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【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客











项目执行:姚高才、赵雨濛、李子健 、国静遥



● 2024.3.30 13:00「樱·影」园游会

● 2024.3.30 15:00 开幕&颁奖

● 2024.3.31  10:50-17:00 国际评委系列活动(专家见面会&专题讲座)

For English Please Scroll down ↓ 



柴觅、陈川端、陈渊博、董亚林、高山、高岩、郭常聚、杨越乔、姜雪、蒋涵萱、李想、吕佳桐、秦念&惠文、彭佳、任泽远、孙小舟、谭荔洁、涂晓连、文豪、张紫璇。(* 按姓氏拼音首字母排序)



● 维罗妮克·苏本(Véronique Souben)


● 后藤由美(Yumi Goto)


● 谭雪凝( Isabella Tam)


● 董冰峰 (Dong Bingfeng)


● 荣荣&映里(RongRong&inri)





入围艺术家作品将于2024年3月30日至4月28日在三影堂摄影艺术中心举办的“第十三届三影堂摄影奖作品展”集中呈现。本届国际评委团成员包含:法国阿尔勒摄影学院院长维罗妮克·苏本(Véronique Souben)、日本独立策展人和摄影编辑后藤由美(Yumi Goto)、香港M+博物馆视觉艺术策展人谭雪凝(Isabella Tam)、影像艺术策展人和评论家董冰峰,以及三影堂摄影艺术中心联合创办人荣荣和映里。他们将与入围艺术家现场交流,并投票评选出本届奖项得主。

3月30日举办的开幕暨颁奖典礼,本届三影堂摄影奖作品展将隆重揭晓三影堂摄影奖三个重要奖项:三影堂摄影奖大奖,奖金八万元人民币 (税前),获奖作品将被三影堂收藏;由著名收藏家靳宏伟特别支持的“靳宏伟收藏奖”, 奖金八万元人民币(税前),获奖作品将被靳宏伟收藏;由骆伯年基金会和三影堂+3画廊于2019年起共同设立的“骆伯年优秀摄影师奖”,奖金一万元人民币(税前)。







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【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客


Véronique Souben

维罗妮克·苏本(Véronique Souben)是一位艺术史学家,她拥有巴黎第一大学(Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)和德国明斯特威廉大学(Wilhelm-Universität in Münster)的学位,曾在法国和德国的多家博物馆和艺术中心(蓬皮杜艺术中心、柏林新国家艺术画廊、梅马克艺术中心等)工作。2003 年,担任德国 MARTa Herford 当代艺术与设计博物馆馆长。2011 年,担任诺曼底鲁昂地区当代艺术基金会(Fonds régional d'art contemporain Normandie Rouen)主任,十多年来,她一直在主导一个活跃的摄影展览项目,包括国内知名艺术家如吉勒·索西耶(Gilles Saussier)和伊莎贝尔·勒明(Isabelle Le Minh)等人的专题展,以及国际知名艺术家盖特·戈伊利斯(Geert Goiris)、安妮·科利尔(Anne Collier)和达伦·阿尔蒙德(Darren Almond)的专题展。她还在馆内设计了大型专题展览,如 2020 年的 "应对抽象考验的摄影"展,并将其与国际会议和出版物相结合。

维罗妮克·苏本于 2023 年 10 月被任命为阿尔勒国立高等摄影学院院长,在强调摄影媒介历史独特性的同时,她还希望发展更开放的实验性和跨学科的摄影方法。

【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客


Yumi Goto

独立策展人。从事摄影相关的制作、策展、摄影编辑、出版、研究、咨询、教育、人才培养等综合性工作。工作的重心主要包括社会冲突、当代社会问题、人权侵害、女性问题等主题。工作实绩包括,参与NGO(非政府组织),人道主义援助及人权组织等使用照片进行的宣传活动和出版,以及从事国际摄影奖、摄影节、摄影活动的评审、提名、策展和制作等工作。开展与摄影相关的多维度活动,比如担任在东京墨田区创设的多功能空间“Reminders· Photography·Stronghold”(RPS)的联合运营者兼策展人。自2020年起,开始着手创建RPS的京都分处 “RPS Kyoto Paperoles”,至此之后以东京、京都为据点开展活动。

【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客

谭 雪凝

Isabella Tam


【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客

董 冰峰

Dong Bingfeng

现为谢子龙影像艺术馆学术总监,中国美院跨媒体艺术学院研究员。2005至今曾先后担任广东美术馆与尤伦斯当代艺术中心策展人、伊比利亚当代艺术中心副馆长、栗宪庭电影基金艺术总监和北京OCAT研究中心学术总监。同时他也担任多个艺术机构、艺术理论丛书和影展的学术委员、主编与国际评委。董冰峰曾获“CCAA中国当代艺术评论奖”(2013)、“《YISHU》典藏国际版中国当代艺术评论奖”(2015)和亚洲 艺术文献库“何鸿毅家族基金中华研究驻留奖”(2017)。董冰峰的研究领域包括影像艺术、独立电影、中国当代艺术史、展览史与当代批评理论。

【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客





2007年,荣荣&映里在北京草场地国际艺术区共同创办了三影堂摄影艺术中心,这是中国第一个由艺术家自资创立的摄影艺术中心,同时也是一个开放互动的国际性交流平台。2008年起,荣荣&映里启动了“三影堂摄影奖(TSPA)”,旨在鼓励并挖掘中国最具潜力的摄影艺术家。2010年,他们与法国阿尔勒国际摄影节(Les Rencontres d’Arles)合作,在2010至2012年间连续举办了三届“阿尔勒在北京—草场地摄影季”。2015年,随着三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心的成立,他们在厦门市集美区启动了一年一度的集美 · 阿尔勒国际摄影季。





【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客
【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客


【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客


【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客



2024 the 13th Three Shadows Photography Award

Duration:  March 30, 2024 – April 28, 2024

Venue: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre(155A Caochangdi,Chaoyang District,Beijing)

Organizer:Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Supporters: Japan Foundation Beijing, Zhejiang Photography Publishing

Art Directors: RongRong&inri

Project Manager: Yan Qi

Curator:Hu Jiawen

Project Executive:Yao Gaocai, Zhao Yumeng, Li Zijian, Guo Jingyao

Activity Planning:Liu Mengting, Tang Rongjia, Su Ri, Zhao Hanqing, Du Yizhuo

Sakura· Photo Fair: March 30, 2024 (13:00)

Exhibition Opening & Award Ceremony: March 30, 2024(15:00)

Portfolio Review & International Judges Lecture: March 31st (10:50-17:00)

Every dormant seed in the cold winter harbors a deep longing for a bright spring day. In the fall of 2023, with the gradual retreat of the pandemic, Three Shadows decided to restart the interrupted Photography Award after three years. During the submission period, a total near 700 valid submissions were received from Chinese photographers. In-depth communication and voting of the Organizing Committee for the Three Shadows Photography Award and Dong Bingfeng, who was specially invited for the primary selection, 20 groups (21 artists) with unique perspectives and artistic expressions were eventually shortlisted.

The works of these outstanding artists will be presented in the “The 13th Three Shadows Photography Award Exhibition” from 30 March to 28 April 2024 at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Members of this year's international jury includes Véronique Souben, Head of the National School of Photography in Arles, France; Yumi Goto, independent curator and photo editor in Japan; Isabella Tam, curator of visual arts at the M+ Museum in Hong Kong; Dong Bingfeng, curator and critic of video art; and RongRong&inri, co-founders of the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. They will talk to the shortlisted artists face to face and then cast their votes for the winners of this year's prizes.

On 30 March, the opening day of the 13th Three Shadows Photography Award Exhibition, the winners of three important prizes will be unveiled: the Grand Prize of the Three Shadows Photography Award with a bonus of 80,000 RMB (before tax, and the award-winning works will be collected by the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre); the Charles Jin Collection Prize with a bonus of 80,000 RMB (before tax and the award-winning works will be collected by Charles Jin), generously supported by renowned collector Charles Jin, and the “Luo Bonian Photographer Prize” with a bonus of 10,000 RMB (before tax ),which was jointly established by the Luo Bonian Foundation and Three Shadows +3 Gallery since 2019.

