
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》

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即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客


The Secret Realm of Thrills and Concealment


陈问村 Chen Wencun

江一帆 Jiang Yifan

约瑟夫 · 巴克利 Joseph Buckley

李宇嘉 Li Yujia

麦克斯 · 基恩 Max Keene

奢杨思博 Sheyang sibo

冯 · 柯芬 Von Coffin

赵玉 Pocono Zhao Yu

周心语 Zhou Xinyu


2023/11/4 周六- 2023/12/31周日

2023/11/4 Sat - 2023/12/31 Sun



Rm105, Bldg 6, 50 Mo Gan Shan Rd, Shanghai

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

BROWNIE Project 荣幸宣布与 Afternoon projects 联合呈现群展“激悦和隐蔽的私密地带”。展览将于2023年11月4日开幕,并持续至2023年12月31日。


BROWNIE Project is thrilled to present The Secret Realm of Thrills and Concealment in collaboration with Afternoon Projects, this group exhibition will be opened on November 4, 2023, through December 3, 2023.

This exhibition features works from Joseph Buckley, Chen Wencun, Von Coffin, Jiang Yifan, Max Keene, Li Yujia, Sheyang sibo, Pocono Zhao Yu and Zhou Xinyu. It invites viewers to examine the awareness of the unknown but not seen, our own limits of understanding, the limits of our memory, the distance between knowing and not knowing. The artworks are installed on both levels of the gallery, in rooms bright and dark. The space itself becomes a half-solved riddle, echoing life above ground and the dark chambers below. Through these half-ridden clues and traces, one discovers the secretiveness of thrills and concealment, is the poetry of our existence. 

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客







Sheyang sibo

Let poetry return to the gut



即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客







100 x 140 cm

Zhou Xinyu

Blue Lips


Acrylic, oil stick on canvas

39.375 x 55.12 in

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客



 约瑟夫 · 巴克利




36 x 32 x 32 cm

Joseph Buckley

Mummy Brown


Plastic, MDF

14.5 x 12.5 x 12.5 in

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客
即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客







132.08 x 81.28 cm

Li Yujia

Prayer Beads (2)


Acrylic and oil on canvas

52 x 32 in

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

陈问村 Chen Wencun

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客


Chen Wencun Completed his undergraduate from the Engraving Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts and pursued his postgraduate from the Chelsea College of Art and the Royal college of Art. He now teaches at China Academy of Art. Chen Wencun’s artistic creation is self-exploratory, focusing on commonalities among people rather than their differences. His interests in topics of identity, language, text and collective experience are manifested in his multifaceted use of diverse media. His practice spans in various fields such as painting, installation, video and experimental music. Observation and response are his ways of keeping his art alive.

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

江一帆 Jiang Yifan

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

江一帆是一位加拿大华裔艺术家,从事油画、动画、装置和表演等工作。她从纽约的哥伦比亚大学获得硕士学位,从加拿大温哥华的艾米丽卡尔艺术大学获得学士学位。江一帆的作品通常从一个概念,一个想法开始,用一种诙谐的视角去探索科学、感性和哲学之间的交叉点。最近的个展包括“一束感知”在德克萨斯州,达拉斯的Meliksetian | Briggs;“零和博弈”在丹麦哥本哈根的Christian Andersen;“假期”在新墨西哥州罗斯威尔的罗斯威尔博物馆。她的作品曾在犹太博物馆、纽约公共艺术基金会、克罗地亚萨格勒布动画节,伦敦国际动画节和鹿特丹国际电影节等机构展出。

Yifan Jiang is a Chinese-Canadian artist working in painting, animation, installation, and performance. Jiang received her MFA from Columbia University, New York, and her BFA from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada. A project-based artist, Jiang uses elements of painting, animation, sculpture, and performance. Taking an irreverent approach to epistemology, she explores the grey intersection between the scientific, the psychological, and the magical. Recent exhibitions include A Bouquet of Senses at Meliksetian|Briggs, Dallas, Texas; Zero-sum Game at Christian Andersen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Vacation at Roswell Museum, Roswell, New Mexico. Her work has been featured by the Jewish Museum, New York Public Art Fund, Rotterdam International film festival, and London international animation festival, among others.

