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展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

4月22日,骆丹个人摄影展《行传IN SEARCH OF IT》在M艺术空间开幕。本次展出的作品选自《318国道》、《北方、南方》、《素歌》和《无人之境》四个骆丹重要的系列创作。作为骆丹跨度十六年创作的重新整理,此次展览也是一次回顾,跟随骆丹行走的镜头,重溯“一幅当代中国生动的社会肖像”。


展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客


展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客




 China Route 318 

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客





 North, South

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客








Simple Song

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客






No Man's Land

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客



China Route 318 

 China Route 318 

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

318国道-015  2006年3月22日  安徽怀宁#2

Obsessed of being on the road, taking pictures all the way, I was not trying to demonstrate how real the world is but was merely trying to seek for and prove those pieces of evidences existing in my inner mind in the real world. In 2006, I took the China Route 318, the longest national highway from Shanghai to Tibet, linking China’s east to the west, as the direction for my first piece of work.


The plan was to start my journey from Chengdu, passing Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu to Shanghai. Here is the beginning of 318. After this, I should be returning along the same way, from Chengdu to Lhasa, taking the south section of Sichuan-Tibet highway. I would reach the end point of 318 – a small town named Zhangmu, sitting in the border of China and Nepal, passing Shigatse, Gyantse, Tingri, and Nielamu, and return to Chengdu in the end. From February to August, this journey took me half year’s time, with 18 thousand kilometers in total for a return trip on this national highway.


These photos were totally taken by chances; along my journey, I would take some quick shots pressing the shutter of my Mamiya 7 any time. A subtle relationship exists between the people, the environment and me in these photos. I tried my best to take every element into consideration, in the structure of my picture; what I was trying to do was to show the most possibilities of things I could see in the extension of a 2D space. Displaying on these photos are still moments that remind me of what had happened and what would happen, like the stage photo of a movie; one slight change in the relationship could totally alter the effect it expressed. Therefore, I had to carefully adjust and weigh all the elements in the frame. 88 photos were finally chosen out of over 8000 ones, as the series of “China Route 318”.


 North, South

 North, South

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

北方,南方-046  2008年3月1日  山西昔阳


After finishing “China Route 318” for one year and four months, I started my journey again; from January to August 2008, I walked across China from south to north – to Dandong in Liaoning province in the north and Zhanjiang in Guangdong province in the south. By the time my second series “North, South” finished, my footsteps and wheel prints had made a huge ‘cross’ on the map of China.


“North, South” took the same working method as “China Route 318” which was travelling while photographing. But unlike “China Route 318”, I did not stick to one route all the way; I went back and forth covering 16 cities and provinces, allowing more space for my creation. The frame of my camera was also set from 6×7 to 6×6 in square.


During this long journey, I could not clearly recall the number of the cities, towns and villages that I had passed, nor could I remember all the faces I ever came across; they were living their own life in the hustle and bustle. I pushed through the crowds, observing every detail of their movement and feeling their emotions; I pushed the button of my camera for every touching moment; I tried to stay detached, unless I was intended to meet and talk with them. By showing these fragments of people and things I collected along my journey, I hope to picture out the general mentality, the existence, the interrupted history and yet unclear future of ordinary people, who constitute the majority of Chinese, but have been lost in this era of momentous changes.


Simple Song

Simple Song

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

素歌005 何玉娟和儿子何圣洁,老姆登村

2010, 100*130cm

The Canyon of Nujing River, located in the west of Yunnan Province, China, to the south end of the transverse mountains, stretches over 400 kilometers. Together with the Canyon of Jinsha River and the Canyon of Lancang River, they form what we call the “Three Paralleled Rivers” which is granted the title of Natural Heritage of Human by the United Nations. From thousands of years ago, 60 thousand Lisu and 30 thousand Nu minorities have been living there; in exchange of the most basic food and clothing, they are working arduously all year round in the barren, scarce and scattered fields distributing on the mountains, applying the most primordial way of farming. Over a hundred years ago, few priests from Britain and America brought here the seed of religion.

Today, the Lisu and Nu minorities are still maintaining their devoutness to God; yet still being deprived in living, they are clear, content and bright in mind. Currently, 70% of the local inhabitants are Christians. In this highly material-oriented society of China, people of the Canyon of Nujiang River have provided an important reference to those who are lacking of beliefs and are lost in the pursuit of their so called happiness. However, tranquil life dose not mean they can be free of threats; there is news that Nujiang River’s rich hydropower has been targeted by the capitals. Construction of a large-scale cascade dam has been brought on the agenda. Until then, the wave of an upheaval will strike the local, just as what has happened to Lancang River and Jinsha River in the past.

