林大艺术中心荣幸宣布,艺术家张林海个展「众神的黄昏」Twilight of the Gods将于 1月24日在林大艺术中心新加坡空间盛大启幕。同时,在1月12日至1月28日期间,张林海个展的预展将在新加坡百丽宫购物中心举办。以下是展览详细信息:Linda Gallery cordially invites you to the grand opening of Zhang Linhai's solo exhibition, Twilight of the Gods, by artist Zhang Linhai, opening at the Linda Gallery's Singapore space on January 24th. A preview of Zhang Linhai's exhibition will be held at the Paragon Shopping Center in Singapore from January 12th to January 28th. Below is detailed information about the exhibition:A 众神的黄昏 张林海个展
艺术家 | 张林海
Artist Zhang LinHai
总策划 | 田彦文
Cheif Curator Tian YanWen
策展人 | 吴鸿
Curator Wu Hong
展 期 | 2024.1.24-3.24
Duration 24th January to 24th March 2024
地 点 | 39 吉宝路,#04-04,丹戎巴葛区 新加坡089065
Location 39 Keppel Rd, #04-04, Tanjong Pagar Distripark Singapore 089065
B 众神的黄昏 张林海个展(预展)
艺术家 | 张林海
Artist Zhang LinHai
总策划 | 田彦文
Cheif Curator Tian YanWen
策展人 | 吴鸿
Curator Wu Hong
展 期 | 2024.1.12-1.28
Duration 12nd January to 28th January 2024
地 点 | 乌节路 290号 新加坡 238859
Location 290 Orchard Rd, Singapore 238859
C 众神的黄昏 张林海个展(预展)
艺术家 | 张林海
Artist Zhang LinHai
总策划 | 田彦文
Cheif Curator Tian YanWen
策展人 | 吴鸿
Curator Wu Hong
展 期 | 2024.1.12-1.28
Duration 12nd January to 28th January 2024
地 点 | 乌节路 290号,4层45号, 新加坡 238859
Location 290 Orchard Rd,#04-45 Paragon, Singapore 238859
油画作品 部分展示
Partial Display of Oil Painting
众神的黄昏 The Twilight of the Gods, 2023布面油画Oil on Canvas, 120x190cm
众神的黄昏 The Twilight of the Gods, 2023
布面油画Oil on Canvas, 152x122cm
童话系列 Fairy Tale Series, 2019布面油画 Oil on Canvas, 311x404cm尘埃的温度
这些陈旧破废的物件,犹如一段时光的疤痕。相对于大自然来说,人类的记忆力显得非常健忘和脆弱,时间在万物上的雕刻一再提示人生的短暂与即逝,在稀释万千动人故事的同时,也淡化和屏蔽了许多善行美德与卑鄙龌龊。任何痴挚的制作,越精致、繁复,许多不确定的因素就会在每次的涂拭中逐渐呈现,这些貌似巧合的划痕、癍泽、尘迹、污渍,甚至那块瑕疵的纹理以及退艳的色彩,对阐述以往经岁月雕琢下,无论是个体抑或是集体的内在刻痕都成了合适的途经……企望在这种犹如覆以“包浆”式的图像前,能嗅到陈年旧岁里酸辛与醇腐的味道。那些已成为典章的“戏剧”,与真实的、现实的“戏剧”究竟有多远?今天微不足道的日常的瞬间的片段是否会发酵成明天正剧里的“佐料”?!The Temperature of Dust
Zhang Linhai
These old and battered objects are the scars of a period of time. Compared to that of nature, humanity’s memory seems very fragile and easily lost. The carvings that time makes on all things once again remind us that life is brief and fleeting; they dilute countless moving stories, but they also attenuate and protect many kind and virtuous things and many mean and sordid things.The finer and more complex any entirely sincere production is, the more indeterminate elements appear in every stroke. These seemingly coincidental scratches, spots, dust streaks, and stains, or even these flawed textures and faded colors become suitable ways of interpreting internal scars, whether individual or collective, that have been burnished by passing time. When confronted with these images, which seemed to have been patinated, I hope you can smell many years of hardship and decay.How far are the dramas that have become institutions from true, real dramas? Can today’s momentary, everyday, negligible fragments be fermented into the spice of tomorrow’s dramas?Junk Wooden Plate Artworks尘系列 Dust Series,2018
旧木盘Junk Wooden Plate, 50x50x4cm
尘系列 Dust Series,2017
旧木盘Junk Wooden Plate, 33x50x4cm
这些纸本的水彩作品是近几年的随性涂鸦,也是一种另类的减压方式。不想在专业上对它们作多余的引释,想必每个感兴趣的观众…对它都会有自己最佳的解读!企图用其一生的所作所念来治愈曾经的 “童年”,尽管这是不自觉的…可直到今天才知道这是一件很徒劳的事情。“…得到的全是侥幸,失去的才是人生。” These watercolor works on paper are casual doodles from recent years. They are an alternative way for me to alleviate stress. I prefer not to provide unnecessary interpretations of my work professionally as I believe each interested audience will come away with their own understanding of the work! An attempt to heal childhood trauma with only the thoughts one has and creations one makes throughout their life, though unconscious, will turn out to be a futile endeavor. "...What's gained is mere luck, what's lost is life."Partial Display of Watercolor Artworks纸本水彩 Watercolor, 38x28 cm, 2022