Against the backdrop of continuous global turmoil, individuals and communities have been subjected to unprecedented spiritual and existential trials. In the face of such severe challenges, the artists explore with perseverance, open their inner worlds without reservation, and engage in positive dialogues while tearing themselves apart from the realities of the environment.

In this complex and diverse world, the artists use a variety of media and creative techniques to weave together individual life experiences, social micro-phenomena, and historical memories: Gao Shan revitalizes discarded objects through “Staged Photoraphy”, revealing unseen connections between them; Guo Changju uses low-sensitivity film to challenge the information errors of visual perception; Ren Zeyuan explores the concepts of time displacement and in-betweenness through his prose-like films and black-and-white photographs; Sun Xiaozhou blends Chinese traditions with contemporary craftsmanship to capture and convey the power behind sadness; Qin Nian & Huiwen recast a dialogue between the individual and the world through the blending of AI images and traditional darkrooms; Jiang Xue creates an “alienated” universe based on her study of the theory of “Media Ecology Theory”; Chai Mi builds a storytelling theatre that explores the relationship between discourse and other rights in an allegory of images and Leah Zhang links industry, politics and the individual in the continuity of memory and hometown.

However, underneath the reality of our lives and existence, there is another possibility that is not easily noticed, but has a profound impact on our path to “knowing ourselves”: Li Xiang uses selfies as mirrors, and observes self-growth in intuitive colored and black-and-white photographs; Chen Yuanbo's diptychs use words and photographs to record private dialogues between him the stranded Chinese people in the UK due to the Covid-19 pandemic; Jiang Hanxuan collects conversations in the kitchen, focusing on the emotional links between strangers and the formation of “our consciousness”; Dong Yalin chooses to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, and goes deep into a barren mountain to present the interwoven personal memories and paranormal experiences through photographic art; Tan Lijie explores the true meaning of “I” through her family photo album; Chen Chuanduan's exotic encounters subtly blend personal memories and supernatural experiences; Tu Xiaolian reconstructs the image of her deceased mother while restoring her memories and achieving reconciliation with self; and Peng Jia takes the course of her biological mother's life as a clue to embark on a journey of healing in terms of mother-daughter relationship.

As the physical body becomes a metaphor for travelling and returning, the artists not only focus on the spatial displacement of the body and its tension in time, but also emphasize spiritual freedom and transcendence: Wen Hao's performance video and photography diptychs during his travels in Germany illustrate his understanding of all things in the world and the duality of life; Lu Jiatong uses videos to show the world the existential and emotional struggles of people with chronic Lyme disease in the US; Hester Yang dives into the history of Chinese migrant labourers in the UK with a focus on the intergenerational traumas and identities; Gao Yan's focus after returning to China is locked on the objects on display at the Chinese museums, in an attempt to reveal the close connection between public memories and the construction of the history.

At a time when the boundaries of photography are constantly being challenged and expanded, each year's Three Shadows Photography Award is a way for us to open a new door to the future of Chinese photography. Organizing the Three Shadows Photography Award is also a show of resilience for photographers to explore new worlds together with us.

Text/Hu Jiawen

● 2024 TSPA finalists


Chai Mi, Chen Chuanduan, Chen Yuanbo, Dong Yalin, Gao Shan, Gao Yan, Guo Changju, Hester Yang, Jiang Xue, Jiang Hanxuan, Li Xiang, Lu Jiatong, Nian Qin&Huiwen, Peng Jia, Ren Zeyuan, Sun Xiaozhou, Tan Lijie, Tu Xiaolian, Wen Hao, Leah Zhang.

●Jury Group Introduction

Véronique Souben

Véronique Souben, an art historian graduated from the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Wilhelm-Universität in Münster, Germany, has worked in numerous museums and art centers in France and Germany (Centre Pompidou, Neue National Galerie in Berlin, Centre d’art de Meymac, etc.) before becoming a curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design MARTa Herford in Germany in 2003. In 2011, she became the director of the Regional Fund for Contemporary Art Normandy Rouen where, for more than ten years, she has been conducting an active program around photography through solo exhibitions of nationally renowned artists such as Gilles Saussier, Isabelle Le Minh, and globally acclaimed figures such as Geert Goiris, Anne Collier, and Darren Almond. She also conceived large-scale thematic exhibitions such as "Photography Tested by Abstraction" in 2020, which she associated with international symposiums and publications.

