In the Name of
the Four Colors
Huang Dan
Writer/Bao Dong
步入 Entrance
纸本设色 Ink and color on paper
95 x 76 cm,2023
我们也可以从黄丹的作品中看到很多东西,除了活的事物,还有汉砖、魏碑、德加、马克(Franz Marc),还有丰子恺,换句话说,她的绘画不仅描绘了此时此地心之所见,更构成了一种回应着彼时彼地的风格,亦真理、亦德性,以四色之名。
Huang Dan paints many subjects: mountains, rocks, trees, bridges, horses, cats, tigers, rabbits, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. These common subjects in traditional Chinese paintings have been repeatedly scrutinised and refined into more solemn and vibrant interpretations. She depicts the past, or more precisely, those things that have always existed and are even iconic, from a contemporary perspective. In Huang Dan's works, the foreground, close-ups, and compositions vary tremendously from traditional Chinese paintings. Her images introduce a sense of the photographic lens, as if viewers were observing them from a closer distance. In this sense, her works completely break away from the edifying qualities of "Chinese painting" by presenting an ethereal and more persuasive narrative.
列席 In Attendance
纸本水墨 Ink on paper
96 x 190 cm,2015
Although what is defined in her paintings does not suggest accuracy in the figurative sense, in fact, Huang Dan has chosen to eliminate most of the details in her subjects. In her paintings, objects depicted are often left as forms and silhouettes and presented singularly against an empty background. Linguistically, the images become common nouns that require no edification. They are seemingly generic yet minimalistic, as many images are reduced to their intrinsic qualities; the lines exist just to animate the forms, which in turn enhance the vitality of the images. She accentuates the form, compresses the volume, and minimises the details, all to harness the energy of the painting based on the forms, the shapes, and the time process, comparable to the process of calligraphic carvings on stone steles.
Huang Dan is exceptionally refined in her use of color. She only uses a few distinctive colours, such as ink, ochre, vermilion, and the three greens. Her composition demands the contrast of light and dark, cold and warm, and the variance of the four colours of black and white, red and green, to give distinctions to a myriad of things. Notably, the flatly painted colours not only enhance the features of the subject but also amplify its form, anchoring its presence.
Huang's use of colour is reminiscent of the four-colour aesthetics in cartography, where colour conventions are used for specific intentions. Similarly, Huang Dan's use of four colours to depict any subject alludes to this minimalist principle. The most compelling impression of Huang Dan's works is her highly sophisticated yet restrained use of colour, which is not only to assign colour to specific categories but, more often than not, to search for possibilities given her limited choices, such as the blue horse.
We may also discover traces of our general visual experience in Huang Dan's works; besides living things, one encounters bricks from the Han Dynasty, steles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Degas, Franz Marc, and Feng Zikai. In other words, her paintings depict what speaks to her heart and mind now but also resonate with style from another time and place, which is truthful and virtuous in the name of the four colours.
About The Artist
1979 出生于广西
2001 中央美术学院国画系,学士
2004 中央美术学院国画系,硕士
2006,女人香,Eland 艺术馆,韩国首尔;
Huang Dan
1979 Born in Guangxi
2001 BFA Traditional Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2004 MFA Traditional Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts
Now works and lives in Beijing
Selected Solo Exhibition
2022, When You Rise, Galarie Ora-Ora, Hong Kong.
2021, Into the Realms,N3 Contemporary Art, Beijing.
2020, Beholding,N3 Contemporary Art, Beijing.
2019, Raw, N3 Contemporary Art, Beijing.
2018, Flaming Flow and White Light, The Gallery, Shanghai;Inspiration, Galerie Ora-Ora, Hong Kong.
2017, Boundary, Galerie Ora-Ora, Hong Kong.
2006, Scent of A Woman, Eland Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea.
About The Curator
鲍栋是中国新一代活跃的艺术评论家与独立策展人,“北京当代”艺术博览会创办人、艺术总监。他1979年出生于安徽,2006年毕业于四川美术学院艺术史系,现工作生活在北京。从2005年进入中国当代艺术界至今,他的评论文章广泛见于国内外艺术期刊,批评文集以及艺术家专著;他曾为众多国内外艺术机构策划展览,其中包括尤伦斯当代艺术中心、朱拉隆功大学艺术中心、广东时代美术馆、上海民生现代美术馆等等;2014年,他荣获亚洲文化协会(ACC)艺术奖助金;同年成为国际独立策展人协会(ICI)独立视野策展奖候选人。2016年他获得了 “Yishu中国当代艺评和策展奖”。
Bao Dong
Bao Dong is an art critic and curator based in Beijing,founder and art director of Beijing Contemporary Art Expo. In contributing essays to the artistic dialogue and other forms of involvement, Bao has established himself as a leading curator and critic of work by the new generation. His articles have been widely published in art journals and artist monographs both at home and abroad. He has curated many exhibitions for a wide range of art institutions including Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Guangdong Art Museum, the Art Center of Chulalongkorn University, Guangdong Times Museum, Shanghai & Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Shanghai etc. He was awarded Asian Cultural Council (ACC) fellowship grant in 2014, and became a nominee of Independent Curators International’s (ICI) 2014 Independent Vision Curatorial Award. Recently he was awarded Yishu Awards for Curating Contemporary Chinese Art 2016.
正在展出 On View
Located in 798 Art Zone, Beijing, N3 Contemporary Art believes in the value of individuals in diverse contexts of art in our time. Basing our practices on a down-to-earth curatorial concept, we hope to open up dialogues within art communities.
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