
展览推荐|卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 & 谭平『暗蚀』

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展览推荐|卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 & 谭平『暗蚀』 卡尔·霍斯特 霍迪克 谭平 程序 ART LOOP 暗蚀 Einge dunkelt 艺术家 崇真艺客

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展览—— “暗蚀”

暗蚀 Eingedunkelt 


Artists:  Karl Horst Hödicke,  Tan Ping


Curator:Dr. Shen Qilan

开幕 Opening | 2020.11.14 16:00-18:00

展期 Duration | 2020.11.14 — 2021.2.28

地   址:上海狮語画廊,上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内 

Venue: Leo GalleryShanghai 

Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.

主办:中国狮語画廊 & 德国国王画廊

Organizer: Leo Gallery China & König Galerie Germany






“暗蚀”,是一种包含时间概念的状态,一件事物渐渐暗了下去,里面蕴藏着无数可能性。《暗蚀》一词,也曾是诗人保罗·策兰(Paul Celan)一首诗的标题。“暗蚀”之中,可能走向黑暗,但它也包含着光明,它是一种将明未明的状态,是黎明和夜晚的临界状态——万物呼吸,时间驻足,一切可逆。

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卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克  Karl Horst Hödicke

废墟(汉莎工作室)Ruine (Hansa Studio)  1976

布面聚酯树脂 polyester resin on canvas

200 x 200 x 2 cm 

三十年前,学生谭平和老师卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克(Karl Horst Hödicke)在柏林相遇,他们一同目击了人类社会的一个奇迹——柏林墙的倒塌和两德的统一。


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谭平 Tan Ping

柏林街道 Berlin Street  1989

 丙烯 Acrylic

40 x 60 cm




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谭平 Tan PIing

纪念 2020  Commemoration 2020

200 x300 x 2 cm

布面丙烯  Acrylic on canvas


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卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 Karl Horst Hödicke

弯曲的墙 Krumme Mauer  1988 

布面聚酯树脂 polyester resin on canvas 

140 x 190 x 2 cm 



文 / 沈奇岚

— Introduction —

To feel the world again, the soul commands us.

There is no escaping the dark eclipse of fate within this year, 2020.

There is no denying that we are already facing a new era. Many still don't have a clue, but the artist has already discerned a different light in the middle of the night.

In this exhibition "Eingedunkelt", we present the artworks keenly created to the times by two outstanding artists from China and Germany, who both reveal their expressions in their own ways, either warmly or profoundly, to express these critical moments of human destiny.

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谭平 Tan PIing

无题 Untitled, 2020

布面丙烯  Acrylic on Canvas  

150x 120cm

" Eingedunkelt " is a state that contains the concept of time, in which a thing gradually darkens and thus includes countless possibilities in it. The word " Eingedunkelt " was also the title of a poem by poet Paul Celan.

In Eingedunkelt, things could go towards either darkness or brightness. It is an ambiguous status of uncertainty, or a critical state between night and dawn - everything breathes, time stands still, and everything is reversible.

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卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 Karl Horst Hödicke黄色郁金香 Gelbe Tulpen 1992布面聚酯树脂 polyester resin on canvas150 x 190 cm  

Thirty years ago, student Tan Ping and teacher Karl Horst Hödicke met in Berlin and together they witnessed one of the miracles of human society: the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany. In the "Berlin Memory" section of the exhibition, the artists present their memories and commemorate the 30th anniversary of the reunification of Germany.

Thirty years later, the works of artist Tan Ping and artist Karl Horst Hödicke meet again in Shanghai to commemorate the year 2020.

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谭平 Tan PIing地铁 Metro  1990

布面丙烯  Acrylic on Canvas

23 x 28.5cm

For this exhibition, in different exhibition halls, the two artists are in dialogue on similar themes: about despair and hope, about ruins and the future, about Berlin in 1990 and the world in 2020.

Tan Ping's "Commemoration 2020" is undoubtedly a work of contemplation and frozen in time. The work is full of deep emotions. During the worst months of the epidemic, in his studio, he poured his inner turmoil, struggles and mixed emotions onto the canvas. In Remembrance 2020 represents what we are all going through in 2020, the unspoken inner emotions we feel when we face our fate, and the only thing we can do is to remain silent in front of the Wailing Wall.

Karl Horst Hödicke is one of the most important contemporary German neo expressionism artists, who paints in a wildly passionate and genuine style. His core subject is the lives and beings in Berlin, as well as his concern for the fate of the nation and the grief of the individual. He lived through the great political upheavals and dark moments in Germany, when his experiences and expressions of sorrow and struggle, hope and pain, echoed the universal destiny of humanity.

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卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 Karl Horst Hödicke

隧道尽头的光 Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels  2015

布面聚酯树脂, 带框 polyester resin on canvas, Framed 

190 x 240 cm  

In our fragmented modern age, a grand narrative of human destiny is not necessarily timely. But we cannot turn away from the truth of our times. In this new era of humanity, the comedy of the absurd and the tragedy of the classical are coming at the same time, the sting and the oblivion are happening at the same time, the myriad selves are divided like countless nights, and our lives are subjected to the directionless acceleration. The artist has to make his own response.


