Hu Qingyan: Keep Silent
2024.2.2 - 3.29
开幕 Opening:
2024.2.2(周五),6-8 pm
麦勒画廊 瑞士苏黎世
Galerie Urs Meile Zurich
本次展览将集中呈现胡庆雁的最新创作,也是艺术家对造型、媒介以及复制、转换所进行的持续而深入的探索。这些时而坦率,时而富含隐喻的作品展现了艺术家对周遭现实的所见所感,同时也延续了其对 “空”这一主题乐此不疲的持续探索。

Hu Qingyan, The World of Silence XXI, 2023, marble, 43 × 71 × 46 cm
一大片蓝色《地上的蓝色》(2022,汉白玉,水性漆,每件68 × 68 cm,装置尺寸可变)蔓延于整个展厅,几乎没给观众留下任何舒适的行走空间,如鲠在喉,既不能吞咽,也无法吐出。这一作为工厂屋顶的彩钢板普遍存在于中国,尤其在飞机上往下俯瞰时便会一目了然。在特殊时期,这一围挡板的蓝色也曾是全国大街小巷甚至社区里人们最常见的颜色。艺术家将这一巨大的装置平摊于地面,视觉和物理上的拥堵感以及规定甚至阻碍了观者行走路径的强迫感瞬间弥散开来。

Hu Qingyan, Blue on the ground, 2022, white marble, water paint, installation size variable, each 68 × 68 cm, detail
(Please scroll down for English)
Galerie Urs Meile Zurich is honored to announce the first solo exhibition of the Chinese artist Hu Qingyan (b. 1982, Shandong Province), titled Keep Silent, at our gallery space in Zurich. In this exhibition, Hu Qingyan has chosen marble, perceived commonly as cold, neutral and solemn, as the sole material for all of the artworks on display. Beyond their discussion of questions internal to sculpture, these creations lead us into multidimensional explorations of society, philosophy, and politics through which to ponder the complex substantive relationships between art, reality, and life.
The exhibition is a concentrated presentation of the artist’s latest creations, showcasing the artist’s sustained engagement in his increasingly in-depth explorations of form, medium, reproduction, and transformation. These works, sometime frank, sometime suggestive, embody the reality Hu perceives around him, while continuously exploring the themes of “emptiness”.
胡庆雁,《废品 V - C》,2023,大理石,63 × 82 × 4 cm
Hu Qingyan, Waste V - C, 2023, marble, 63 × 82 × 4 cm

Hu Qingyan, The World of Silence XXI, 2023, marble, 43 × 71 × 46 cm, detail
In over a decade of artistic creations, Hu Qingyan has gradually shifted from a “semblance” drawn from life to a true “semblance”—this semblance being the internalization of the external appearance, the “semblance” within the mind of the creator, the truth of individualized cognition. Like a craftsman, the artist tirelessly imitates and effortlessly transforms the world, nimbly recreating ordinary things so that they may be examined and observed anew.
A large expanse of blue— Blue on the ground, (2022, white marble, water paint, each piece 68 × 68 cm, installation size variable)—stretches across the ground in the exhibition space downstairs, leaving hardly space for a comfortable stroll around the subject, like a hard fishbone stuck in the throat that can neither be swallowed nor spit out. The colour of the barrier fencing has become such a common sight during the unique period in Chinese history. The artist has laid out this massive installation obstructing the path to form a visual and physical sense of blockage, the feeling of being forced down a set path.
胡庆雁,《地上的蓝色》,2022,汉白玉、水性漆, 装置尺寸可变,每件 68 × 68 cm,局部
Hu Qingyan, Blue on the ground, 2022, white marble, water paint, installation size variable, each 68 × 68 cm, detail
As a conceptual sculptor, Hu Qingyan has chosen marble, a classic art historical material, for his interventions upon the reality. Behind this visual humour lurks a silent shout, a solemn, tranquil beckoning for us to engage in deep examination and expression of our unique era and the state of society around us.
Hu Qingyan was born in 1982 in Weifang, Shandong Province, China and studied sculpture at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangzhou and the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. He lives and works in Beijing. His recent solo exhibitions include: 2023, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, China (2022); Necessary Redundancy: Hu Qingyan solo exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China (2020); Absent & Superfluous, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, China (2018); Hollow Husk, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland (2016); Eternal Glory, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, China (2015). A selection of his most recent group shows include: THE EXHIBITION OF ANNUAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART OF CHINA SHANGHAI 2022, Shanghai Doland Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China (2023); SWIRL · The 8th stars plan young Artists Research Exhibition, Wuhan Art Museum (Qintai), Wuhan, China (2023); The 7th Guangzhou Triennial, Symphony of All the Changes, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China (2022); M+ Sigg Collection: From Revolution to Globalisation, M+ Museum, Hong Kong, China (2021); The Memory Palace, OCT Art & Design Gallery, Shenzhen, China (2021); Golden Flow, Beijing Contemporary Art Expo 2020, CHAO Art Center, Beijing, China (2020); Jing’an International Sculpture Project, Jing’an sculpture Park, Shanghai, China (2020); Roots of Clouds Adrift, OCAT Nanjing Public Art Project 2019, OCAT Nanjing Qixia Exhibition Site, Nanjing, China (2019); Progress Every Day, Annual Nomination Exhibition 2019, ZhuZhong Art Museum, Beijing, China (2019); Encounter Asia – Multi-vision of Youth, Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Tank Loft, Chongqing Contemporary Art Center, Chongqing, China (2018); Forty Years of Sculpture · Part 1 (2008-2017), Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition, Shenzhen, China (2017); The 3rd Today’s Documents – BRIC-á-brac: The Jumble of Growth, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China (2016); Shut up and paint, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (2016); The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China (2016); M+ Sigg Collection: Four Decades of Chinese Contemporary Art, ArtisTree, Hong Kong, China (2016); Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia, Hong Kong Arts Center, Hong Kong, China (2015); 28 Chinese, Rubell Family Collection/ Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, USA (2013); Building Bridges – Zeitgenössische Kunst aus China, Wolfsberg, Ermatingen, Switzerland (2013). His works can be found in the collection of many museums and institutions including National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, M+ Sigg Collection, Guangdong Museum of Art, Rubell Family Collection, Today Art Museum, K11 Art Foundation, Song Art Museum, He Art Museum (HEM) and White Rabbit Gallery.

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【评论文章】顾振清 | 必要的冗余:胡庆雁作品
