
胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会

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胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

胶囊上海荣幸参与2023年Art Brussels艺博会,于展位6D-29等候您的荏临。

Capsule Shanghai is excited to participate in Art Brussels 2023 at booth 6D-29.

贵宾预览 VIP Preview
2023.04.20, 11:00 - 18:00

开幕 Vernissage
2023.04.20, 18:00 - 21:00

公众参观 Public Hours
2023.04.21, 11:00 - 19:00
2023.04.22, 11:00 - 19:00
2023.04.23, 11:00 - 19:00

地址 Address
布鲁塞尔会展中心, 5号和6号展厅
Brussels Expo, Halls 5 & 6, 1020 Brussels

板块 Section

展位 Booth

Scroll down for English


——柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥(Curtis Talwst Santiago)

胶囊上海将于2023年Art Brussels艺博会上呈现柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥(Curtis Talwst Santiago)的个人项目“Play A Mas”,展出他的新作和近期作品。画廊的展位(#6D-29)聚焦艺术家跨媒介的创作,以及他长期以来对于特立尼达狂欢节的研究。该项目由美光(Megan Connolly)策展,为圣地亚哥和胶囊上海在布鲁塞尔的首次展览。

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

“Play A Mas”(意为化装舞会)邀请观者透过艺术家作为文化流散者的视角,关注传统节日J’Ouvert,它标志着狂欢节的开始。在J’Ouvert期间,狂欢的人群给身体和脸部涂上油彩,打扮成Jab Jabs这种既可怖又欢快的类似魔鬼的角色。圣地亚哥通过审视Jab Jab角色的多面性,并回溯关于狂欢节传统的家庭叙事,探讨了祖先根系的母题,以及重访失落的、被曲解的历史之不易。在他的布面和纸本绘画以及雕塑作品中,艺术家结合个人经历、历史研究和想象力,展现了知识如何在自发和被迫的迁徙中逐渐失落。

圣地亚哥童年时期生活在加拿大,但时常到访特立尼达。他的实践根植于他的生活经历,糅合了丰富的色彩、大胆的形象和饱满的能量。他娴熟地在表现主义和具象绘画之间游移,灵活运用强烈的色彩、精准的线条和入微的细节,使他的狂欢节角色形象跃然纸上。舞动的人物像戏台上轮番上场的角色,自由地穿行在如梦如幻的境域中,令人不禁联想到詹姆斯·恩索尔(James Ensor)的历史题材绘画《佛兰德的狂欢节》(Carnaval en Flandre)。艺术家构建了一个个富有信念感和感染力的世界,维持着宏观和微观之间的张力,将观众牢牢吸引在他的领域中。

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

Curtis Talwst Santiago 柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥 | Gospel According to Lord Blakie "Steel Band Clash" Lord Blakie“钢鼓狂击”的福音 | 2022 | spray paint, oil, charcoal, pastel, acrylic on canvas 布面上喷漆、油画、碳笔、色粉和丙烯 | 160 x 250 cm; 223.5 x 302 x 20 cm (framed 含框)

展位的核心作品是一幅160 x 250厘米的油画《Lord Blakie“钢鼓狂击”的福音》(Gospel According to Lord Blakie “Steel Band Clash”),描绘了狂欢者们纵情跳舞击鼓的场景。作品的标题受到了歌手Lord Blakie在1950年代创作的歌曲《钢鼓狂击》(Steel Band Clash)的启发,圣地亚哥借此向这位卡利普索(calypso)艺术传统中最伟大的创作者之一致敬。乍看之下这个场景非常欢快,但仔细端详后便会感受到一种黑暗的氛围悄然弥漫在画布之上——Jab Jab正在侵袭快乐的狂欢者。作品的画框上手工雕刻了与特立尼达和狂欢节相关的意象,并特意设计成仿佛灼烧而成的黑色,以呼应甘蔗种植业的传统,特别是烧甘蔗田以便于作物收获的习俗。作品附有一段在艺术家位于德国的家中采集的录音。录音时正值圣诞节,圣地亚哥和父母在厨房里一边准备特立尼达传统食物,一边回忆着关于狂欢节的种种。在大人们闲谈的背景音中,可以听到圣地亚哥年幼的儿子在玩耍的声音。