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

约瑟夫 · 巴克利 Joseph Buckley

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

Joseph Buckley (1990年出生于英国 Ellesmere Port), 毕业于耶鲁大学, 现居美国纽约。他的作品把科幻元素,以及个人经历带入到与当代社会议题一个不安的亲近距离。通过他的雕塑创作,他把雕塑的制作变成关于对当今社会问题再生产的隐喻。他的作品在西雅图Specialist Gallery, 伦敦Lock Up International,纽约Anton Kern Gallery,利兹Tetley,考文垂Warwick Arts Centre,爱丁堡Fruitmarket, 莫斯科美术馆,格拉斯哥当代美术馆等地展出。在2021年,他获得了Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship。在2022年,他开始在耶鲁大学艺术系雕塑专业任教。

Joseph Buckley (b.1990, Ellesmere Port) lives and works in New York City, USA. Buckley’s work brings a formidable knowledge of science fictional premises, traumas, and catastrophes into uncomfortable proximity with contemporary class and race politics. Through a critical sculptural practice, he foregrounds the violence of fabrication as an analogue for the social reproduction of inequality, bigotry, and ecological collapse. Selected solo projects include Cannibal Galaxies, Specialist Gallery, Seattle; Letter From The Home Office, Lock Up International, London; Traitor Muscle, Art in General, New York and Brotherhood Tapestry, Tetley, Leeds. Selected group exhibitions include Phantom Sculpture, Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry; Poor Things, Fruitmarket, Edinburgh; Friends & Family, Anton Kern Gallery, New York; Trouble in Outer Heaven: Portable Ops Plus, Southwark Park Gallery, London; I Don’t Know Whether The Earth is Spinning or Not..., Museum of Moscow and Cellular World: Cyborg-Human-Avatar-Horror at Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow as part of Glasgow International. In 2021 he received a Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship. In 2022 Buckley was appointed faculty in the Sculpture Department at the Yale School of Art, New Haven.

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

李宇嘉 Li Yujia

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客



Yujia Li is a Chinese artist born in 2000, currently living and working in New York, USA. She grew up in Shenzhen, China, and moved to California, USA, in 2015. In 2023, Li graduated with a BFA in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design, USA.

Ambiguity and concealment have been the central themes in her practice. Her interest in obscurity originates from the fear of revealing my true self to my family. Her work references Buddhist Jatakas tales ("Birth Story" of Gautama Buddha), cultural hybridity (based on my childhood memory from being a Chinese-Korean ethnic minority), and archived photography (capturing the remnants of the past).

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

麦克斯 · 基恩 Max Keene

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

Max Keene是一位来自加拿大的艺术家。他的绘画作品采用了定义过去与现在的视觉文化的工具,主要使用喷枪和感光材料创作。结合了微妙和意外的物质性和自我参考的创作,他的作品灵感来源于我们对于幕后与隐藏的景象窥视的欲望。他曾在蒙特利尔画廊Pangée,墨西哥城Material艺术博览会等地举办过个展和群展。

Max Keene is a Canadian artist. His paintings employ tools and techniques that have defined our past and present visual culture, primarily using a combination of airbrush and photosensitive material. With subtle unexpected materiality and content that itself reference’s production, his work considers our desire to glimpse behind the scenes. He has exhibited across Canada in both a group and solo capacity, most recently in “Back of House”, a solo exhibition at Pangée in Montreal.

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

奢杨思博 Sheyang sibo

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

奢杨思博 (b.1996, 中国),横断山脉儿子的一个、阿母来自大小凉山、阿达来自乌蒙山脉。系古西南夷诺苏乌蒙鳛部扯勒兹莫后裔,墨者扯勒五十八世。自幼习画,来回行走于高山峡谷和高楼公路之间。以行动、事件、影像、诗歌、装置、声音等方式介入现实。

Sheyang sibo (b.1996, China) a son of the Hengduan Mountains. His mother comes from Da Xiao Lingshan Mountain range, and his father comes from the Wumeng Mountain range.

He is a descendant of the Nuosu Yi People of Wument, a branch of the ancient southwest Yi tribe (Nuosu Wumengxun), and the 58th generation of the Chelezmol lineage. He started painting at a young age, lived through high mountains, canyons, and urban skyscrapers, and engaged with reality through actions, events, imagery, poetry, installations, sound, and other means.