This exhibition, " Eingedunkelt ", is dedicated to all those who have experienced this year.

Text by Shen Qilan



展览推荐|卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 & 谭平『暗蚀』 卡尔·霍斯特 霍迪克 谭平 程序 ART LOOP 暗蚀 Einge dunkelt 艺术家 崇真艺客

卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克  Karl Horst Hödicke

卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克(Karl Horst Hödicke)1938年生于德国纽伦堡,被称之为是德国新表现主义的先行者,也是新野蛮主义运动最重要启蒙者之一。他与巴塞利兹(Baselitz),伊门多夫(Immendorff),吕佩尔茨(Lüpertz),库柏林(Koberling)和彭克(Penck) 一样,都是新具象主义的重要代表人物。



卡尔•霍斯特•霍迪克(Karl Horst Hödicke, 1938年出生于纽伦堡)在他19岁那年来到了柏林,在柏林艺术学院(现在的柏林艺术大学)学习。在1974年至2006年间,他在那里作为教授任教。在1964年,霍迪克作为联合创始人,在西柏林建立了“大戈尔申35”画廊一一一家具有革命性意义的合作画廊。霍迪克延续着他在柏林艺术界的深刻影响力。他十分多产,作品囊括了绘画,雕塑和电影。

他曾在许多场馆举办过个展,如柏林美术馆(2013), 维也纳美术馆(1999),贝拉斯艺术博物馆(1993 )等,也曾参加过许多群展。

Karl Horst Hödicke was born in Nuremberg,Germany, he is said to be the pioneer of German Neoexpressionism and one of the most important inspirer of the Neue Wilde movement, and 一 among Baselitz, Immendorff, Lüpertz, Koberling, and Penck 一 one of the major representatives of the New Figuration.

Since more than 50 years is Berlin one of his key sujets, beginning when it was still separated. Almost as a Chronicler he is drawing and painting with a fast and expressive brushwork the city itself, every-day sceneries, interiors, and its inhabitants.

Abstract and figurative are no contradictions to Hödicke, since he is picturing the world as he perceives it, often from his studio window at that time close to Potsdamer Platz.

Karl Horst Hödicke (*1938, in Nurimberg) moved to Berlin at the age of nineteen to pursue his studies at the Hochschule der Kunste (now the Universitat der Kunste), where he would later teach as a professor from 1974 until 2006. A co-founder, in 1964, of Großgörschen 35, a revolutionary cooperative gallery in West Berlin, Hödickehas continued to make a profound mark on the Berlin art scene. His prolific body of work includes paintings, sculptures, and films.

His work has been shown in numerous solo such as Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2013), Kunstmuseum Wien, Vienna (1999), Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao (1993) and group exhibitions.

展览推荐|卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 & 谭平『暗蚀』 卡尔·霍斯特 霍迪克 谭平 程序 ART LOOP 暗蚀 Einge dunkelt 艺术家 崇真艺客

 谭平  Tan Ping


他曾在许多场馆举办过个展,如德国驻华大使馆 (2011), 中国美术馆 (2012), 丹麦霍森斯现代美术馆 (2017), 上海余德耀美术馆 (2019), 深圳雅昌艺术中心美术馆等,也曾参加过许多群展。

Tan Ping was born in Chengde, Hebei Province in 1960. He currently lives and works in Beijing. Tan Ping is an artist who have mastered multiple mediums including painting, printmaking, multimedia art, installation art and design, etc. He graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984. Since the late 1980s, he has started to focus on the formalized abstract beauty, and created a series of copper plate etchings highlighting texture. In 1994, he graduated from Berlin University of the Arts with a master's degree and a Meisterschule degree. Tan Ping has undergone complete abstract art training in art educational institutions in the Western world, and thus have transformed his art from realism and expressionism, to abstraction. These special experiences have made him the very first Mainland Chinese artist to have completed education from the Western academic system.

His work has been shown in numerous solo such as German Embassy in China (2011) ; National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China (2012) ; Horsens Museum of Modern Art, Horsens, Denmark  (2017) ;YUZ MUSEUM, Shanghai, China (2019) ;Artron Art Center, China, Shenzheng (2020) and group exhibitions.

●●● THE END ●●●


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狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai
展览推荐|卡尔·霍斯特·霍迪克 & 谭平『暗蚀』 卡尔·霍斯特 霍迪克 谭平 程序 ART LOOP 暗蚀 Einge dunkelt 艺术家 崇真艺客


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, 

Shanghai 200031,China.

Tues-Sun: 11am-7pm (Public Holidays Closed)

+86 21 5465 3261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cn


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狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong
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香港皇后大道西 189 号 | 西浦 189

SOHO 189, 189 Queen's Road West, Hong Kong

Mon-Sat 11am-7pm (Public Holidays Closed)

+852 2803 2333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cn


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北京当代·艺术博览会以展会的形式作为突破点,致力于中国艺术的价值推广,把对当代中国艺术价值的内部梳理与外部传播作为核心工作, 并联合画廊、机构、藏家、传媒及品牌,在共融、合作的精神下,构建一个推动当代中国艺术发展的整合性平台,将已获得文化主体性与价值系统性的当代中国艺术推介给文化市场和社会公众。

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