
布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品

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布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客
布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客

王利丰 Wang Lifeng

布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客

王利丰 Wang Lifeng

籍 人物之一 Ji - Portraits No. 1


纸本综合材料 Mixed media on paper

130 x 76 cm

布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客
作品评论 Essay

Wang Lifeng’s artistic trajectory is distinctive and unique in Chinese contemporary art. While many of his compatriots have focused on exploring cynicism expressed in the vocabulary of Pop Art, Wang mines history both real and imagined to concatenate past, present and future in his own personal idiom. An impresario of mixed media, he creates abstract compositions from which readable cultural signifiers emerge. 

Fragments of silk commingle with old documents amid Wang’s expressive oil painting on the canvases. His careful juxtaposition and injection of his own gesture tell us that he is not attempting an objective narration but rather uniting collective memory and personal imagination.  

Wang’s uniqueness lies in his ability to remain focused on the iconography of China’s past while simultaneously inventing a new visual language in which to portray it. He embraces ambiguity and paradox and transforms them into tools with which he forges his own subjective view of history.

裴大利 Tally Beck


The expressions of historical events, knowledge and meaning all have specific contexts: their own historical environments. The originality of Wang Lifeng lies in his utilization of visual imagery to construct a historical environment, laying bare deep layers and connotations of the meaning of historical fact. The meaning of cultural history lies in the fact that it exists in intelligible things—things we understand, including the true and the false. Wang Lifeng does not cater to the tastes of his audiences but challenges them.

He does not attempt to speak for cultural history; however, he allows cultural history to speak through him with its own unique rhythm, flavour and individual temperament. Consequently, just by looking at the wispy, faint imagery in Wang Lifeng’s pieces, one realizes what is being presented is anti-narration demanding introspection. Imagery portrays the autonomy of aesthetics and history’s twinkling symbolism—a concept painstakingly pursued by Wang Lifeng that makes his work so unique and multi-faceted. Each of his series (The Great Han Dynasty, The Great Song Dynasty or The Great Ming Dynasty) has been highly purified and distilled leaving behind only the feelings and mood of the main body: quiet but forceful, sorrowful yet brilliant, sincere yet dispirited almost to the point of despair. What it reveals is an artist highly attuned and skilled at portraying culture and history through imagery.

岛子 Dao Zi
布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客
艺术家自述 Artist statement
I reflect on and imagine what different periods of Chinese history must have been like. These impressions, expressed in my work, are partly an emotional response and partly informed by my knowledge of traditional cultures.I believe that contemporary society must maintain the essential beliefs and practices of the past in order to transcend superficial and often self-seeking materialism.
王利丰 Wang Lifeng
布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客
关于艺术家 About the Artist

