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这些作品展示了一个时尚并丰富的世界,其中漂亮的衣服不仅占据主导地位,并具有文化共鸣。相比于面孔,衣服和配饰更为重要: 昂贵的鞋子、手表、腰带是艾柯诺作品中最突出的部分。它们印证了时尚杂志中对某种生活方式的盲目崇拜,也描绘了在隐约中赫然浮现的城市” [1]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Ring...Ring... 嘟……嘟…… | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 62.9 cm | detail 局部


“这个展览,我想要在作品中引入脸孔,这是我曾试图避免的。匿名是我早期作品的一个重要的主题,所以这是一个挑战,特别是我在使用图像拼贴这样的形式。有些人物是虚构的,有些是我的朋友。” [2]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | 2020 | installation view 现场图

“‘替身’的意思是电影中的裸体或特技替身。但我更感兴趣的是替身在心理学上的含义。替身来自1984年由Brian De Palma合作编写,制作,并导演的一部新黑色惊悚片。这部惊悚片有着独特的窥探视角。” [3]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Body Double 替身 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 14.6 x 40.6 cm

“《替身》在某种程度上,是整个展览的一个原始的草图。这是我在这次展览开始所有绘画之前所做的第一个参考。这些身体都是从我的脑海中直接画出来的,这是两个不同的人,穿着同样的衣服,是一个令人困惑的画面。” [4]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 |2020 |installation view 现场图 

“我们邂逅艾科诺的拼贴画中出现的人物,他们看起来沉稳而坚实。我们渴望与他们对话,然而作品中大量的图像碎片被揉合成一个看似天衣无缝的形象,使我们无法在这神秘难测的故事中找到自己。” [5]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | 2020 |installation view 现场图 

“《乔希》和《斯科特》是一对朋友的肖像,这是我第一次为了肖像画而描绘模特,在本次展览中非常重要。” [6]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Josh 乔希 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 63.2 cm

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Scott 斯科特 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 62.9 cm 

“通常情况下,我会直接从脑海中的画面开始画或者看一堆不同的参考照片。但在这两幅作品中,我想把它们精确地拼贴在一起。我让乔希和斯科特摆出相似但不同的姿势。我认为他们互为替身,相似的身型穿着相似的衣服。色彩的选择是一个循序渐进的过程。在制作它们之前,我想整个展览的配色方案应该是一致的。但是当我开始制作这些作品时,我感到它们太有限了,我需要对每一幅拼贴作品做不同的处理。替身的概念也没有那么夸张。” [7]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | 2020 | installation view 现场图 

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Quarter to Midnight 午夜前一刻钟 | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 75.6 x 50.8 cm

“《夜烟》和《午夜前一刻钟》是另一组替身的拼贴。这两个人物不是任何特意义上特定的人——他们都是虚构的形象,由我所使用的不同模特的零零碎碎组成,这也是我通常的创作方式。《午夜前一刻钟》来自于1986年上映的电影《爱你九周半》中的一个夜晚场景,一个女人在深夜接到一个电话,你感到她会因为目睹了什么而受到攻击。” [8]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Quarter to Midnight 午夜前一刻钟 | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 75.6 x 50.8 cm | detail 局部

“在屏幕上观看艾科诺的作品无法领略其创作过程的精妙。每个色块似乎都是从画纸上分开剪下来,然后像拼图游戏一样拼凑起来的。因此,作品表面有微妙的浮雕,色块之间产生清晰的边界,因而避免了如何处理两个色块之间的过渡的绘画难题。这原本可能会导致一种传统意义上现代主义的平面感,但是,喷枪所形成的微妙渐变的色块,加上具有透视感的切割方式,营造了一个浅浅的空间,创造出一种隐含心理内容的视角。”  [9]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Night Smoke 夜烟 | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 111.4 x 44.1 cm

“在闲暇和玩耍的私人时刻,我的匿名拍摄对象被安排在场景中,这些场景的戏剧性被高对比度的调色板和鲜明的图像形式所强化。这些形象是建立在黑色幽默和荒诞之上的。张力在每一种心理情景中被创造出来,并被带至控制和欲望的主题中。” [10]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Richmond Blue 里士满蓝调 | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 61 x 45.7 cm

“《夜烟》和《里士满蓝调》是同一个人,这也是一种形式的替身。我在这些拼贴画中使用了珠宝色调的调色板来烘托夜晚的氛围。” [11]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | 2020 | installation view 现场图 

