难;影片的下一个场景则复制了当时已年届九十的著名建筑师菲利普·约翰逊(Philip Johnson)的访谈场景。访谈拍摄于他1949年设计的位于森林中的玻璃房子,“玻璃房成为象征不可避免的灾难性未来的纪念碑”。作品构成了一个庞杂、动荡而濒临破碎的虚构世界,探索了内部与外部、死亡与生命多个状态之间的复杂关系。

≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 Tao Hui

你好,尽头! Hello, Finale!, 2017


Installation view at Red Brick Art Museum, 2020


Image courtesy of Red Brick Art Museum

 摄影:邢宇 Photo by Xing Yu




≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 Tao Hui

你好,尽头! Hello, Finale!, 2017


Installation view at Red Brick Art Museum, 2020


Image courtesy of Red Brick Art Museum

 摄影:邢宇 Photo by Xing Yu


陶辉《你好,尽头》自制影片播放器 明信片 

After British poet W. H. Auden visited the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels in 1938, he incorporated his feelings on seeing the work of sixteenth-century Dutch master Pieter Bruegel the Elder into his very visual poem “Musée des Beaux Arts.” Here, suffering, tragedy, and life are presented in interlocking scenes, and gloom and desolation are revealed amidst the calm. 

In 2020, we have been confronted with the most difficult pandemic in one hundred years, and sudden public crises and social upheavals have blanketed the globe. All of the known coordinates for the individual and the collective, life and nature, the present and eternity have led to a crossroads. Yan Shijie, curator of this exhibition, noted, “2020 has already become a ‘boundary stele’ for us, and tangible and intangible words have become frozen in eternal collective memories.” Through the unique ideas and actions of fifteen artists, “2020+ attempts to open a multi-dimensional space for understanding. 

≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 Tao Hui

你好,尽头! Hello, Finale!, 2017


Installation view at Red Brick Art Museum, 2020


Image courtesy of Red Brick Art Museum

 摄影:邢宇 Photo by Xing Yu

Earth perspectives, 2020, a work that Olafur Eliasson created for the Serpentine Galleries’ Back to Earth project, will be presented in the online portion of Red Brick Art Museum’s “2020+” exhibition. The artist selected nine places on earth for their natural or human significance and created maps from these nine perspectives. This work shows that maps, space, and the Earth itself are constructed, and we all have the power to explore and interpret the Earth from new perspectives, whether individually or collectively. 

The exhibition’s offline portion begins with Rachel Rose’s film A Minute Ago. The film starts with a hailstorm pelting down unexpectedly on a quiet beach in Siberia. People, half naked, run for cover under towels and parasols. The next scene is an interview of famed architect Philip Johnson, then in his nineties. The interview was shot in the Glass House that he designed in a forest in 1949. The Glass House has become a monument to an unavoidable and disastrous future. The film is a complex fabricated world in the midst of upheaval and on the verge of collapse, which allows us to explore the complex relationships between internal and external, life and death.   

≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 Tao Hui

你好,尽头! Hello, Finale!, 2017


Installation view at Red Brick Art Museum, 2020


Image courtesy of Red Brick Art Museum

 摄影:邢宇 Photo by Xing Yu

Tao Hui’s Hello, Finale! is a series of nine videos arranged in an orderly array within the exhibition space, which emphasize the intertextual and parallel relationships between the content of the work. The protagonists in frame have incomplete and one-sided conversations on the telephone; shot in Kyoto, the stories narrated in Japanese are adapted from Chinese news and the artist’ s personal experiences. These clips, with their sense of distance and yet familiarity, all echo the sense of finitude, which forms their main theme.

- Text from Red Brick Art Museum

艺术家简介 About the artist

陶辉1987年出生于重庆云阳,毕业于四川美术学院的油画系,现工作生活于北京。虽然毕业于油画系,但陶辉的作品以影像和装置艺术为主,从个人记忆、视觉经验和大众文化中积累素材,通过提炼与改造形成崭新的叙事模式和影像风格。陶辉从社会身份、性别地位、种族问题和文化危机等问题入手,以荒诞、吊诡、夸张的场景搭建,充满隐喻和错位感的人物设置,呈现出当代人的集体经验,带动观者正视自身的文化历史、生存现状和社会身份。他曾于2008年获得四川美术学院的“当代艺术档案特殊奖”,并在2015年荣获三亚艺术季华宇青年奖评委会大奖。2015年陶辉在SESC巴西录像艺术节“南部全景”单元上获得特奖,又于2017年先后入选HUGO BOSS亚洲新锐艺术家大奖和KINO DER KUNST电影节“国际竞赛”单元。2019年,他入围首届由香港M+展亭成立的希克奖。他的个展包括:OCAT西安馆的“一点儿不多余”(2017)和北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心的“新倾向:陶辉”(2015)。参加的群展包括:国立亚洲文化殿堂(ACC)群展(2019);罗马当代艺术博物馆的“SESC巴西录像艺术节影像展”(2019);第四届温哥华双年展"re-IMAGE-n"(2019);上海外滩美术馆和Para Site艺术空间的”百物曲“(2019);上海当代艺术博物馆的第11届上海双年展“何不再问”(2016年);巴黎路易威登基金会的“本土:变革中的中国艺术家”(2016);上海K11基金会的“骇客空间”(2016);圣保罗SESC巴西录像艺术节“南部全景”单元(2013)。

≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客


Image courtesy of the Artist,

Edouard Malingue Gallery

and Esther Schipper Gallery

Tao Hui was born in Yunyang, Chongqing, China. He graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with a BFA in Oil Painting in 2010 and currently lives and works in Beijing, China. Tao traversed into the art of video and installation, drawing from personal memories, visual experiences and popular culture to weave an experimental visual narration, the focus of which is often our collective experience. Running throughout his work is a sense of misplacement vis-à-vis social identity, gender status, ethnicity and cultural crisis, prompting the audience to face their own cultural histories and living conditions. He won the special award of Contemporary Art Archive from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2008 and ‘Art Sanya & Huayu Youth Award’ in Sanya in 2015. He also won the grand prize of 19th “Contemporary Art Festival Sesc Videobrasil”, and was shortlisted for “HUGO BOSS ASIA ART Award for Emerging Asian Artists” and International Competition sector of the KINO DER KUNST festival in 2017. In 2019, he is shortlisted for the inaugural Sigg Prize. His solo exhibitions include OCAT Xi’an, Xi’an, China, 2017; UCCA, Beijing, China, 2015. Group exhibitions include Asia Culture Center(ACC) group exhibition, Gwangju, Korea, 2019; ‘Collezione Videobrasil, Opere Vincintrici Del Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil’, MACRO ASILO, Rome, Italy, 2019; ‘re-IMAGE-n’, the 4th Vancouver Biennale, Vancouver, Canada, 2019; ‘An Opera for Animals’, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China / Para Site, Hong Kong, China (2019); 11th Shanghai Biennale’, PSA, Shanghai, China, 2016; Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France, 2016; chi K11 Art Space, Shanghai, China, 2016; ‘Contemporary Art Festival Sesc Videobrasil: Southern Panoramas’, São Paulo, Brazil, 2013, 2015.


≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

≡ 陶辉 | 群展“2020 +” | 北京红砖美术馆 陶辉 红砖美术馆 北京 群展 Tao Hui 你好 尽头 Hello Finale 崇真艺客

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