冯 · 柯芬 Von Coffin

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

冯 · 柯芬1983年出生于美国华盛顿州Kirkland, 毕业于美国耶鲁大学(硕士)和芝加哥艺术学院(学士)。他们的作品曾在上海,孟菲斯,洛杉矶艺术博览会,Bellevue大学美术馆展出。

Von Coffin (b. 1983 Kirkland, WA, USA) received their MFA from Yale University (2016) and BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2007). Recent exhibitions include The Co-op at Galerie Dengyun, (Shanghai), Meta-figuration at TOPS Gallery (Memphis, TN), and Dude, I almost Had You at Other Places Art Fair (Los Angeles, CA, USA). Their solo show at Bellevue College Gallery (Bellevue, WA, USA) opens November 21st.

赵玉 Pocono Zhao Yu

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客


她的主要展览项目包括:《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》,BROWNIE Project,上海(2023);《石榴》,MOU PROJECTS,香港(2023);《潮汐复朝夕》,七木空间,北京(2023);《楼上的城市》,ASE基金会,上海(2023);《北京艺术双年展|大地热流:回到太阳时间的访客》,北京友谊艺术社区,北京(2022);《多少次呵,我离开了我日常的生活 》,69 ART CAMPUS,北京(2022);《熔炼的暗礁》,We Space,上海(2022);《感性对话》,碧云美术馆,上海(2022);《炼金的任务》,Arch Gallery,长沙(2022);《流动的身份》,广东美术馆,广州(2022);《“辣条”时代:年轻力观察》,年代美术馆,温州(2022);《隐喻与凝视》,LA VIE物质生活艺术中心,深圳(2022);《靡菲斯特的舞步》,沪申画廊,上海(2021);《未来祭中祭2》,喜马拉雅美术馆,上海(2021);《O,Cat在欢乐谷》,OCAT研究中心,北京(2021);《语言外世界II》,梵融美术馆,苏州(2021);四重奏,阿里巴巴西溪园区,杭州(2021);《你走不出它的边际,无论你远行到何方》,斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心,上海(2020);《风暴山谷》,無同空间,长沙(2020);苏格兰高原的狮子——写作的平行展览,OCAT 研究中心,北京(2019);L'Entre- Deux, Zetoart, 却道艺术,巴黎(2019);《我们在何处相遇》,全国农业展览馆,北京 (2019);《观看的剩余》,第七届济南国际摄影双年展,济南(2018);《另一种设计》,华 · 美术馆,深圳(2018);第十届三影堂摄影奖作品展《起承》,三影堂艺术中心,北京(2018);《Waiting For》,Galerie du Crous,巴黎(2018);《Dear mom, What Do People Cross When Crossing The Boundary?》,Kunstraum Potsdamerstraße, 柏林(2018)。

参与的艺术驻留项目包括:“燃冉”UCCAx新天地艺术家驻留(2023);天目里美术馆之驻艺术家驻留(2022);斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心驻地(2019-2020);“Paris X Berlin”巴黎、柏林驻地(2018)及方志小说(2017)等。

赵玉的写作见于假杂志、《艺术世界》、 CEF实验影像中心、泼先生、招隐等媒体。2018 年联合策划编辑了 2018 年 11 月《艺术世界》的长读项目《苏格兰高原的狮子》;2019年入围OCAT研究中心“研究型策展计划”终选名单,同年出版短篇小说《美丽城地铁站》。

Pocono received her DNSAP (MFA) from École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris.

A "newcomer", a "future long-dweller". Pocono Zhao Yu’s works focus on transforming the perspective from "self-culture" to "other-culture" and reflecting in the deep spatio-temporal framework. She translates the world through various media such as image, video, writing and installation. Based on personal experience, she reconstructs the scene by borrowing elements from semiotics, literature and related social disciplines, thus presenting a "new" narrator to question the authenticity of history as an "intruder" and explore and respond to the complex connection between the original and the copy. She also focouses on issues of identity and territorial anxiety arising from globalization.