Appointed in October 2023 as the head of the National School of Photography in Arles, she aims to develop more openly experimental and cross-disciplinary approaches to photography, while reaffirming the historical specificity of this medium.

Yumi Goto

Yumi Goto is an independent photography curator, editor, researcher, consultant, educator, and publisher who focuses on the development of cultural exchanges that transcend borders. 

She collaborates with local and international artists who live and work in areas affected by conflict, natural disasters, current social problems, human rights abuses, and women’s issues. She often works with human rights advocates, international and local NGOs, humanitarian organizations and as well as being involved as a nominator and juror for the international photographic organizations, festivals, and events. 

She is a co-founder and curator for the Reminders Photography Stronghold (RPS) which is a curated membership gallery space in Tokyo enabling a wide range of photographic activities. In addition to the RPS in Tokyo, she also initiated the establishment of "RPS KYOTO PAPEROLES" to further broaden RPS activities in 2020, and since then, she has been based in Tokyo and Kyoto.

Isabella Tam

Currently holds the position as Curator, Visual Art at M+ Museum in Hong Kong. Tam joined the museum during its early inception in 2021 and has contributed to the building of a premier collection focusing on Asia and expanding the M+ Sigg Collection of Chinese contemporary art, as well as its narrative in connection with the global art canon through curatorial research, acquisitions and exhibitions. Tam has recently expanded her practice into Asia art especially East Asia and photography. Recent exhibitions that Tam curated include, ‘M+ Sigg Collection: Another Story’ (2023-on going), ‘Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to Now’ (2022) and ‘Sigg Prize 2023’. She also had curatorial experiences at other public institutions include, Visual Arts Centre in HK (2006-2010) and the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London (2011).

Dong Bingfeng

Dong Bingfeng currently serves as the Academic Director at Xie Zilong Photography Museum and as a Research Fellow at the School of Intermedia Art, China Academy of Art. His professional career, beginning in 2005, includes roles such as Curator in Guangdong Museum of Art and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Deputy Director of the Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Art Director of Li Xianting Film Fund, and Academic Director of OCAT Institute. In addition to these positions, Dong Bingfeng has been an active academic committee member, editor-in-chief, and international judge for various art institutions, art theory publications, and film festivals. His achievements are marked by several accolades, including the CCAA Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award (2013), the Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award of Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (2015), and the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant (2017). Dong Bingfeng's research primarily focuses on moving image art, independent film, Chinese contemporary art history, exhibition history, and contemporary critical theory.


RongRong (China) and inri (Japan) have been working together since 2000. Their works reflect the intimate world that they have created together and push the boundaries of traditional black-and-white darkroom techniques. Their critically acclaimed series of works, such as In Fujisan, Japan 2001 (2001), Liulitun, Beijing (1996-2003), and Tsumari Story (2012-2014), reflect their shared life and surroundings, delving into the rapidly changing world around them.

In 2007, RongRong&inri established the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in the Beijing Caochangdi Art District. In 2008, they launched the annual Three Shadows Photography Award (TSPA), a prize aimed at discovering and encouraging China’s most promising young photographers. In 2010, they started a collaboration with the Arles International Photography Festival (Les Rencontres d'Arles) and co-produced the Caochangdi Photo Spring Festival in Beijing for three years – from 2010 to 2012. They have continued this collaboration at Three Shadows’ Xiamen location, where since 2015 they have co-hosted the Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival.





【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客

【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客
【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客
【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客
【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客



【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客
【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客‍‍


【展讯】潜行:2024(第十三届)三影堂摄影奖作品展  三影堂 作品展 展讯 展期 地点 三影堂摄影艺术中心 北京市朝阳区 草场地155号 北京日本文化中心 日本国际交流基金会 浙江摄影出版社 崇真艺客

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