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胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客

蔡泽滨:夜游 Cai Zebin: Night Strolls
日期 Duration: 2022.11.03 - 06
址 Venue: 意大利都灵 Lingotto Fiere Torino, Italy
展位 Booth: Hall Brown, Booth 4

Scroll down for English

胶囊上海荣幸宣布将于2022年都灵当代艺术博览会Artissima中呈现艺术家蔡泽滨在意大利的首次展览 “夜游”,该项目由玛瑙(Manuela Lietti)策展。蔡泽滨(1988年生于中国广东汕头,现生活工作于汕头)以其独特的绘画语言著称。他怀着漫步城市街巷般的轻松姿态和无尽好奇穿行于艺术史之中,在潜入历代大师的创作中汲取灵感的同时,制造新的路径、记忆和视觉日记。

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客
Cai Zebin: Night Strolls 蔡泽滨 | Installation view at Artissima 都灵代艺术博览会展览现场 | 2022

一个漫游者的行迹可以映射出他对于城市和人类光景的理性认知和感性回应,蔡泽滨以新的绘画语言对超现实人物形象进行的转译则既反映了其原创性,又流露出他深植于东西方的传统中的根源。一方面,他的方法论承袭了东方的传统,他通过效仿自己所敬仰的古人来获得灵感和构建意义,从内部研习绘画技巧,实现传达感受、营造氛围的最终目的。另一方面,他对西方绘画大师——尤其是亨利·卢梭(Henri Rousseau)和维克多·布劳纳(Victor Brauner)等超现实主义艺术家——的致敬在画面中比比皆是。

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客

Cai Zebin 蔡泽滨 | Glimmer 微光 | 2022 | acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯  | 175 x 215 cm

《微光》,本次展出的三件大幅绘画之一,便是对维克多·布劳纳的自画像《超现实主义》(The Surrealist)和雷内·马格利特(René Magritte)的《哲学家的灯》(Philosopher’s Lamp)的公开致敬。前者通过画面中共有的“道具”刀剑、圣杯和金币可见一斑,后者则在蛇形蜡烛的蜿蜒形态中得到呼应。展览中另一作品《午夜困惑》让人想起亨利·卢梭的《沉睡的吉普赛人》(The Sleeping Gypsy)。在这里,蔡泽滨将女性人物刻画成一个由南瓜组成的塑像般的“反女神”形象, 其可塑可变的潜质呼应了近旁的猫(代替了卢梭画中的狮子)和周边环境中的种种元素。


胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客
胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客
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Cai Zebin 蔡泽滨 | Chimera 奇美拉 | 2022 | acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯  | 175 x 127 cm



撰文:玛瑙(Manuela Lietti)


Capsule Shanghai is pleased to announce Night Strolls, Cai Zebin’s debut in Italy at Artissima 2022, curated by Manuela Lietti. Widely known for his peculiar painterly language, Cai Zebin (b. 1988, Guangdong province, China, where he currently lives and works) walks through the history of art with the same ease and sense of never-ending wonder as a flaneur walking in the city. He indulges in the inspiration that the masters and art history provide while creating new paths, memories, and visual diaries in a playful yet acculturated way.

While the detours of a flaneur, when taken together, form a unique route that reveals his analytical yet sentimental knowledge of the urban and human landscape, Cai translates the surreal syncretism of his iconography through a new painterly language that is original yet well-rooted in both the Eastern and Western traditions. On the one hand, Cai’s methodology - inherited from Chinese tradition - consists of gaining inspiration and creating meaning from copying the masters he reveres. In this way, he learns a painting technique from the inside and grasps a feeling, an atmosphere — Cai’s ultimate goal. On the other hand, his admiration for various Western masters, especially the Surrealists but spanning artists from Henri Rousseau to Victor Brauner, is visible in the visual reminders that pop up in his paintings.
胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客
胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客
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Cai Zebin 蔡泽滨 | Confusion at Midnight #2 午夜困惑 #2, | 2022 | acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯 | 175 x 215 cm

Glimmer, one of the three large-scale paintings on view, is an open homage to both Victor Brauner’s self-portrait The Surrealist and René Magritte’s Philosopher’s Lamp. The former is invoked by the presence of the same ‘props’ - a knife, a goblet, and gold coins – and the latter is recalled in the fluid lines of the snake-like candle. Confusion at Midnight conjures Henri Rousseau’s The Sleeping Gypsy. Here, Cai transforms the female figure into an almost sculptural ‘anti-goddess’ made of pumpkins whose plasticity echoes the sinuous lines of the cat that replaces the original lion and dialogues with all the other elements in the surrounding environment.

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客

Cai Zebin 蔡泽滨 | Self-portrait 自画像 | 2022 | acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯  | 175 x 215 cm
Cai Zebin’s paintings are a continuous chain of musings in which quotations from both artistic masters and his own work co-exist and overlap in a visual stream of consciousness. The large-scale canvas Self-Portrait epitomises this tendency; it is a visual compendium of the artist’s recurrent motifs: the candle, the facial mask, and the anthropomorphic paint box and palette ‘dressed’ like other similar figures in this body of work. The smaller-scale Portrait of the Painter, the most recent in this series, is a riot of colours and shapes. Next to books entitled The Defense and Laval, after two of Cai’s past solo presentations, the bristles of the brushes almost dance and greet the audience like finger puppets or sea anemones.