纸本水彩Watercolour, 27x39cm, 2022
1990 Graduated from the Printmaking Department, Tianjing Academy of Fine ArtsCurrently lives and works in Beijing2023 “众神的黄昏”,林大画廊,展场一;林大MOCA美术馆,展场二,新加坡2020 ONLINE I 张林海:荒谬绝伦的“童话”剧,林大艺术中心2019 “童话”系列,台北国际艺博会,台北世贸中心,台湾2019 “尘埃”系列,ART WEE HONG KANG2019,香港艺术中心2017 “剧场”艺术北京- 张林海个展,北京农展馆,北京2016 “空间的剩宴”张林海个展巡展,印尼国家美术馆,雅加达2015 “空间的剩宴”张林海个展巡展,新加坡MOCA美术馆,新加坡2013 “空间的剩宴”张林海个展巡展,林大艺术中心,北京2008 “怔”张林海作品回顾展,今日美术馆,北京2005 “张林海”,MKM 博物馆,都依斯堡;少励画廊,香港2000 “尘埃”张林海油画展,史丹妮艺术空间,上海1982 “张林海写生作品展”,涉县文化馆,河北涉县Selected Solo Exhibitions2023 “The twilight of the gods” LINDA GALLERY Lam University Art Museum Singapore2020 ONLINE I Zhang Linhai: The ridiculous "fairy tale" drama Lin University Art Center2019 "Fairy Tale" Series Taipei International Art Fair Taipei World Trade Center Taiwan2019 "Dust" Series ART WEE HONG KANG2019 Hong Kong Arts Centre2017 Zhang linhai’s works Exhibition, Beijing, China2016 The Leftover banquet – Zhang Linhai Solo exhibition, Museum Nasional Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia2015 The Leftover banquet – Zhang Linhai Solo exhibition, MoCA@Loewen, Singapore2013 The Leftover banquet – Zhang Linhai Solo exhibition, Linda Gallery, Beijing, China2010 The Fading Sun, Schoeni Gallery, Hong Kong, China2008 Stunned Speechless – Zhang Linhai’s Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China2006 Purple and Reminiscence Linhai Works Exhibition, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China2005 Zhang Linhai, MKM Museum, Duisburg, Germany2004 Red ears + Heaven series, Schoeni Gallery, Hong Kong, China2002 Radiant Sunshine – The works of Zhang Linhai, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China2000 Zhang Linhai Oil Painting exhibition, Stanley Art Gallery, Shanghai, China1998 Zhang linhai Oil Painting Exhibition, Han MO Gallery, Beijing, China1982 Zhang Linhai Paintings, Shexian Cultural Centers, Heibei, China2022 “语言与言语”一个语言结构体系的实验展,宋庄当代艺术文献馆,北京,中国2018 “旷野- 百年中国乡建”艺术展,NIU 艺术空间,河北省石家庄市2016 “海纳百川 壁立千仞”作为一种共同体的宋庄精神溯源,东区艺术中心,北京通州2015 “万神”中国当代艺术的圣家族,宋庄美术馆,北京通州2014 “2Focus Beijing-De Heus-Zomer Collection014”, Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 荷兰2012 “高度”首届新疆当代艺术双年展,新疆艺术中心,乌鲁木齐2010 “童话”MAGMA 收藏展,OPERA 画廊,新加坡2008 “首尔国际当代艺术盛典”,国立展览馆,首尔2007 “国际光州现代艺术展”,光州美术馆,光州2005 “光与影”三人联展,MKM Küppersmühle 博物馆,都依斯堡,德国2004 “中国当代艺术巡展”,市政厅美术馆,比得哥煦,波兰2004 “中国当代艺术巡展”,La Lionja,马略卡岛,西班牙2003 “中国当代艺术巡展”,罗马当代艺术博物馆,罗马,意大利2003 “中国当代艺术巡展”,路德维格博物馆,布达佩斯,匈牙利2002 “中国当代艺术巡展”,MKM 博物馆, 都依斯,德国2001 “阳光灿烂”新加坡艺术博览会,新加坡国际会议中心,新加坡1999 “新蜕变”天津油画家提名展,天津美术馆 ,天津,中国1991 “中国青年版画展”,上海美术馆,上海,中国1989 “第七届全国美展”,云南省美术馆,昆明,中国Major joint exhibitions
2022 “Language and speech” An experimental exhibition of language architecture SonZhuang Museum of
Contemporary Art BeiJing China
2018 "The Wilderness-One Hundred Years of Chinese Rural Construction" Art Exhibition
NIU Art Space Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
2016 There are many rivers and rivers, and the walls stand up to thousands of people – tracing the orig
in of the spirit of Songzhuang as a community Songzhuang East District Art Center, Beijing
2015 Wanshen The Holy Family of Chinese Contemporary Art Songzhuang Art Museum Beijing
2014 2Focus Beijing-De Heus-Zomer Collection014 Boijmans Van Beuningen Rotterdam Netherlands
2012 Height-The First Xinjiang Contemporary Art Biennale, Xinjiang Art Center, Urumqi China
Hong Kong Art Basel International Exhibition, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center,
2011 Hong Kong Art Basel International Exhibition, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
2010 Hong Kong International Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong
Fairy Tale 1 – MAGMA Collection Exhibition, OPERA Gallery, Singapore
China Contemporary Painting Exhibition – Ningbo Art Museum, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
2009 Hong Kong Art Walk, Schoeni Gallery, Hong Kong
2008 Perspective – Contemporary Artists Group Exhibition, Shaoli Gallery, Hong Kong
Seoul International Contemporary Art Festival, National Exhibition Hall, Seoul, South Korea
Bridge Art Fair, Barracks, New York, USA
Seoul International Modern Art Masters Exhibition, National Exhibition Hall, Seoul, South Korea
2007 Art Beijing, China Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
Shaoli Gallery 15th Anniversary Celebration Exhibition, Shaoli Gallery, Hong Kong
International Gwangju Modern Art Exhibition, Gwangju Art Museum, Gwangju, South Korea
International Art Exhibition, Beauty, Desire and Disappearance, SpaeDA Gallery, Beijing, China
Art London Fair, Chelsea Royal Hospital, London, UK
2006 Miami Art Fair, Miami Beach Convention Center, USA
MiArt – The 11th Milan International Contemporary Art Fair, Milan, Italy
2005 Light and Shadow-Group Exhibition of Three People, MKM Küppersmühle Museum, Duisburg, Germany
2004 Chinese Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition, City Hall Art Museum, Bydgoszcz, Poland
China Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition, La Lionja, Majorca, Spain
Shaoli and Chinese Artists-Joint Exhibition of Chinese Artists in Memory of the Death of Mr. Wen Shaoli,
Shaoli Gallery, Hong Kong
2003 China Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition, Rome Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy
China Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
2002 "Chinese Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition" MKM Museum, Duisburg, Germany
2001 "Sunny" Singapore Art Fair Singapore International Convention Centre Singapore
1999 "New Transformation" Tianjin Oil Painter Nomination Exhibition, Tianjin Art Museum, Tianjin, China
1991 "Chinese Youth Printmaking Exhibition" Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
1989 "The Seventh National Art Exhibition" Yunnan Provincial Art Museum, Kunming, China
林大艺术中心于1990年初创于印尼雅加达,随后在新加坡、北京增设空间,致力于推广中国和东南亚当代艺术,并在艺术家、策展人、藏家和艺术机构之间建立具有国际视野的交流对话平台。作为有影响力的当代艺术机构之一,林大艺术中心持续不懈地发掘最具前瞻性及潜力的艺术家,进行展览推广并参加全球重要博览会,以促进中国及东南亚艺术家与世界艺术舞台之间更为紧密、深广的交流。Linda Gallery was established in 1990 in Jakarta, Indonesia and later expanded spaces in Singapore and Beijing. For over 30 years Linda Gallery has been promoting Chinese and Southeast Asian art and providing an international platform of exchange for artists, curators, collectors, and art institutions. The gallery persistently cooperates with influential and potential artists, standing with exhibitions in high qualities as well as participating in well-known art fairs, thus drawing Chinese and Southeast Asian artists ever closer to international dialogue.1. Jl Brawijaya IC 4, Jakarta 12160, IndonesiaE-mail: linda.lindagallery@gmail.com2. Indonesia Design District (IDD) @PIK 2Zoning Thamrin, Unit T3 & T51. 39 Keppel Road #04-04, Tanjong Pagar Distripark 089065, SingaporeE-mail: info@lindagallery.com2. 290 Orchard Road #04-45, Paragon 238859, SingaporeE-mail: info@lindagallery.com北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 798 艺术区东街 100015East street, 798 Art Zone, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015, ChinaE-mail: beijing@lindagallery.com