Her main exhibitions include: The Secret Realm of Thrills and Concealment, BROWNIE Project, Shanghai (2023); Pomegranate, MOU PROJECTS, Hongkong (2023); At sunrise and sunset, tides rise and fall, Qimu Space, Beijing (2023); Upstairs Cities, ASE Foundation, Shanghai (2023); 2022 BEIJING Biennale | Earth Heat Flow: The Visitor Who Returns to Solar Time, BEIJING Friendship Art Community, Beijing (2022); How Many Times, I Have Left my Everyday Life, 69 ART CAMPUS, Beijing (2022); The Molten Reef, We Space, Shanghai (2022); Un Dialogue Avec La Sensibilité- Ecriture, Désir, Amour, BeingArt Museum, Shanghai (2022); La Mission d’alchimie, Arch Gallery, Changsha (2022); Floating, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou (2022); Metaphor and Gaze, La Vie material life art center, Shenzhen (2022); Tangle of revolution and political soul, SAG Gallery, Shanghai (2021); Rituals in Rituals of the future, Himalayasmuseum, Shanghai  (2021); O, Cat in Happyvalley!, OCAT Institute, Beijing (2021); Extro-Language World II, Fanrong Museum, Suzhou (2021); Quaretet, Alibaba, Hangzhou (2021); Don't Forget Spring. Long Museum, Shanghai (2021); A Room of One's Own | Saint Valentine's Day, Fu Kan space, Shanghai (2020); The Storm Valley, Wooton Gallery, Changsha (2020); You Will Never Cross Its Boundaries, No Matter How Far You Go, Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai (2020); Lions of the Scottish Highlands—Parallel Exhibition of Writing, OCAT, Beijing (2019); Where We Met? - Nomination Exhibition Of Contemporary Image From Post 90s Generation, Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Centre, Beijing (2019); Residual Of Watch, The 7th Jinan International Photography Biennale, Jinan (2018); Another Way to Design, OCT Art&Design Gallery, Shenzhen (2018); Interlink: 2018 the 10th Three Shadows Photography Award, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing (2018); Waiting For, Galerie du Crous, Paris (2018); Dear Mom, What Do People Cross When Crossing The Boundary?, Kunstraum Potsdamerstraße, Berlin (2018); “Power of the Image” China (Datong) International Photography Culture Exhibition, China Sculpture Museum, Datong (2018).

Her mainly participating art resident projects include: Ranran, Xintiandi X UCCA Art Residency(2023); By Art Matters Residency(2022); the residence of swatch Art Peace Hotel(2019-2022); "Paris x Berlin" Paris, Berlin(2018) and FANGZHI Novel(2017), etc.

Pocono has contributed art reviews to various publications such as Jiazazhi, ArtWorld Magazine, CEF, PULSASIR, ZHAOYIN Echo. In 2018, Pocono Zhao Yu worked with Rie Kung as guest editors for a special Long Reading project titled Lions of the Scottish Highlands for the Chinese art magazine Art World. In 2019, she was shortlisted for the "research-based curatorial project" of OCAT Institute, and published the short story "La station de Métro Belleville" in the same year.

Major writings of Pocono’ s include “Toward Which of These Futures the Favoring Winds Are Driving MacGuffin?” (2018), “We Thought We Will Never Forget Uqbar” (2018), and a short novel The Metro Station of Belleville (2019).

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

周心语 Zhou Xinyu

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客




她的主要展览项目包括:《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》,BROWNIE Project,上海(2023);《单独时间》Union Pacific, 伦敦(2023);《三面镜子》,ARR画廊,杭州(2022);《亚洲艺术文献库2022年度筹款》,香港佳士得,香港(2022);《花园哑剧》,弥金画廊,上海(2022);《一间自己的房间》,当代唐人艺术中心,香港(2022)等。

Zhou Xinyu's creations revolve around personal experiences and public events. However, she doesn't directly translate these experiences into imagery but instead draws from the emotions that arise from them. She draws inspiration from distorted images and fragments of light and shadow, focusing on the vulnerability of real life and the fleetingness of many things. The characters in her artwork often embody a sense of detachment from the real world, where stagnant emotions intertwine with a calm gaze. She sees painting as a way to pose questions to the real world.

Zhou Xinyu's creative technique is directly influenced by her digital painting experiences during her teenage years. As a member of the "post-95" generation, she frequently used digital tablets to paint in Photoshop during her youth. Her later experiences in animation and printmaking left a deep impression of the concept of "layers" on her. As a result, she focuses on layering various painting media to recreate specific moments from everyday life. These vivid memories are magnified, frozen, and layered upon the surface, making the original intent more elusive, while the material texture in the artwork presents a new narrative, bringing these fleeting memories back to a mesmerizing moment. For example, in "Pouring" (2023), she uses acrylic and oil sticks to achieve a water-oil separation effect, reminiscent of peeling old walls. However, her arrangement of textures is calm and restrained, with these textures subtly hidden in secondary parts of the artwork. Silent clocks, a wine glass suspended in mid-air tipping over, frozen raindrops, and calm, firm side profiles of people - everything is captured in this moment, as if with a snap of the fingers, everything could collapse in an instant. A fierce wind and sudden rain, yet to fall.

