SGA沪申画廊将于11月「 WESTBUND ⻄岸艺术与设计博览会 2023」呈现四位杰出的当代中国艺术家:罗敏、高嘉璐、钱佳华、赵博和一位杰出的当代日本艺术家石田泰道的代表作。此次展出的作品跨越多种艺术媒介,包含绘画和实验性墙上装置等。
SGA于展位 #A219 等候您!
Space & Gallery Association (SGA) is pleased to announce our participation in the upcoming WESTBUND 2023 featuring 4 Chinese contemporary artists: Luo Min, Gao Jialu, Qian Jiahua, Zhao Bo, and 1 Japanese contemporary artists Ishida Taido. This year’s presentation will comprise of works in a variety of media, ranging from paintings to exquisite ceramic sculptures.
We invite you to visit our gallery at booth #A219.
- 星期四,11月9日 13:00-19:00
- 星期五,11月10日 12:00-13:00
- 星期五,11月10日 13:00-18:00
- 星期六 & 星期天,11月11-12日 12:00-18:00
Opening Hours:
Private View (by invitation only)
- Thursday, 9 November 2023, 1 - 7pm
- Friday, 10 November 2023 12 - 1pm
Public Days
- Friday, 10 November 2023, 1 - 6pm
- Sat. & Sunday, 11 - 12 November 2023, 12 - 6pm
For more information, please visit our website :
花鸟集 No.4 Flowers and Birds,
布面油画 Oil on canvas, 30 x 24 cm, 2023
Luo Min (b.1968, Sichuan, China) graduated from the China Southwest Normal University, and received MA from the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Art. Luo Min is a first-class national artist, a committee member of the China Oil Painting Society, and a professional painter at the Beijing Fine Art Academy. She has held exhibitions across Asia and Europe. She currently works in Beijing.
平衡 Balance, 布面油画 Oil on Canvas, 170 x 170 cm, 2022
高嘉璐(1996 年,中国上海)2020 年获纽约视觉艺术学院学士学位,2021年获美国罗德岛设计学院硕士学位。目前工作、生活于纽约和上海,作品被龙美术馆、上海云间美术馆等机构收藏。
Gao Jialu (1996,Shanghai,China) attained a bachelor’s degree in Arts from School of Visual Arts NewYork in 2020. In 2021, she graduated from Rhode Island School of Design Providence of Arts with a master’s degree. Gao currently resides and works in New York and Shanghai. Her works have been collected by the LONG MUSEUM, YunjianArt Museum and other institutions.
虾红 Lobster Red, 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas, 25 x 25 cm, 2022
钱佳华(1987年,中国上海)2011年毕业于中国美术学院,现生活工作于上海。其作品曾在国内外展出,其中包括:上海宝龙美术馆、chi K11 上海、南京金鹰当代艺术空间及白立方伦敦等。
Qian Jiahua (1987,Shanghai,China) graduated from China Academy of Art in 2011. She currently works and resides in Shanghai. Her work has exhibited in Powerlong Musuem Shanghai; Chi K11 Shanghai; Nanjing Golden Eagle Con-temporaryArt Center; White Cube London,UK and more.
星尘10号 Stars No.10
布面综合材料 Mixed media on canvas, 120 x 90 cm, 2021-2023
赵博(1984 年,中国沈阳)毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系,2007 年获艺术学士。2011年获硕士学位,期间赴挪威奥斯陆国立美术学院交流学习。现工作、生活于沈阳。
Zhao Bo (b.1984,Shenyang,China) graduated with a B.A in 2007 and a M.A in 2011 from the Oil Painting Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Art, China. During the period, Zhao attended an exchange program with the National Academy of the Arts in Norway. He currently resides and works in Shenyang.
花 No.89 Flower No.89,
纸 颜料 树枝 流木 Pulp, paint, branches, driftwood,
80 x 45 x 25 cm, 2022
石田泰道(1968 年,日本山梨)1993 年筑波大学研究生毕业。现为日本行动美术家会员,山梨美术协会会员。2021 年参加第三届宝龙艺术大奖“今日日本”艺术家作品征集展。
Ishida Taido (1968,Yamanashi,Japan) graduated from Tsukuba University as a graduate student in 1993. He is a member of the Japan Action Artists and the Yamanashi Art Association. He participated in the 3rd PowerLong Art Award "JapanToday" Artist Call for Entry Exhibition in 2021.