Based on the shared belief and value with the locals, I came to this canyon from 2010 to 2012; I used the photography technique of a hundred years ago (wet plate collodion) to take photos of the locals. Compared to the modern digital cameras, the procedure and process of wet plate are time consuming and complicated. My mobile darkroom was transformed from a minibus, which allowed me to timely develop the films at the scene within minutes. Of course, I always had good communication with people in my photos, in this quite, still and honest atmosphere, every press of the camera button was like a sacred ceremony. I hoped this primordial way of photography could relate to their same primordial way of farming, to keep every moment of this miraculous brightness. I believed that they were gifts from God.


No Man's Land

No Man's Land

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客


2021, 150*65.7cm

 At the beginning of February 2020, it was one day at the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic. I stood on the street of the city and there was nobody around except myself. The scene in front of us can only be seen in the disaster film. Just a few days ago, people were passing by here and hurried to the place they wanted to go. Everyone had their own thoughts, wishes and goals. They were the main body of the city. Because the city operated, this perpetual motion machine had its operating mechanism and order. Everything seems to be taken for granted. Suddenly, the virus brought the fear of death, and everything stopped suddenly. That day, I really felt the species crisis of human beings. Standing on the empty street, I realized that the order established by human beings was not reliable. Later, I began to enter the vast wilderness in western China, which was a land of no one. At different times, we arrive in this desolate land, where we either build or destroy, or live or die, which it does not care about, it uses its laws to do things here. In the landscape formed over hundreds of millions of years, I look for traces left by people. Some of them have experienced thousands of years and important historical events have occurred. Some of them have been buried in the Yellow Sand for only a few years. This is the absolute order that dominates all things in the universe. We are born and perish because of it. However, most of the time, we turn a blind eye to it, and only in the midst of a huge crisis will we realize its existence.

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客


骆丹Luo Dan


骆丹已是多个摄影奖项的获得者,包括因《素歌》系列获得第七届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力-摄影类大奖(2013年);2011年,他荣获候登科纪实摄影奖、并被评为大理国际摄影节的最佳新锐摄影师,TOP20-2011中国当代摄影新锐;他还曾因《北方,南方》系列作品获得连州国际摄影年展的年度杰出艺术家金奖(2008)。除此,骆丹《素歌》系列作品之《素歌之二十五:敲钟的约翰》被收入Phaidon出版的《The Photography Book》(2015,第二版-难以逾越的作品集),此书“收入超过550张来自十九世纪中期至今的世界最佳摄影作品”。

Luo Dan was born in Chongqing in 1968 and graduated from the Sichuan Fine Art Academy in 1992. He is the recipient of several photography awards, including the prestigious Art Award China (AAC) for Photography Artist of the Year 2013, for his Simple Song series; the 2011 Hou Dengke Documentary Photography prize; the Best New Photographer award at the Dali International Photography Festival (2011); the Gold Award for Outstanding Artist at the Lianzhou International Photography Festival (2008) for his North, South series. In addition, one of the images from Luo Dan’s acclaimed Simple Song series ("Simple Song No.25: John Ringing The Bell") was included in the second edition of Phaidon’s The Photography Book (2015), “an unsurpassed collection of more than 550 superb images that represent the world’s best photographers from the mid-nineteenth century to today”. He currently lives and works in Chengdu, China.

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

策展人 Curator

施瀚涛 Shi Hantao


Curator and writer. He was the Chief Coordinator of the 12th Shanghai Biennale, and used to work at EPSON Image Space, Rockbund Art Museum, Chronus Art Center, Ray Art Center and Shanghai Project. He has curated and organized exhibitions and public programs in various art organizations during last two decades. His writing and translation work covers the fields of photography, contemporary art and institutional studies.





艺术家|Artist           策展人|Curator

骆丹 LuoDan             施瀚涛 Shi HanTao



周二-周六 10:30-18:30

Tuesday-Saturday 10:30-18:30



1F,Block2, 50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai


Holiday Announcement 


4/29          10:30~18:30

4/30           闭馆

5/1~5/3    13:30~18:30

展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客
展览现场|骆丹:《行传》 崇真艺客

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