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客

Cai Zebin 蔡泽滨 | Portrait of the Painter 画家肖像 | 2021-2022 

acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯  | 175 x 127 cm

Chimera - also the title of Cai’s most recent artist’s book - complements this cohesive yet diverse body of work. A creature with marble-white arms and a flower head dominates the foreground in an urban landscape. This hybrid being may represent the way the artist feels about himself and his work, caught in a continuous process of surreal metamorphosis and evolution.

However, these new nocturnal scenes disclose much more than Cai Zebin’s fascination with a certain repertoire of art history. Thanks to their highly cinematographic appeal, they project the viewer into a new spatial and temporal dimension, where time moves forward at a different pace, not just because of the epoch they evoke, but because of the feeling of suspension and slowness that he wants to convey, as a contrast to the frenzy of our times.

Text by Manuela Lietti
Installation views by Graysc

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客


主要个展包括:"从佩雷尔街到南方哥特",香港中文大学(深圳)TC101 SPACE,中国深圳(2022);"Hello, Self-portrait",L21,西班牙巴利阿里群岛(2021);"旧地重游佩雷尔街2号",胶囊上海,中国上海(2020);"拉瓦尔",巴黎国际展,法国巴黎(2019);"防守",胶囊上海,中国上海 (2018);"橄榄",NUOART画廊,中国北京 (2015)。曾参与群展:“贮藏”,麦勒画廊,中国北京(2022);"Universes 5", The Hole, 美国纽约 (2022)";春日解药", 由胶囊上海策划,北京博乐德艺术中心,中国北京(2022);"Salon de Peinture",阿尔敏·莱希,美国纽约(2021);"F#%k U & ur DisNey",Super Dakota,比利时布鲁塞尔(2021);12 Artists, Harper's 画廊, 美国纽约 (2020); "隐喻现实",阿尔敏·莱希,中国上海(2020);"青年力量",广东美术馆,中国广州(2020);"珠江夜游",广东美术馆,中国广州(2019);"城市无界",静安雕塑公园,中国上海(2018);"门闩:肖像画的隐晦目的",C龙口空间,中国北京(2017);"□",A+亚洲艺术中心,中国台湾台北 (2016);"腹地计划",时代美术馆,中国广州 (2015)等。
蔡泽滨的作品也曾多次受到国内外艺术杂志的报道,包括《ArtMaze Magazine》 《Artforum》《艺术界》《艺术碎片》《艺术汇》《亞太藝術雜誌》和Contemporary Art Daily线上平台期刊等。

Cai Zebin (b. 1988) is a visual artist based in Shantou, Guangdong province in Southern China. He graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2012. 
The often whimsical and fantastic scenes in Cai Zebin's paintings draw inspiration from his extensive knowledge of art history and literature, reinterpreting existing motifs and devices to evaluate the process of painting and, ultimately, making art. 
Selected solo includes: From rue Perrel to Southern Gothic, TC101 SPACE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, China (2022); Hello, Self-portrait, L21, Palma, Islas Baleares, Spain (2021); A Revisit at 2 bis rue Perrel, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai, China (2020); Laval, Paris Internationale, Paris, France (2019); The Defense, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai, China (2018); Olive, NUOART Gallery, Beijing, China (2015). He has participated in the following group shows: A Place for Concealment, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, China (2022); Universes 5, The Hole, New York, USA (2022); Spring Antidote, curated by Capsule Shanghai, Blanc Art Space, Beijing, China (2022); Salon de Peinture, Almine Rech, New York, USA (2021); F#%k U & ur DisNey, Super Dakota, Brussels, Belgium (2021); 12 Artists, Harper's Gallery, New York, USA (2020); Metaphorical Reality, Almine Rech, Shanghai, China (2020); Exhibition of Young Power, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China (2020); Night Tour of the Pearl River, Guangdong Museumof Art, Guangzhou, China (2019); City Unbounded, Jing'an Sculpture Park, Shanghai, China (2018); The Latch, That Obscure Object of Portrait, C-Space+Local, Beijing, China (2017); "", A+ Contemporary, Taipei, Taiwan, China (2016); Hinterland Project, Times Museum, Guangzhou, China (2015) among others. 

Cai Zebin's work was featured on ArtMaze MagazineArtforumLeapArtshardArt-FrontierArtAsiaPacific, and Contemporary Art Daily.

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客



The gallery is open by appointment only. Please make a reservation at least one day prior to your visit via the mini-program below👇. Due to current pandemic control regulations, we cannot accommodate guests without a reservation. When entering the gallery, please kindly present your reservation page and negative nucleic acid result within three days. Please note that no photography or videography is allowed in the gallery. Thank you for your understanding.

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客

胶囊上海|都灵国际当代艺术博览会|蔡泽滨 崇真艺客

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