Beijing Commune is pleased to present Liang Shuo’s pseudo-eponymous exhibition, “Liang Dafen”, from March 14, 2024, showcasing a selection of Liang’s recent sculptures and paintings. The artist has recently used the pseudonym Liang Dafen out of admiration for the Dafen Village, a suburban neighborhood in Shenzhen, China. The village has made a name for itself for its cluster of art factories and production of masterwork replicas. Academically trained as a sculptor, Liang thinks of himself as a layman to painting and appreciates, among other things, the techniques employed by Dafen painters that mediate between tactical virtuosity and expressive flexibility. It is always the tension between the restraints in every form and the spontaneous creativity that is at the center of Liang’s practice within which he developed his unique aesthetic of “Zha (渣, residue)” lying where something authentic, free, and lovely.
梁硕1976年出生于天津,2000年毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系,2005-2006年曾参加荷兰皇家艺术学院驻留艺术家项目。艺术家现工作生活于北京。梁硕的艺术实践涵盖雕塑、绘画、装置、表演等。植根于他身心切近的地方的种种具身感受,梁硕的作品反映又调侃着一种荒诞现实。围绕着空间关系的分割和摆布,梁硕试图探索溢出于认识和经验也超越古今二分的叵测。各种形式的限制与无法抑制的创造力之间的张力是梁硕的观察和创作实践的核心,并在其中发展出了他独特的 “渣意”美学。
梁硕的作品曾展出于“重新发电—第九届上海双年展”(2012)、釜山双年展(2004)和“海上上海—第三届上海双年展”(2000)。他的个展曾举办于北京公社,德国国立巴登巴登美术馆,北京偏锋艺术空间等。他的作品曾展出于承德阿那亚金山岭,上海当代艺术博物馆、中国国家博物馆,北京今日美术馆,广东时代美术馆、香港M+博物馆,首尔国立当代艺术馆、新加坡美术馆、旧金山芳草地艺术中心、荷兰格罗宁根美术馆, 荷兰赛的拉特美术馆、荷兰海牙Beelden aan Zee 博物馆、荷兰阿姆斯特丹皇家美术馆、荷兰阿姆斯福Kade艺术中心、西班牙卡斯特罗ESPAI当代艺术中心、挪威奥斯陆Kunstnernes Hus 美术馆、意大利罗马Museo Pietro Ca nonica 美术馆等。梁硕的作品被上海美术馆、中国国家博物馆、北京中央美术学院美术馆、斯塔德Het Domein美术馆、釜山Eulsukdo文化中心、阿姆斯特荷兰丹皇家美术学院等美术馆及机构收藏。
Liang Shuo was born in 1976 in Tianjin, China. He graduated from the Department of Sculpture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (China) in 2000. From 2005 to 2006, he was in an artist residency at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (The Netherlands). He currently lives and works in Beijing. Liang’s art practice spans sculpting, painting, installation, and performance. Rooted in the artist’s embodied experience in his physical and psychological proximity, Liang’s work reflects as well as poignantly ridicules the absurd reality and delves into the unpredictable that overflows the learned knowledge and transcends the dichotomy of tradition and contemporary. At the core of Liang’s practice is the constant exploration of the tension between the restraints in every form and the spontaneous creativity within which he developed a unique aesthetic of “Zha (渣, residue)”.
Liang has taken part in Reactivation: 9th Shanghai Biennale (2012), Busan Biennale (2004), and Spirit of Shanghai: 3rd Shanghai Biennale (2000). His solo exhibitions were held at Beijing Commune (Beijing), Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (Germany), Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (Beijing), PIFO Gallery (Beijing), etc. His works have also been shown at the Aranya· Jinshanling (Changde), Power Station of Art (Shanghai), National Museum of China (Beijing), Today Art Museum (Beijing), Guangdong Times Museum (Guangzhou), M+ Museum (Hong Kong), National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Seoul), Singapore Art Museum (Singapore), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (CA), Groninger Museum (Groningen), the Museum Het Domein (Sittard), Museum Beelden aan Zee (Hague), Rijksakademie (Amsterdam), and KadE (Amersfoort), Espai d'art contemporani de Castelló (Castelló), Kunstnernes Hus (Oslo), Museo Pietro Canonica (Rome) amongst others. Liang’s works have been collected by Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai), National Museum of China (Beijing), Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum (Beijing), Museum Het Domain (Sittard), Eulsukdo Culture Center (Pusan), Rijksacademie (Amsterdam) etc.
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