王利丰 Wang Lifeng
1962 生于内蒙古
1979 开始油画和木雕创作
1986 毕业于中国戏曲学院
目前 生活和工作在北京
2019 雲歸,胡润艺术会,上海M50
2018 菩萨蛮,红门画廊,北京
点绛唇 - 籍系列,朱雀画廊,悉尼
2016 籍系列--纸本人物,万荷美术馆, 北京
2014 回问 – 王利丰2014艺术作品巡回展,西湖美术馆/ 杭州、梅江国际艺术馆/ 天津、深圳会展中心/ 深圳、文轩美术馆/ 成都、锦都艺术中心/ 北京
2013 籍 – 王利丰,红门画廊,北京
 丰言丰言 – 王利丰纸本作品展,颐和悦馆,北京
2012 回望·王利丰历史系列作品珍藏展, 798 悦·美术馆, 北京
2010 我的抽象之路 —王利丰作品展,锦都文化艺术中心,北京
2009 青 · 山系列,世界画廊,香港
2008 青 · 山系列,威诺里萨,北京
青 · 山系列,格丰艺术机构,深圳
2007 大明系列, 红门画廊,北京
2005 大宋系列,红门画廊
2003 大汉系列,红门画廊
2002 大唐系列,上海艺博画廊
2000 春秋系列,红门画廊
1999 战国系列,红门画廊
1998 煌系列,红门画廊                                                                       
1997 朝系列,红门画廊
1996 回系列,红门画廊
1995 纯系列,红门画廊
1993 国语系列,红门画廊
1989 双鹤画廊,美国西雅图
1987 第二次木雕作品展,法国大使馆 ,北京
1986 首次木雕作品展,友谊宾馆,北京
2019 关注,爱慕美术馆 ,北京
2018 碎片,红门画廊,北京
艺境·同行 – 中澳当代艺术展,悦美术馆,北京
2017 中国抽象艺术沙龙展,苏州美术馆,苏州
中国抽象艺术联, 东莞会展艺术中心,广州
红门 – 继往开来,红门画廊,北京
共享--当代艺术展 ,798 悦美术馆,北京
2016 中国观网---2015年度中国现代艺术影响力榜,贵州
朗舍 - 红门画廊二十五周年,红门画廊, 北京
2015 在或不在,万国美术馆,北京
2014 纸 ,在 - 试验艺术展,天津美术馆,天津
此间 - 当代艺术家联合展,梅江国际艺术馆,天津
2013 澳中2013当代艺术家大展,天津梅江现代美术馆,天津
此间 - 当代水墨名家邀请展,大般若艺术基金会所,香港
2012 世纪风华 - 当代油画大展,中国画院美术馆,北京
红门二十周年 – 两代艺术家展,澳大利亚巡回展: 悉尼、塔里、纽卡斯尔、墨尔本和珀斯
2011 万荷艺术展,磴明万荷美术馆
红门二十周年 – 两代艺术家展,六岛中心,上海
红门二十周年 – 两代艺术家展,红门画廊
2010 中国抽象TOP展,杭州
2009 蒙古.蒙古,红门画廊
中国抽象艺术的当代力量,塔石艺文舘, 澳门
重返现代—09中国抽象展, 西湖美术馆,杭州
2008 文化 · 中国现象,安德森画廊,瑞士
2007 上海艺术博览会,Tolman画廊,美国
2006 Tolman Collection, 东京
2005 情劫:八人作品展,798仁画廊,北京
2004 角度:京、宁、沪三地艺术家巡回展,红色经典画廊,南京;环碧堂画廊,北京;安德雷斯画廊,上海
2002 上苑艺术家联合展览,澳门市政厅
2001 迹象未来 - 红门画廊十周年展,红门画廊
大唐系列作品展,J 画廊,香港
1998 再现 - 红门画家代表作品精选回顾展,红门画廊
穿过红门之三:介入与归避,红门 画廊
1997 1994-98澳大利亚碧海壁公司当代中国艺术挂历绘画作品展,红门画廊
1996 红门画廊五周年联展
1995 第三届全国油画展,中国美术馆,北京
1994 新年预览,红门画廊
1991 画廊首展,红门画廊
1984 北京首都博物馆;万寿山,北京
布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客

