
胶囊上海|Frieze NY|闫欣悦

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胶囊上海|Frieze NY|闫欣悦 胶囊 上海 NY|闫欣悦 闫欣悦 Xinyue Preview 公众 Public Days 地址 崇真艺客

闫欣悦:呼吸之间 Yan Xinyue: Breath to Breath
预览 Preview: 2022.05.18 - 19
公众日 Public Days: 2022.05.20 - 22
地址 Venue: 美国纽约 The Shed, Manhattan, New York
展位 Booth: FR2

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胶囊上海|Frieze NY|闫欣悦 胶囊 上海 NY|闫欣悦 闫欣悦 Xinyue Preview 公众 Public Days 地址 崇真艺客

Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | The Witch Girl 算命女孩 | 2022 | oil on canvas 布面油画 | 140 x 110 cm



胶囊上海|Frieze NY|闫欣悦 胶囊 上海 NY|闫欣悦 闫欣悦 Xinyue Preview 公众 Public Days 地址 崇真艺客

Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | The Sophisticated Home #2 精致的家2 | 2022 | oil on canvas 布面油画 | 135 x 108 cm

Text / Fiona He

Capsule Shanghai is pleased to participate in the Frame section of Frieze New York 2022, presenting “Breath to Breath”, a solo project by Chinese artist Yan Xinyue.

Yan Xinyue’s recent paintings unveil multiple facets of her understanding of urban life. With imagination, the artist translates individual circumstances, fleeting moments, and episodes she observes in the city onto the canvas, on which Yan highlights emotions such as passion, anxiety, and melancholy with a sense of detachment.

The contemporary city has been increasingly characterized by anonymity and delocalization, thus being transformed into similar “landscapes." These “landscapes” are constructed by a roster of painting techniques and color tones referring to Renaissance frescoes in Yan's images. She attempts to amplify subjective consciousness by portraying the perception at a particular moment and exploring possibilities of pictorial narrative and tension with skillful techniques. The artist foregrounds the objects that best capture emotions and abstracts the tension between multiple picture planes in the background. 

胶囊上海|Frieze NY|闫欣悦 胶囊 上海 NY|闫欣悦 闫欣悦 Xinyue Preview 公众 Public Days 地址 崇真艺客

Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | Give Me One More Glass 再来一杯 | 2022 | oil on canvas 布面油画 | 33 x 45 cm, 33 x 75 cm (diptych 双联画)

For example, in The Witch Girl, the girl’s teardrop rolls down her cheek, guiding the viewer’s gaze to the crystal ball at the center. The bright and fine droplets in the foreground of Give Me One More Glass signify the bitterness of white-collar workers in the city, fusing with the drunken girl in the burgundy-colored infused background. The vibrant red leaves in Affection Under the City Light subtly outline the word “Love," transforming the subconscious look up at the urban sky into a moment of desire, or even jealousy, while the ever-expanding space symbolizes the distance between the artist’s subjectivity and the objective reality. By contrasting and transforming perfection and incompleteness, Yan conjures these conflicting elements into one surface.

A compelling sense of wandering pervades Yan Xinyuan’s paintings. The free-falling figure with translucent wings set against a rhythmic and abstract background in Dancing in the Clouds indicates the persona's escaping consciousness. In The Sophisticated Home #2, the living orchid with prominent texture vividly projects the vitality and desire enwrapped in "urban living." Like film vignettes, these works on canvas do not point to a definite space, time, or motive but show some of the “poignant moments” in an urban dweller’s wandering life journey. Yan’s imageries invite viewers to outline the image of an urban woman and discover moments of transcendence between the cracks of working time.

胶囊上海|Frieze NY|闫欣悦 胶囊 上海 NY|闫欣悦 闫欣悦 Xinyue Preview 公众 Public Days 地址 崇真艺客


闫欣悦(1992年出生于黑龙江,成长在广东)目前⼯作⽣活于上海。她于2018年取得⽐利时安特卫普皇家美术学院(Royal Academy of Fine Art Antwerp)绘画专业的硕⼠学位。闫欣悦的作品关注着飞速发展的城市化下的人群和他们的状态。她习惯以戏剧化的形式来表达⽇常城市⽣活。闫欣悦的绘画⾥交织着不同的空间层次和⼒量,她⽆意将她的绘画置于明确的叙事⾥,⽽是邀请观者去解读,进⼊⼀个更开放的想象空间。闫欣悦坚持对绘画本身的可能性的探索,同时她的画⾯总以戏虐的态度使观者在严肃的当下现实中挣脱开来,在令⼈沉思的语境下寻找⼀丝玩趣。
闫欣悦的个人展览包括“夏日迷雾”(2020,胶囊上海,中国上海),群展包括在 Sans Titre (2016) (2022,法国巴黎),Present Projects(2021,中国香港), For Seasons Project(2021,瑞士苏黎世),荷兰Kunstpodium T画廊(2019,荷兰提尔堡),胶囊上海(2019,中国上海),A+亚洲当代艺术空间(2019,中国上海),De Brakke Grond弗拉芒文化中⼼(2018,荷兰阿姆斯特丹),巴黎艺术城(2017,法国巴黎)等。

Yan Xinyue (b.1992) is a Chinese artist who currently lives and works in Shanghai. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Art Antwerp (Belgium) with an MFA in painting in 2018. Yan's work portrays the tension in everyday life in the context of rapid urban development. She manipulates objects and subjects into different painterly forms - reality and fantasy are mixed on the same canvas, and the dynamic and the tranquil are blended - revealing the conflict between being a part of society and being an individual. The irony and humor in her paintings invite viewers to escape the solemnity of reality and enter a universe of imagination and possibilities.
Yan Xinyue's exhibitions include solo exhibition Summer Mist at Capsule Shanghai (2020, Shanghai, China), and group exhibitions at Sans Titre (2016) (2022, Paris, France), Present Projects (2021, Hong Kong, China), For Seasons Project (2021, Zürich, Switzerland), Kunstpodium T (2019, Tilburg, Netherland), Capsule Shanghai (2019, Shanghai, China), A+ Contemporary (2019, Shanghai, China), De Brakke Grond - Flemish Cultural Center (2018, Amsterdam, Netherland), Cité internationale des arts (2017, Paris, France) among others.

胶囊上海即将展出:道格拉斯·莱杰个展 Upcoming Exhibition at Capsule Shanghai: Douglas Rieger Solo Exhibition




Due to recent pandemic control regulations, Capsule Shanghai is temporarily closed from March 10th until further notice. We look forward to your visit after we reopen. 

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