Female portraits are a common theme in Zhou Xinyu's work. These portraits are often derived from her closest friends (especially in the portraits from 2021-2022). However, she often intentionally removes distinctive features from the portraits, emphasizing atmosphere and emotion instead. She hopes that the portrayed images are not depictions of specific individuals but rather represent a more universal "portrait" itself. For instance, in "Lose Sleep" (2022), the strokes and colors of the artwork revolve around emotion. She chose the slightly melancholic shade of blue to present the depth of the image. She mentioned, "I wanted to intensify this sense of stillness, making every stroke in the painting seem as if it's bound by it."

Her major projects include: The Secret Realm of Thrills and Concealment, BROWNIE Project, Shanghai (2023); Alone Time, Union Pacific, London (2023); Three Mirrors, ARR Gallery, Hangzhou (2022); Asian Art Archive Annual Fundraising Auction Preview, Christie’s Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2022); Pantomime In The Garden, Gene Gallery, Shanghai (2022); A Room of One’s Own, Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong (2022).

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即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

Afternoon Projects在2020年成立于加拿大温哥华,创立初衷是为了呈现能反应出加拿大本土和国际年轻艺术家具有前瞻性和挑战性的作品和展览。Afternoon Projects作为一个画廊空间充当了策展实验室的角色,充分给与年轻艺术家艺术表现的自由,并且通过与其他艺术机构的合作和国际艺术博览会的参与来推广合作艺术家。

Afternoon Projects is established in 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. With a priority on representing emerging, critical, and challenging work, Afternoon Projects is an accessible, intimate gallery that acts as a curatorial lab and space for emerging artists to better realize their visions and exercise artistic freedom. Often showcasing works from across Canada, such as Montreal and Toronto, Afternoon Projects connects its artists to a national and international contemporary art discourse through exhibitions, artist talks, and art fairs.

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

BROWNIE Project 画廊创立于2019年年末,致力于在这个激荡的时代环境下,探寻当代艺术的革新和社会关照。画廊代理与推广在观念和创作方式上具有开创性的当代艺术家,支持艺术家在不断扩宽边界的创作实践中,回应世界当下。

画廊的核心 600 平复合空间位于中国上海,以非传统的展览空间构建,并以策展为重点,支持艺术家实现多种形式与叙述方式的项目和作品。BROWNIE Project 画廊尤以关注跨文化、社会性、多媒介及女性艺术家,并着重链接中国与欧美及其他亚太地区之间的艺术家展览及项目合作,在画廊空间内外,积极发掘当代艺术领域中的新晋艺术家,以及仍然野心勃勃不断突破自我的事业中期艺术家。

BROWNIE Project 画廊亦致力于在全球范围内与公共机构、美术馆、艺术基金会、艺术博览会、收藏家和策展人积极合作,开启更多能够突破经验的艺术可能性。

Established in late 2019, BROWNIE Project is a contemporary art gallery committed to exploring the innovation and social impact of contemporary art in a turbulent present. BROWNIE Project represents contemporary artists who apply exceptionally groundbreaking concept and art form, supporting them to confront the world through ever changing practices.

The 6500 square feet gallery space in Shanghai, China, is contrived as a non-traditional exhibition space with a curatorial pivot on realizing artistic projects and works of various formats. BROWNIE Project spotlights on cross-cultural, multi-media and female artists engaging with social practice and global perspective, facilitating collaborations on exhibitions and projects between China, Europe, America and the Asia Pacific region, to discover emerging artists as well as mid career artists who are constantly breaking boundaries in their creation.

As a new force in the contemporary art world, BROWNIE Project actively collaborates with public institutions, museums, foundations, art fairs, collectors and curators globally to generate new possibilities beyond now.

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

即将开幕|BROWNIE Projcet x Afternoon Projects《激悦和隐蔽的私密地带》 崇真艺客

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