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客Curtis Talwst Santiago 柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥 | Blue Devil’s and White Mas on the Savannah, Only Angel knows the Bacchanal 热带草原上的蓝恶魔和白假面,只有天使识得狂欢者 | 2023 | oil, flashe, acrylic, pastel, charcoal and spray paint on canvas 布面上油画、乙烯基、丙烯、色粉、碳笔和喷漆 | 100 x 100 cm

为了营造狂欢节氛围,展位外侧的墙面上挂着一系列Jab Jab的肖像画,而展位上方悬挂着一排红、黄、蓝、绿相间的狂欢节旗帜画。一系列由回收而来的首饰盒制成的微雕作品仿佛狂欢节的圣物箱,美梦与噩梦一并封存。欢迎来到萨蒂亚哥的“Play A Mas”,真实与虚构、欢乐与创伤在此交汇。

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客
My work is my way of yelling to the ancestors and my past that ‘I have not forgotten you, I have not abandoned you and I am trying to find you!’

- Curtis Talwst Santiago

Capsule Shanghai is delighted to announce ‘Play A Mas’, a solo booth of new and recent work by Curtis Talwst Santiago, curated by Megan Connolly for the 2023 edition of Art Brussels. The gallery’s booth (#6D-29) will spotlight the artist’s multidisciplinary practice and ongoing research around Trinidadian Carnival. This is the first time Curtis Talwst Santiago and Capsule Shanghai are exhibiting in Brussels.

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客Curtis Talwst Santiago 柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥 | Let We Play a Mas! J’Ouvert Grande Fete 来化妆舞会吧!休息日游园会 | 2023 | mixed media diorama in reclaimed jewelry box: paper, clay, plastic, watercolour pencil acrylic paint, oil paint, wood Veneer, porcelain 回收首饰盒中综合材料微缩模型:纸,黏土,塑料,水彩铅笔丙烯颜料,油画颜料,薄木片,瓷 | 10 x 10 x 11.5 cm

‘Play A Mas’ or masquerade is an invitation to explore the start of the Carnival parade, J’Ouvert, through the artist’s diasporic lens. During J’Ouvert, bodies and faces are painted, and revelers dress up as Jab Jabs or devil characters who can be simultaneously frightening and joyous. Meditating on the multifaceted Jab Jab character and revisiting familial stories about Carnival’s traditions, Santiago explores the theme of ancestry and the difficulty to access lost and misconstrued histories. Through drawing, painting, and sculpture, the artist combines personal experience and historical research with imagination to consider how knowledge is lost between consensual and forced migration.

Split between Canada and trips to Trinidad as a child, Santiago’s practice is rooted in his lived experiences and presented through a riot of hues, bold figures, and energy. With one foot in expressionism and the other in figurative imagery, Santiago deftly moves between powerful washes of color, precise lines, and meticulous details to bring his carnival characters alive. Dancing figures organically move through the dreamlike space in quasi-theatrical processions that recall the historical painting Carnaval en Flandre by James Ensor. Santiago successfully draws viewers into his realm by creating confident and powerful worlds that hold the tension between the macroscopic and microscopic. 

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客Curtis Talwst Santiago 柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥 | Look A Jab Jab Coming 看啊来了一个恶魔 | 2023 | flashe, acrylic, charcoal on canvas 布面上乙烯基、丙烯、碳笔 | 100 x 100 cm
The booth is anchored by Gospel According to Lord Blakie “Steel Band Clash”, a 160 x 250 cm canvas of carnival goers dancing and drumming. The title is inspired by Lord Blakie’s 1950s song “Steel Band Clash” paying homage to one of the greatest exponents of the calypso art-form. At first glance, the scene appears jovial, but upon closer inspection, a darkness permeates the canvas as the Jab Jabs encroach upon the joyful revelers. The wooden frame is hand carved with Trinidadian and Carnival imagery, and intentionally charred to resonate the traditions of sugar cane farming, specifically the burning of the cane fields to make harvesting easier. Accompanying the work is an audio recording from the artist's home in Germany. Santiago captures a conversation between himself and his parents in their kitchen at Christmas-time while preparing a Trinidadian meal and reminiscing about Carnival. In the background you can hear the artist's young son playing amongst the adults' interactions.