1962 Born in Inner Mongolia

1979 Began Oil Painting and Wood Sculpture
1986 Graduated in Stage Design, Central Academy of Theatre, Beijing
Stage Designer, Beijing Peoples’ Theatre of the Arts
Present: Lives and works in Beijing
Solo Exhibitions
2018 Behind the Curtain of the Boudoir, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing
 Archives of Longing, Vermilion Art, Sydney
2016 Ji Series - Paper Characters, Beijing Lotus Art Museum, Beijing
2014 Inside Out – Wang Lifeng Art Work 2014 Tour, Zhejiang West Lake Gallery / Hangzhou, Meijiang International Art Museum / Tianjin, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center / Shenzhen, Winshare Art Museum / Chengdu, 798 Jindu Art Gallery / Beijing
2013 Ji, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing
2012 Retrospective, 798 Enjoy Art Museum, Beijing
2010 My Abstract Way, Jindu Art Gallery, Beijing
2009 Qing Mountain Series, Galerie Du Monde, Hong Kong
2008 Qing Mountain Series, China Visual Arts Center, Beijing
  Qing Mountain Series, Gefeng Art Center, Shenzhen
  Great Song Series, Brussels
2007 The Great Ming Dynasty, Red Gate Gallery
2005 Great Song Series, Red Gate Gallery
Great Song Series, Munich, Germany
2003 Great Han Series, J Gallery, Hong Kong
Great Han Series, Red Gate Gallery
2002 Great Tang Series, Yi Bo Gallery, Shanghai
2000 Spring and Autumn Series, Red Gate Gallery
1999 Warring States Series, Red Gate Gallery
1998 Brilliance Series, Red Gate Gallery
1997 Dynasty Series, Red Gate Gallery
1996 Hui Series, Red Gate Gallery
1995 Purity Series, Red Gate Gallery
1993 National Language Series, Red Gate Gallery
1989 Double Crane Gallery, Seattle
1987 2nd Wood Sculpture Exhibition, French Embassy, Beijing
1986 1st Wood Sculpture Exhibition, Friendship Hotel, Beijing
Selected Group Exhibitions
2018 Art Wonderland Mutual Prosperity – Chinese and Australian Contemporary Art, Enjoy Art Museum, Beijing
2017 Abstract Art of China, Suzhou Art Museum, Suzhou
Chinese Abstract Art, Dongguan Convention and Exhibition Art Center, Guangzhou
Red Gate on the Move, Red Gate Gallery
Sharing – Contemporary Art, 798 Enjoy Art Museum, Beijing
2016 My Living Room – Red Gate 25th Anniversary Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery
2015 In or Out, Beijing Lotus Art Museum, Beijing
2014 Paper · Being, Tian Jin Art Museum, Tianjin
Here and Now, Meijiang Art Center, Tianjin
2013 Australia - China 2013 Contemporary Artists, Meijiang Art Center, Tianjin
The World - Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Artists, Prajna Art Foundation, Hong Kong
Chinese Installation Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Beijing, Beijing
2012 The Splendor of the Century - Contemporary Oil Painting, Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy, Beijing
Two Generations - 20 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art Australian Tour: City of Sydney Chinese New Year; Manning Regional Gallery; Damien Minton Gallery; University of Newcastle Gallery; Melbourne International Fine Arts (MiFA); Linton & Kay, Perth
2011 Wang He Art, Deng Ming Wan He Art Museum
20 Years - Two Generations of Artists at Red Gate, island6 Art Center, Shanghai
20 Years - Two Generations of Artists at Red Gate, Red Gate Gallery
2010 China Abstract TOP, Hangzhou
China Abstract TOP, Today Art Museum
Our Journey of Abstraction, Jindu Art Gallery
Trickery and Metamorphisis, Jinbao Art Museum, The Fourth Space
Times – No Boundaries, Henan Art Museum
2009 Mongolia : Mongolia, Red Gate Gallery
60th Anniversary Contemporary Art, National Centre for the Performing Arts
Back to Modern Times – 09 Chinese Abstract Art, Xi Hu Art Museum
Contemporary Power of Chinese Abstract Art, Tap Seac Gallery, Macau
2008 Culture Chinese Phenomena, Anderson Gallery, Switzerland
Red Gate Stars, Red Gate Gallery
2007 Chinese Contemporary Art Document, Century Wall, Beijing
2007 Shanghai Art Fair, Tolman Gallery, USA
Artists in Residence Work-In-Progress Preview, NY Arts Beijing Space
Contemporary Cultural Venation – China Version, Today Art Museum
Chinese Text of Abstract Art, Ningbo Art Museum, Ningbo
Critical Thread, First Sound Gallery, Beijing
2006 Tolman Collection, Tokyo
 Red Gate Gallery’s 15th Anniversary
Asian Art Interchange Show, Changwon Art Museum, South Korea
Chinese Text of Abstract Art, Shanghai Art Museum
2006 Chinese Contemporary Art Document, The China Millennium Monument Museum, Beijing
2005 Passion and Force: Eight Artists, 798 Yan Gallery, Beijing
2004 Angle: Traveling Exhibition of Artists from Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai
2002 Shang Yuan Artists, Macao City Hall
Great Tang Series, J Gallery, Hong Kong
2001 Clues to the Future – Red Gate Gallery’s 10th Anniversary
1998 Retake: A Selection Reviewing Red Gate Artists’ Signature Works, Red Gate Gallery
1997 Works Featured in the 1994 - 1998 BHP Calendars
1996 Red Gate Gallery’s 5th Anniversary
1995 3rd National Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Gallery of China, Beijing
1991 Inaugural Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery
1984 Beijing Art Museum, Temple of Longevity, Beijing
BHP, Westinghouse, Beijing Capital Club, Italian Bank of Commerce; Anglo-American; numerous private collections in Switzerland, Germany, Australia, France, Austria, Singapore, Sweden, Hong Kong, USA and Beijing.

Press Release 展讯

旋动力 - 藏于繁荣年代

Spiral - Collecting from 2010 to 2019


Exhibition Dates: 11.4 – 12.3, 2023


Opening: 3 - 5 pm, November 4, Saturday

展览地点:红门画廊 @ 798

Venue: Red Gate Gallery @ 798

展出艺术家 Artists:

浦捷 Pu Jie, 吕松 Lv Song, 李金国 Li Jinguo, 陶艾民 Tao Aimin, 关伟 Guan Wei, 王利丰 Wang Lifeng, 蒋巍涛 Jiang Weitao, 徐跋骋 Xu Bacheng, 王强 Wang Qiang, 蒋龙 Jiang Long, 刘瑾Liu Jin, 张恒泰 Zhang Hengtai, 叶森 Ye Sen, 陶弘景 Tao Hongjing, 刘涛 Liu Tao, 康超 Kang Chao, 蔡雅玲 Cai Yaling, 农少华 Nong Shaohua, 王阔阔Wang Kuokuo, 张永基 Zhang Yongji, 张朝晖 Zhang Zhaohui, 王雪翰 Wang Xuehan

布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客

Opening Review 开幕现场

布朗•华莱士早期收藏 | 王利丰作品 崇真艺客

Red Gate Gallery @ 798
电话 Tel: + 86 137 010 787 21 
For more information, please contact
电话 Tel: + 86 137 010 787 21 

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