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Hunsand Space(Beijing)is delighted to present the solo exhibition "Riveting Rapids" by the artist Wang Ximin on December 30, 2023. "湍濑" refers to a place where the water is shallow and the flow is rapid. When individuals find themselves in turbulent currents, they are often carried along, overturned. Even if one harbors reluctance and a desire for change, most can only go with the flow, rising and falling with the current. It is precisely the sense of powerlessness in the face of such circumstances, along with the anger resulting from this helplessness, that motivates Wang Ximin's artistic creation.
结局在夜晚时分-1|The ending occurs in the evening hours-1木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc
宁谧时分|Tranquil Moments木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc火能吞没一切|Fire can engulf everything木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc
王希民 | Wang Ximin
迁徙者|Migrant蜂窝铝板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Honeycomb aluminum panel, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc21.5×250.5×5cm刺绳|Barbed Wire木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc13×60×4cm
展览现场展览现场不可预测的结局|Unforeseeable Ending蜂窝铝板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Honeycomb aluminum panel, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc翻覆的乌鸦 -2|Overturned Crow-2木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc翻覆的乌鸦 -1|Overturned Crow-1木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc黑金色的夜晚|Night in Black and Gold木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc乌鸦的未知状况|The Unknown State of the Crow木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc麻雀的夜晚|Sparrow's Night木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc蜂窝铝板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Honeycomb aluminum panel, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc
干枯的记忆|Withered Memories木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc荆棘缠绕|Ensnared Amidst Thorns木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc吞吐|Swallowing and Spitting out木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc结局在夜晚时分-2|The ending occurs in the evening hours-2木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc结局在夜晚时分-3|The ending occurs in the evening hours-3木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc20×30×4.5cm结局在夜晚时分-4|The ending occurs in the evening hours-4木板、麻布、麦秸、黄土、明胶、墨等 | Wood board, burlap, wheat straw, loess, gelatin, ink,etc
2023年12月30日 - 2024年2月25日
古务运动 x 拾萬空间 |12月30日,跳蛙来了
拾萬 | 杭州
Taka Kono:俊雄在这
2023年12月23日 - 2024年2月25日
拾萬杭州 | 展览现场 | Taka Kono:俊雄在这
拾萬杭州 | 即将展出 | Taka Kono:俊雄在这
Hunsand Space was established in 2014 in the Caochangdi Art Zone of Beijing. In 2018, it relocated to the 798 Art District in Beijing. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Space opened a branch, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art, in Shijiazhuang, and by the end of 2023, it had moved to Beizhangcheng Village in Jingxing, Shijiazhuang. In early 2023, a new branch was established in Fujiwan, Zhuantang, Xihu, Hangzhou. The Beijing headquarters of Hunsand Space is located within a sunken two-story building in the Bauhaus architectural complex within the 798 Art District. The Shijiazhuang branch delves deep into an old church within a historic village in the Taihang Mountains, while the Hangzhou space has been transformed from a farmhouse near the Longwu Tea Plantation. Hunsand Space remains vigilant against the standardization of exhibitions and aims to respond to our shared existential experiences, sparking the often overlooked aspects of contemporary culture through ongoing exhibitions and projects.
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:00(冬季)11:00-19:00(春夏秋)微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace