
藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16

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藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客


ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair

展位 Booth|W16

貴賓預展 VIP Preview|11.09 - 11.10

公眾展期 Public Days|11.11 - 11.12

地點 Venue|上海展覽中心 

Shanghai Exhibition Center

大未來林舍畫廊於2023年上海ART 021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會推出藝術家吳大羽陳道明趙趙申亮、徐華翎劉時棟賴九岑黃嘉寧的最新創作憑藉著文化作為思考的載體,向觀者呈現華人藝術家們在創作上的多元模樣,並勾勒出藝術家在繼承過去美學足跡的同時,與歷史進行不同角度對話。

Lin & Lin Gallery is pleased to participate in the ART 021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2023. The exhibition will showcase latest artworks by artists Wu Da-YuChen Tao-MingZhao Zhao, Shen Liang, Chen Chieh-JenXu HualingLiu Shih-TungLai Chiu-Chen, and Huang Chia-Ning. With the carrier of culture, the gallery will present the diverse landscapes of Chinese artists, and outline the traces how artists inherit the aesthetic of the past whilst engaging in a dialogue with history from different perspectives.

吳大羽 WU DA-YU

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
無題 Untitled
14x10 cm
油性蠟筆紙 Oil crayon on paper


Wu Da-Yu, the first generation of Chinese abstract painting representative, inspired an entire generation of Chinese artists. After he returned from France in 1922, Wu founded Hangzhou's National Academy of Art along with Lin Fengmian. His students include Wu Guanzhong, Zao Wou-Ki, Chu Teh-Chun and others. Many of his paintings depict casual subject matter seen in everyday life. He cleverly transforms concrete images with the momentum of Chinese brushwork, blending abstraction with the exquisite charm of Chinese culture. Wu creates impressions that resemble something without being literal. His wild brushstrokes and vivid colors form rhythmic spaces while delivering a spirit of natural harmony.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
無題 Untitled
14x10 cm
油性蠟筆紙 Oil crayon on paper


Born in Jiangsu Yixing in 1903, Wu was the first generation of Chinese abstract painting representative. He went to France in 1922 to study art at Paris High Art Institution and Bourdelle’s studio. Then Wu founded Hangzhou's National Academy of Art along with Lin Fengmian, inspired an entire generation of Chinese artists. His students include Wu Guanzhong, Zao Wou-Ki, Chu Teh-Chun and others.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客

2016, 80x116 cm
壓克力顏料畫布 Acrylic on canvas


Chen Tao-Ming has been eager to explore the variations of materials, formations, and colors. He made use of the fluidity of water-based paints such as acrylics and watercolors to replace dense oil paints, and to generate atlas-like tableaus vibrating with musical rhythms. Through his brush strokes, the concrete matters and abstract momentum come to clash on the canvas to allow the mind to freely wander in time, reflecting his inner vibrancy of life and the capture of time.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客

2016, 90x130 cm
壓克力顏料畫布 Acrylic on canvas


Born in Shangdong in 1931, Chen co-founded Ton-Fan Group, the first abstract painting group in Chinese region, in Taipei in 1956 and was therefore dubbed as one of "The Eight Highwaymen of the East". His works were collected by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung; National Museum of History, Taipei.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客

桃子與葡萄 Peaches and Grapes
2023, 27x35 cm
油畫棒‧油彩‧畫布 Oil stick, oil on canvas


Zhao Zhao uses a variety of media to transform realistic subject matters and artistic forms, focusing on the relation between individual consciousness and the social sphere in which he lives. From multiple perspectives, his paintings fusing traditional and contemporary elements will be compared, and the unique development of his art will be explored. Furthermore, Zhao’s philosophical thinking, which is positioned between East and West, will be examined, as will his connection to his own culture. In Zhao Zhao’s works, we can always find a profound understanding of traditional cultural aesthetics.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客

風景 Landscape
2023, 180x150 cm
油彩‧畫布 Oil on canvas

趙趙1982年生於中國新疆,其作品曾參加多個海內外重要機構的展覽並被收藏。2014年被Modern Painters列為全球最值得關注的25位藝術家之一,2017年獲得了第十一屆「AAC 藝術中國年度青年藝術家提名獎」, 2019年獲得第十三屆「AAC 藝術中國年度藝術家大獎」。

Born in Xinjiang, China in 1982, Zhao’s works have been exhibited and collected by many significant organizations at home and aboard.  In 2014, he was listed as one of the Modern Painters “25 Artists to Watch”. In 2017, he obtained the award nomination of Chinese annual young artist in 11th ACC (Award of Art China) and won the Thirteenth AAC Artist of the Year Award in 2019.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
淺草 6 Tender Grass 6
2023, 153x102 cm
水彩色粉筆鉛筆紙 Watercolor, pastel, pencil on paper


Shen Liang has been thinking about the issues of tradition and daily life and giving diversified contemporary perspective to traditional Eastern literati painting. In Shen’s “repetitive painting” approach, he closely observes daily life and combines the spirit of Chinese ink with the medium and technology of Western art. By layering objects, his work reconstructs a world of imagination through Eastern defacement and constitutes a certain kind of reality beyond the objects and constant practices to realize the aesthetic tradition that runs in his veins.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
2023 NO.6
2023, 30x30 cm
丙烯油彩‧壓克力 Acrylic, oil on acrylic


