
HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》

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HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客


开幕时间:2017.07.01(星期六), 15:00

展览时间:2017.07.01 - 2017.08.01

展览地点:杭州HDM 画廊 | 1208 室,滨康路 101 号海威大厦,滨江区,杭州

HDM 画廊很荣幸地宣布将于 2017 年 7 月 1 日在杭州空间举办艺术家李明个展《烟士披里纯》,展览将持续至 2017 年 8 月 1 日。






*特别感谢天线空间 Antenna Space 对本次展览的支持

HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客

* 《寻梦启事》,传单印刷,A4,2017

HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客


HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客


HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客


HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客


HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客

*《寻梦启示系列-A0 No.2》,A4纸、马克笔、铅笔、印章,119 x 84 cm,2017

HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客

*《寻梦启示系列-无题No.1》,湿转印、水彩、中性笔,71 x 57 cm,2017


李明,1986 年出生于湖南沅江,2008 年毕业于中国美术学院,现工作生活于杭州,曾在众多美术馆、画廊、重要博览会展出过作品,包括 K11 Art Foundation、MoMA PS1 合办的香港 K11 Art Foundation 临时展览空间、瑞士伊韦尔冬当代艺术中心、意大利皮诺帕斯卡里博物馆、柏林 Momentum、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心、上海 chi K11 美术馆、深圳 OCT 当代艺术中心、上海明当代美术馆、上海民生现代美术馆等。近期展览也包括:弗里兹纽约艺博会,纽约(2016);“新倾向 – 李明”,尤伦斯当代艺术中心(2015);“中介”,天线空间,上海(2014)。


杭州 HDM 画廊是首家入驻杭州的国际性画廊。

在北京 HDM 画廊成功运营 4 年后,画廊第二个空间于 2013 年在杭州成立。 Olivier Hervet 先生作为此空间的负责人,成为了除 Laurent Dassault 先生和 Hadrien de Montferrand 先生外的第三合伙人,旨在为中国的年轻艺术家提供一个展示平台。基于画廊对艺术推广及市场运作的本责,和维画廊不仅着重关注中国艺术家的发展,更致力于在国际艺术权威和爱好西方艺术的中国藏家间建立起紧密的联系。

Exhibition:  Li Ming | Inspired by Transliteration

Opening: 2017.07.01 (Sat.), 15:00

Duration: 2017.07.01-2017.08.01

Location: HDM Gallery | Room 1208, Hiwell Mansion, 101 Binkang Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou

HDM Gallery is pleased to present Li Ming's solo show “Inspired by Transliteration” in Hangzhou on July 1st, 2017. The exhibition will last until August 1st,2017.

About the exhibition

“Inspired by Transliteration” initially draws its “inspiration” from a word in modern Chinese which translated to literary Chinese is used as a version of transliteration. The form of the English title imitates the syntax of commercial advertisements, causing this word to be inspired by a facet of excessive consumption. “Inspired by Transliteration” considers HDM Gallery’s current location, Hiwell Tower as a creative loop. At the same time, it is a recording loop of neurology and a graphic loop of art history; whilst entering the gallery through the eastern emergency staircase, the loop closes on exiting through the western side after the exhibition is viewed. This exhibition raises suspicion on the unconsciousness of the display mechanism: why is it that in an exhibition space, there is always a connection of front and back, left and right, flat, far and near in the works and between them? Li Ming makes three kinds of loops cover each other in the foreground, and in the vertical passageway of the tower he reinstalls a vertical connection. And inside of this, his dreamland and creative reality also present a vertical distribution with social networks.

In the production of the exhibition, the artist pieced all the spaces related to artistic creation together by using a brushstroke style: tower, studio and prison. That is, with regard to Li Ming, the prison of creation is a kind of prison. This is a work made with art history. In particular, the restriction of Chinese contemporary art is partly caused by the message being set up in the English language that is the shared vernacular of contemporary art. This kind of place has no exit, Li Ming sentenced to death can only try to escape from prison. Li Ming’s “exit” is this kind of attempt at jailbreak inspired by transliteration. In this, inspired by transliteration is a kind of teasing attempt at transliteration becoming an inspiration, and making the audiences becoming conscious of the figure-ground relationship between the main body and the copycatting; in some situations, the copy may turn over the main text, the imitating sketch may become the background of the copy.

When audiences patrol up the building and enter the exhibition space they will see another series of works entitled “The Inspiration of the Dream Seeker”. The information at the back of the work reads: dream is the most personal medium of night-time creativity, and in fact it is also a high-level mean of socialization. In this reflection on what constitutes both a societal investigation and a painted work, Li Ming embarks on interviews of his friends, about whether they have ever encountered the white-bearded old man who gave the inspiration to Li Ming in their dream. This is a process linking Li Ming’s dreamworld and the question of creativity to others’ dream world. In this stage, the whole exhibition may start to turn into the set of a dream: as the audience come into the exhibition hall from the corridor, they can see various versions of white-bearded old men stored up in the cerebral cortex of Li Ming: starting with Zhang Daqian, Marx, the theory of New Democracy, Slavoj Zizek and extending directly to him in front of his computer screen during the day, and keep on reading the classical catalogue at night, having seen all sorts of faces with beards, as if it was a simply absurd nightmare. Li Ming says, this dream is his way of looking back on the “architectural foundation” of artistic work, looking at the dreams about creation and inspiration he kept making since he was six years old.

* Special thanks to Antenna Space for supporting this exhibition

About the artist

Li Ming, Born in Yuanjiang, Hunan Province in 1986, he was graduated from China Academy of Art in 2008 and now lives and works in Hangzhou. Li Ming's work has been internationally recognized by art museums, galleries and art fairs including K11 Art Foundation; MoMA PS1 , K11 Art Foundation Pop-up Space; Centre d'Art Contemporain Yverdon-les-Bains,  Switzerland; Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano; Italy, Momentum, Berlin; Ullens Center for Contemporary Art; Chi K11 Art Museum; OCT-Contemporary Art Terminal; Ming Contemporary Art Museum; Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum. His recent exhibitions include Frieze New York (2016); “New Directions: Li Ming”, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (2015); "Mediation", Antenna Space, Shanghai (2014).

About HDM Gallery

HDM Gallery was opened in November 2013 in Hangzhou’s Binjiang District. It is primarily dedicated to emerging Chinese artists working in all media (painting, sculpture, photography, installation and video). Since its inception it has hosted 10 exhibitions including solo shows of Wang Yi, Pan Xiaorong, Liu Bolin and Chen Han.

HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客

新浪微博: 和维画廊HDM_Gallery

Facebook/Twitter: HDM Gallery

Instagram: HDM_Gallery

HDM 展览 | 李明个展《烟士披里纯》 崇真艺客
中国浙江省杭州市滨江区滨康路 101 号

海威大厦 1208 室, 310051

+86 188 5786 7197





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