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The works on display, Sunset in the afternoon and Azi lying on the sofa, are both from the artist's Shimmering Light Series. The series has been created since 2020. During this particular time period, Zhang Ping has spent most of his time in the studio. In the silence with the furnishings in the house, she gradually became sensitive to the environment of the studio, and the faces and emotions of those old objects that she used to take for granted became clearer and more delicate. Based on the capture of those objects’s breath, Zhang Ping created this series as a continuation of her exploration of the heaviness and patina of time and life.

张平|《午后斜阳》和《躺在沙发上的阿籽》 崇真艺客

午后斜阳 Sunset in the afternoon 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 100 x 80cm, 2020


Zhang Ping likes to collect old objects, which contain traces of users and time that fascinate her. Sunset in the afternoon is inspired by the hiding and revealing of old objects and human relationships under the changing light of the studio. The work depicts an adolescent girl curled up in a chair with her legs lightly folded, and her eyes lightly closed and her head hanging low in the crook of her arm, seemingly in a state of confusion.


It can be seen that the work consists of three main parts: the chair, the girl in puberty and the shadows. The chairs are from the artist's collection and are decades old. The girl in puberty is drawn with a slightly illusory brushstroke, presenting a transparent texture, which is superimposed on the chair drawn with a solid brushstroke, creating an ethereal quality. As if the physical body of the person has already left, the image of the soul still remains.


For Zhang Ping, adolescent children are a time of self-awareness awakening and a time when people are most sensitive and confused. They have fast-growing, keen senses, eager to learn the truth about the world. It was the purest, and most spiritual, and most suspicious age, the most important time in a person's life. In constant self-questioning and affirmation, one grows up fast during that time. As growing up, secularised and confusion will become rare. Therefore, Zhang Ping intentionally juxtaposes a young girl in her infancy with an old chair that has gone through a long period of time, in order to show the tension between that fleeting stage of life and the eternal years.


Behind the girl and the chair is darkness. Underneath the chair is divided into two halves, white on the left and black on the right. Between black and white, yin and yang swim. The artist believes that even in the world, the traditional Chinese philosophy of yin and yang is the most basic and simple world view. She consciously blurs the line between black and white  in order to express a broader cosmology that transcends the real world. In artist’s view, all the subtleties are at the junctio.


A painting that encompasses the artist's understanding of the relationship between heaven and earth, and between the inanimate chair and the animate person. Talking about why she places an adolescent girl in these relationships, Zhang Ping says, "Only people at this age would be concerned about these issues. Because of their simplicity and cleanliness, they are sensitive, that's why they care about these issues, about the sunshine and the breeze."

张平|《午后斜阳》和《躺在沙发上的阿籽》 崇真艺客

躺在沙发上的阿籽 Azi lying on the sofa 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 300 x 120cm, 2020


This piece, Azi lying on the sofa, continues the artist Zhang Ping's creative lineage of the tension between adolescence and old objects. The sofa in the picture is from a friend who deals in antiques in Europe and has been around for over a hundred years. The sofa itself is intricately patterned, with a checkered pattern of different colour blocks interspersed with each other. Therefore, in order to maintain visual purity, Zhang Ping painted the background in solid black, which also contrasts with the aforementioned Sunset in the afternoon.


After the background was painted, Zhang Ping thought long and hard about how she wanted to paint her niece, Azi, who was nine years old at the time, on the sofa. Zi means seed that fall into the earth and grow a new life. Azi's state is very similar to her name. I've watched Azi’s growing up and can feel her state of life and unique emotions. I don't paint strangers much because people can have microscopic details only with personality. Thus, unlike the other works in this exhibition, Azi is one of the rare figures who depicts the five senses, as well as the eyes looking out of the frame. Her honesty, sensitivity and confusion are all revealed to the viewer.


Zhang Ping has made many attempts when it comes to the picture treatment of Azi. Whether in blue blanket and red clothes or pure white, Zhang Ping can not feel right. She washed it off again, covered it in black, washed it off again, the image ends up with a mottled look of peeled off siding. She likes to put the traces of time and the past in the picture. The heaviness shown by the power of time reveals in the painting. For the artist, the birth of each life accumulates long-standing ties from previous times, entangling itself with the world again in this world.



张平|《午后斜阳》和《躺在沙发上的阿籽》 崇真艺客

张平,1971 年出生于新建塔城,1994 年毕业于新疆师范大学美术学院美术系,2003 年至 2006 年就读华东师范大学艺术学院美术系,获硕士学位;2011 年至 2016 年于该校艺术学院就读 美术学,获博士学位。现工作、生活于上海。其作品被广东美术馆、上海美术馆、上海多伦美术馆、英国皇家美术学院等机构收藏。

Zhang Ping was born in 1971 in Tacheng, Xinjiang. She graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Fine Arts College of Xinjiang Normal University in 1994, and studied at the Fine Arts Department of the College of Fine Arts of the East China Normal University (ECNU) from 2003 to 2006, obtaining a master's degree. From 2011 to 2016, she studied Fine Arts at the College of Fine Arts of the ECNU, obtaining a doctorate degree. She now lives and works in Shanghai. Her works are collected by Guangdong Museum of Art, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Art, Royal Academy of Fine Arts and other institutions.

张平|《午后斜阳》和《躺在沙发上的阿籽》 崇真艺客

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