Born in Liaoning, China in 1976, Shen graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China. His work is in collection of Seattle Art Museum, U.S.A., White Rabbit Gallery, Australia, The National Art Museum of China, and CAFA Art Museum, China. He also had solo exhibitions in Berlin and Frankfurt, Germany, New York, U.S.A, Seoul, South Korea, and Beijing, China.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客

鳥鳴澗 Bird Singing Ravine

2018, 204x110 cm

絹本‧水色 Silk Watercolor


Xu Hualing's works are inspired by the youthful images of contemporary women and her daily surroundings. All the time, intricate line and pale colors have always been the distinctive features of Xu's works. She consciously avoids delineating the outlines in traditional Gongbi painting. Instead, she uses light and shade and purposefully weakens the contrast. The pale colors render the blurring of a faint and misty figure. Xu also places the realism of traditional brushwork and the reality of photographic printing on the same surface enriches the hierarchy of the picture, showing the world like a daydream in her eyes.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
香 2014 No.8 Fragrant 2014 No.8
2014, 100x121 cm
絹本‧水色 Silk Watercolor


Born in Heilongjiang, China in 1975, Xu currently teaches in the Department of Chinese Painting, Chinese Painting at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). She graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting at CAFA in 2000, graduated with a master’s degree in 2016, and receives a doctorate in 2020 by CAFA. Since 2001, she has had exhibitions in Beijing, New York, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam, Nanjing, Shanghai, Oldenburg, Tokyo and Sydney.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
沙灘風景 I Landscape on the Beach I
2023, 66x66 cm
複合媒材‧畫布 Mixed media on canvas


Liu Shih-Tung’s works are based on natural and unnatural fragments of culture material collected from daily life. He dismantles and reconstructs the narrative structure and reality of history and memory by using unique and delicate collage and the aesthetics of creation, forming pictures of life memory. Liu took the images of Chinese antique, and has reorganized time and given them contemporary symbols by applying layers and layers of collage on those objects. At the same time, the painting is overflowing with the literati tradition of placing feelings on objects.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
花瓶裡的貓 The Cat in the Vase
2023, 53x45.5 cm
複合媒材‧畫布 Mixed media on canvas


Born in Miaoli, Taiwan, 1970, Liu received M.F.A. from Taipei National University of the Arts. His work is in collection of Taipei Fine Arts Museum, White Rabbit Collection, Deutsche Bank Art, OCI Museum of Art and so forth. Liu is also frequently awarded and invited as an artist-in-residence, for instance, BankART1929 in Yokohama in Japan, Young-Un Museum of Contemporary Art in Korea, and Asian Cultural Council Taipei Branch, etc.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
小松憩羽 Wings Rest in the Pine
2023, 53x42 cm
壓克力顏料畫布 Acrylic on canvas


Lai Chiu-Chen collects the material meeting his eye day after day in the memory bank of his brain. He organizes the material consists of cultural artifacts belonging to different texts, categories, and times from a large pool of resources into a pile in which reality can be seen. He has consciously shifted the content of painting from the objects and photographs used in the past to the painting of pictures, as if to show that the painting and image traditions have become objects of their own appropriation and imitation. The fragmented symbols, images and memories have been reassembled, integrated and exported and lead viewers to think about the multiphase meanings of images.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
叢花裡的窸窣聲 Rustling in the Flower Bush
2022, 68x93 cm
壓克力顏料畫布 Acrylic on canvas


Born in Jiufen, Taiwan in 1970, Lai graduated from Taipei National University of Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts M.F.A. Program. His works were collected by several significant art Museum, such as Long Museum (Shanghai), Taipei Fine Arts Museum and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. He has won many awards, including First Prize of Taipei Arts Award, Dr. Stanley Ho Foundation Art Award, First Prize of Kuo Po-Chuan Fine Arts Award, First Prize of Tunghua Rotary Club Fine Arts Award, First Prize of Grand Award of Prix de Paris, etc.


藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
葉子與水滴 Leaves and Drops
2023, 90x135 cm
油彩‧畫布 Oil on canvas


Huang Chia-Ning continues her realistic painting of life scenes and brings back memories of life by precisely depicting a balance between reality and perception. Huang takes the information from the photographs as the content of her paintings. Her works are not only the reproduction of photographs, but more often than not, they depict the conscious messages in the fragments. The visual experiences filled with personal perceptions such as details that are reproduced or discarded by choice, the shifting of focal length, or even the hundreds of times magnified image become a kind of existence outside of time.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客
一個小盆栽 A Small Pot
2023, 80x116 cm
油彩‧畫布 Oil on canvas


Born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1979, Huang received the Kaohsiung Awards in 2006, and an Honorable Mention of the Taipei Arts Awards in 2007. She has widely received attention from international collectors and has been repeatedly invited for exhibitions. Her work is in collections of museums and private foundations such as Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, YAGEO Foundation Collection, and Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture.

藝博會預告|ART021 上海廿一當代藝術博覽會|Booth W16 崇真艺客

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