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

To create a carnival atmosphere, a procession of Jab Jab portraits is installed on the outer wall of the booth and a row of red, yellow, blue, and green carnival flag paintings hang above. A series of dioramas made from reclaimed jewelry boxes become carnival reliquaries where dreams and nightmares coexist. Welcome to Santiago’s ‘Play A Mas’, where moments of truth versus fiction and joy versus trauma intersect.

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客Curtis Talwst Santiago 柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥 | Untitled (from the series Jab Jab Posse) 无题(嘉年华恶魔团系列)| 2022 | mixed media on paper 纸本综合材料 | 45.7 x 35.6 cm
Installation views photographed by GRAYSC


胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

柯蒂斯·塔尔沃斯特·圣地亚哥(1979年出生于加拿大阿尔伯塔省埃德蒙顿)曾师从艺术家Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun。圣地亚哥曾参与的展览包括The Drawing Center,美国纽约;The FLAG Art Foundation,美国纽约;The New Museum,美国纽约;The Eli and Edythe Broad Museum,密歇根州立大学,美国东兰辛;Institute of Contemporary Art,弗吉尼亚联邦大学,美国里士满;University of Saskatchewan,加拿大萨斯卡通;The Pérez Art Museum Miami,美国迈阿密;Art Gallery of Ontario,加拿大多伦多;Art Gallery of Alberta,加拿大埃德蒙顿;Osage Gallery,中国香港和 SCAD Museum of Art,美国萨瓦纳等。他曾参加2019年的首届多伦多艺术双年展(加拿大多伦多),2018年的SITE Santa Fe SITELines双年展"Casa Tomada"(美国圣达菲),2018年的Biennale de Dakar双年展(塞内加尔达喀尔),并于2021年9月成为塞内加尔Kehinde Wiley's Black Rock的驻留艺术家,于2022年成为美国诺克斯维尔的田纳西大学的访问教授和驻留艺术家,现任纽约The Drawing Center的理事会成员。他的作品被多家美术馆永久收藏。圣地亚哥实践去中心化的生活和工作方式,现居德国慕尼黑。

Curtis Talwst Santiago (b. 1979, Edmonton, Alberta) studied as an apprentice of Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun. Santiago has exhibited internationally at venues such as The Drawing Center, New York, NY; The FLAG Art Foundation, New York, NY; The New Museum, New York, NY; The Eli and Edythe Broad Museum at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; the Institute of Contemporary Art at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada; The Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami, FL; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada; Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Osage Gallery, Hong Kong and the SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, GA; among others. The artist was included in the inaugural 2019 Toronto Biennial of Art in Toronto, Canada, the SITE Santa Fe SITELines.2018 Biennial, Casa Tomada, in Santa Fe, NM, was featured in the 2018 Biennale de Dakar in Dakar, Senegal and in September 2021, he was an Artist in Residence at Kehinde Wiley's Black Rock Senegal. In 2022 he was a visiting professor and Artist in Residence at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is currently an active board member on the Board of Directors for the Drawing Center in New York. His works are in multiple permanent museum collections. Santiago considers himself decentralized and is currently living and working in Munich, Germany.

艺术家肖像由Kristin-Lee Moolman拍摄,Ib Kamara造型
Artist portrait photographed by Kristin-Lee Moolman, styled by Ib Kamara

胶囊上海当前展览 Current Exhibition at Capsule Shanghai:

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客



The gallery is open by appointment only. Please make a reservation at least one day prior to your visit via the mini-program below👇. Please note that no photography or videography is allowed in the gallery. Thank you for your understanding.

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

胶囊上海|2023 Art Brussels 艺博会 崇真艺客

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