如恩设计创始合伙人、美国宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特·韦茨曼设计学院建筑系系主任胡如珊教授将于2024年3月28日在旧金山现代艺术博物馆(SFMoMA)发表主题为“间:空间、时间与实践”的演讲,分享来自如恩设计研究室的作品。该讲座将于北京时间3月29日上午9:30-11:00在菲利斯·瓦蒂斯剧院(Phyllis Wattis Theater)举行。
Rossana Hu, Founding Partner of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office and chair of the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design, will present work from her practice, Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, in the lecture “Thresholds: Space, Time, and Practice.” at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The lecture will be from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm (PST) on March 28th, 2024 at the Phyllis Wattis Theater of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
水舍南外滩精品酒店,摄影:Pedro Pegenaute
The Waterhouse at South Bund, photo by Pedro Pegenaute
胡教授此次讲座主题中‘thresholds’一词在中文上可以大致翻译成 "间",意为 "空隙"、"空间 "或 "停顿"。在建筑学语境中,“间”常常被用来形容中间地带,通常由两个对比鲜明的空间环境而形成。
The word can be roughly translated to the Chinese notion of "jian", which means “gap,” “space,” or “pause.” In an architectural sense, the term is often used to describe the physical mediation between two contrasting spatial environments.
Lao Ding Feng Beijing, photo by Zhu Runzi
Through examining a series of contemporary issues in various global contexts, this lecture sheds light on how Neri&Hu ground their work while maintaining an intellectual inquiry into adaptive reuse and the role of history, as well as reimagined spatial legibility associated with voyeurism, tectonics, and the use of poché, a search for a connection back to the vernacular and the role of collective memory and fragments.
The Chuan Malt Whisky Distillery, photo by Chen Hao
该讲座由加利福尼亚艺术学院(CCA, California College of the Arts)的亚瑟·甘斯勒卓越设计中心(M. Arthur Gensler Jr. Center for Design Excellence)赞助并合作举办。更多讲座信息,请点击“阅读原文”。
This lecture is sponsored by and presented in partnership with the M. Arthur Gensler Jr. Center for Design Excellence at CCA. Please click "Read More" to the school's website for more information.
旧金山现代艺术博物馆,摄影:Henrik Kam
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, photo by Henrik Kam
旧金山现代艺术博物馆是美国也是世界上最大的现代和当代艺术博物馆之一,拥有国际公认的现当代艺术藏品,是西海岸第一家专门收藏 20 世纪艺术作品的博物馆。该博物馆目前有33,000余件藏品,包括绘画、雕塑、摄影、建筑、设计和媒体艺术作品。
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary art in the United States and also one of the largest in the world for modern and contemporary art. SFMoMA holds an internationally recognized collection of modern and contemporary art, and was the first museum on the West Coast devoted solely to 20th-century art. The museum's current collection includes over 33,000 works of painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, design, and media arts.
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press@neriandhu.com | 8621 5286 2900