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Ring...Ring... 嘟……嘟…… | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 62.9 cm

“《嘟... 嘟... 》是另一个我首次做的肖像拼贴系列中的作品。这个模特依然是我的朋友斯科特。我希望他是无聊的或焦急地在等待着什么。我深深地被电话线、打电话和电话中交谈的人们所吸引。就像观看恐怖电影里的某个时刻,你独自一人,然后突然电话响了...... ” [12]

安东尼 · 艾科诺在中国的首次个展于2020年10月20日至12月25日在胶囊上海展出,由胶囊上海和纽约Marinaro画廊联合呈现。

[1] Doupas, Vassilios. “Anthony Iacono: Night Bonding at the Approach, London”, Contemporary Art Society, 08.03.2019
[2] [3] [4] 安东尼 · 艾科诺谈 “替身”
[5] Simmons, William J. "The Complex Passions: Anthony Iacono's Radical Flânerie." Anthony Iacono: Talking to Strangers. Published by P.P.O.W. 画廊, 纽约,纽约州,2018. 
[6] [7] [8] 安东尼 · 艾科诺谈 “替身”
[9] Kardon, Dennis. "Cocktail Hour: Anthony Iacono at P.P.O.W.”, artcritical, 01.08.2015. 
[10] [11] [12] 安东尼 · 艾科诺谈 “替身”


胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客


安东尼 · 艾柯诺(生于1987年)现工作生活于纽约。他获得了视觉艺术学院(纽约)的学士学位和弗吉尼亚联邦大学(弗吉尼亚州里士满)的艺术硕士学位。他曾于2013年就读Skowhegan绘画雕塑学校,并成为LMCC Workspace和艺术与设计博物馆(纽约)的驻留艺术家。他曾在P.P.O.W.画廊(美国纽约)、 The Approach画廊(英国伦敦)和 Marinaro画廊(美国纽约)举办个展。

他的作品曾在 Jack Hanley画廊(美国纽约)、106 Green 画廊(美国纽约)和 Rockaway Topless(美国纽约)的群展中展出,并于《纽约杂志》《乡村之声》和《新美国绘画》等媒体刊登报道。2017年,他获得了Toby Devan Lewis奖金。他目前是Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program的驻留艺术家。

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Mark (Swatch) 马克(斯沃琪)| 2018 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 25.4 x 19.1 cm

"Anthony lacono's works on paper look like flat acrylic paintings. Appearances can be deceiving though: these are beautifully crafted collages that investigate the abstract pictorial elements of representation, but are at the same time spirited observations on the potential of colour. […] 

They speak of a world of style and exuberance in which smart clothes not only dominate but have cultural resonance too. Faces do not matter as much as garments and fashion accessories: expensive shoes, watches, belts are at the forefront of his compositions. They attest to the fetishization of a certain lifestyle which comes out of the pages of fashion magazines, but they also speak volumes about the city which looms in its absence." [1]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Body Double 替身 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 14.6 x 40.6 cm | detail 局部

"For this show, I wanted to start introducing faces into the work, something I tend to avoid. Anonymity was an important theme in my earlier works so this was a challenge, especially in this graphic collage form that I work in. Some of the people are invented and some are friends of mine.[2]

The meaning of body double is a nude or stunt stand in for a movie. But I'm more interested in the psychological aspect of what a body double could mean. Body Double comes from the 1984 neo-noir erotic thriller film co-written, produced, and directed by Brian De Palma. This erotic thriller has a unique vouyeristic perspective.[3]

'Body Double' is an initial sketch in a way for this entire show. It was the first thing I made as a reference before starting all of the drawings for the show. Though these are bodies just drawn from my head, it's a confusing image of two different people, wearing the same clothes. "[4]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | installation view 现场图 | 2020

"We encounter in lacono's collages figures that appear tightly composed and solid, but even as we long to be in dialogue with them, we cannot find ourselves in the multitudes of cuts and inscrutable stories brought together into a deceptively seamless image."[5]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
(L/左) Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Josh 乔希 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 63.2 cm | detail 局部
(R/右) Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Scott 斯科特 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 62.9 cm | detail 局部

