参展艺术家| 施展
Artist | Shi Zhan
Shi Zhan's works combine the use of vibrant colours, and the expression of emotions via the subjects, while paying attention to the rhythm of brush strokes. They allow his works not only to voice the mindset of contemporary youth, but also in terms of artistic language connect to new European post-war paintings - the most noteworthy values in the works of Shi Zhan.
With a rich global perspective, Shi Zhan traveled from Nanjing to Rome to study painting. Then Germany, where he embraced the restrained and methodological German art as a resident artist. Most importantly, he extracts the characteristics and essence of the current era of global consumerism from the past and what is happening. In addition, he finds the image language of his personal experience in the group with material desire and individual spirit.
Selected Works of Shi Zhan
施展《在群山之间》布面油画 200x150cm 2023年
Among the Mountains, Oil painting on canvas, spray paint, oil pastel, 200x150cm, 2023, By Shi Zhan
施展《旷日持久》 布面油画、喷漆、油画棒 200x100cm 2023年
A Prolonged Day, Oil painting on canvas, spray paint, oil pastel, 200x100cm, 2023, By Shi Zhan
施展《夏令时的最后傍晚》 布面油画 150x120cm 2023年
The Last Dusk before DST , Oil on canvas, 150x120cm, 2023, By Shi Zhan
施展《融化》 布面油画、喷漆、油画棒 80x60cm 2023年
Melting, Oil painting, Oil painting on canvas, spray paint, oil paste 80x60cm, 2023, By Shi Zhan
Resume of Shi Zhan
赛麟空间展位 / Booth
艺术家 / Artists
付斌 / Fu Bin
施展 / Shi Zhan
吴彦臻 / Wu Yanzhen
谢天卓 / Xie Tianzhuo
许嘉维 / Xu Jiawei
颜开 / Yan Kai
张伟 / Zhang Wei
贵宾预览 / VIP Preview
9th - 10th November, 2023
公众日 / Public View
11th - 12th November, 2023
地点 / Venue
上海展览中心 上海市延安西路1000号
Shanghai Exhibition Centre
No. 1000, Yanan Xi Road, Shanghai
上文图片及文字由赛麟空间Sailing Space独家提供与编辑
Sailing Space
赛麟空间营业时间:周三—周日 13:00—19:00