"Josh and Scott are a pair of portraits of two friends of mine. And one of the first times where I've depicted the models for their likeness, which was important in this show. [6Typically. I make drawings from my head or from a bunch of different reference photos. But in these two works, I wanted to make accurate collages of them. I posed Josh and Scott in similar but different poses. I thought of them as being body doubles, similar body types dressed in similar clothes. The color was a real evolution. Before making them I thought the color scheme would be consistent through the whole show. But as I started making them, I felt like it was too limited and I needed to treat each collage differently. And the idea of the body double was not as exaggerated." [7]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | installation view 现场图 | 2020

"Night Smoke and Quarter to Midnight is the other set of collages that are body doubles. Both of these figures are not of anyone specific- they are invented bodies, made up from bits and pieces from all different models I use, which is how I normally work. Quarter to Midnight came from a night seen in the 1986 film 9 1/2 Weeks where a woman receives a call late at night and you think she is about to be attacked from witnessing as a viewer. "[8]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | installation view 现场图 | 2020

“Screen-based reproductions of Iacono’s work fail to convey the nuances of his process. Each colored area seems to have been separately cut from painted paper and then pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle. The surfaces therefore have a subtle relief, which produces sharply defined edges, and avoids the painterly conundrum of deciding how to handle the interaction where two colored shapes meet. This could result in a conventional modernist flatness, but the shapes, shaded and highlighted with such a light touch of the airbrush, or cut perspectivally, tend to carve out a shallow space and create a point of view that implies psychological content.” [9] 

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客
Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Seated 坐 | 2020 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 61 x 45.7 cm 

"Caught in private moments of leisure and play, my anonymous subjects are posed in scenarios whose theatricality is heightened by a high-contrast palette and sharp graphic forms. These queer images are built from dark humor and absurdity. Tension is created in each psychological arrangement and brought to themes of control and desire." [10]

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

(L/左): Anthony Iacono | Night Smoke 夜烟 | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 111.4 x 44.1 cm | detail 局部

(R/右):  Anthony Iacono | Richmond Blue 里士满蓝调 | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 61 x 45.7 cm | detail 局部

"Night Smoke and Richmond Blue are the same person. So there is that kind of body doubling too. I came up with a sort of jewel tone color palette in these collages to show a night time atmosphere." [11] 

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺 | Body Double 替身 | installation view 现场图 | 2020

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

Anthony Iacono 安东尼·艾柯诺Ring...Ring... 嘟……嘟…… | 2019 | acrylic on cut and collaged paper 纸上丙烯、拼贴 | 100.3 x 62.9 cm | detail 局部

"Ring... Ring... is another one of the first portraits I've made in collage form. The model is my friend Scott again. I wanted him to be bored and anxiously waiting on hold for something. I'm really attracted to phone cords and phone calls and people talking on phones. Like that moment in horror films where you are alone and then all of a sudden the phone rings..." [12]

Anthony Iacono’s first solo exhibition in China is on view at Capsule Shanghai from October 20th to December 25th, 2020 and is organized in collaboration with Marinaro, New York.

[1] Doupas, Vassilios. “Anthony Iacono: Night Bonding at the Approach, London”, Contemporary Art Society, 08.03.2019
[2] [3] [4] Anthony Iacono on “Body Double”
[5] Simmons, William J. "The Complex Passions: Anthony Iacono's Radical Flânerie." Anthony Iacono: Talking to Strangers. Published by P.P.O.W. Gallery, New York, NY, 2018. 
[6] [7] [8] Anthony Iacono on “Body Double”
[9] Kardon, Dennis. "Cocktail Hour: Anthony Iacono at P.P.O.W.”, artcritical, 01.08.2015. 
[10] [11] [12] Anthony Iacono on “Body Double”

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客


Anthony Iacono is an artist based in New York (b. 1987). He received his BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York and his MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. He attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 2013 and has been an artist in residence at LMCC Workspace and the Museum of Art and Design. He has had solo exhibitions at P.P.O.W. Gallery, The Approach and Marinaro Gallery.

His work has been included in group shows at Jack Hanley Gallery, 106 Green, and Rockaway Topless and he’s been featured in New York MagazineThe Village Voice and New American Paintings. In 2017 he was a recipient of the Toby Devan Lewis Fellowship Award. Iacono is currently a resident artist at the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program.


胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客




The gallery is open by appointment only. Please make a reservation via the mini-program below👇. Thank you for your support!

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

胶囊上海|安东尼·艾柯诺:替身|展览现场 安东尼 艾柯诺 现场 替身 胶囊 上海 纸上 作品 平面 丙烯 崇真艺客

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