
王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间

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王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

蓝 骑 士 艺 术

以下英文原文来源于FLO London

王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

In conversation with Elsa Wang

与 王薇薇Elsa Wang 的对话

In conversation with?25 March 2024

“I believe art must return to its essence, to the emotional moment it has on people, that intangible spiritual value, which is the true meaning of art, without it art is nothing.”

 - Elsa Wang


- 王薇薇Elsa Wang

王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客
王薇薇 Elsa Wang

Bluerider ART, a progressive gallery at the intersection of art and technology, was founded in 2013 by Taipei-based IT entrepreneur Elsa Wang. Starting first in Taipei, then expanding to a second, additional space in the same city before branching out to Shanghai, it most recently put down roots in London, setting its sights on the vibrant art scene of Mayfair. The new space, located at 47 Albemarle Street, is positioned as a cultural hub that resonates with art enthusiasts, collectors, and international visitors. The expansion marks a significant milestone for Bluerider ART, known for its commitment to fostering artists' self-expression across various art forms, with a distinct focus on the convergence of technology and art.

Bluerider ART 蓝骑士艺术是一家位于艺术和技术交叉点的先进画廊,由台北 IT 企业家 Elsa Wang 在 2013 年创立。首先在台北开设,然后在同一城市的第二个空间扩张,之后扩展到上海,最近则在伦敦落地,并将目光投向梅费尔充满活力的艺术地点。新空间位于 47 Albemarle Street,被定位为与艺术爱好者、收藏家和国际游客产生共鸣的中心。这次扩张标志着 Bluerider ART蓝骑士艺术的重要里程碑,其致力于促进各种艺术形式中艺术家自我表达的承诺而闻名,特别关注技术与艺术的融合。

Its impressive 2024 programme for its first European outpost has launched with MARCK’s Playground, a solo exhibition of work by multidisciplinary Swiss artist Marck. This will be the artist’s first solo show in the UK in over a decade. Elsa Wang’s approach to the gallery and its artists is unique – a combination of free thinking and a passion for art in all its forms, along with understanding of the dedication and hard work that goes into both creativity and business. Having sold her IT company over ten years ago, she threw herself into photography before finding herself more and more drawn to the work of other artists, eventually setting up the Bluerider ART. The London shows so far and those planned for 2024 are diverse, playful, and inviting. As the title of Marck’s show suggests, Elsa wants you to peer through the window…and come in and play.

该画廊 2024 年的第一个欧洲分部令人印象深刻的项目已经启动,展出了瑞士跨学科艺术家 Marck 的个人展览 MARCK’s Playground。这将是该艺术家十多年来在英国的首次个展。王薇薇 Elsa Wang 对画廊及其艺术家的态度是独特的—自由思考和对各种形式艺术的热情,以及对创造力和商业的理解。十多年前自幕前离开了她的 IT 公司后,她投身于摄影,然后越来越被其他艺术家的作品所吸引,最终成立了 Bluerider ART。到目前为止,以及计划在 2024 年的伦敦展览都是多样化、富有趣味和具有吸引力的。正如 Marck 展览的标题所暗示的,Elsa 希望你透过窗户……进来玩耍。

How did you begin your journey into art? Did you grow up in a creative environment?


I grew up in a very traditional two-story Japanese restaurant, surrounded by the aroma of rice in the kitchen, the abacus on the counter, the interactions with customers, and the presentation of dishes... It was like a playground for me during my childhood. Also, I've always loved dancing since I was born. I think it's a combination of certain talents and a free-growing environment that nurtured my creativity.

王:我在一个非常传统的两层楼日本料理店长大,在充满了厨房里的米香、柜台上的算盘、与客人的互动和菜色的呈现中…… 就是我的童年,这对我来说就像是一个游乐场。此外,我从出生开始就非常喜欢跳舞。我认为有一点天赋和一个自由成长的环境,培养了我的创造力。

Was it natural for you to go first into the world of technology and entrepreneurship?


I enthusiastically joined a modern dance company but felt disappointed with the development of the art scene at the time. So, I shifted my passion to another entrepreneurial venture. At that time, the IT industry was booming, so I hopped on that trend.

王:我热情地加入了一家现代舞团,但对当时艺术界的发展感到失望。因此,我将我的热情转移到了创业公司。那时,IT 行业蓬勃发展,所以我跟上了这个趋势。

王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

Bluerider ART Gallery. Mayfair 蓝骑士艺术 伦敦·梅费尔

At what point did you realise you wanted to pursue a career in the art world and open the first Bluerider ART gallery?

您何时意识到自己想在艺术世界中追求事业并开设第一家 Bluerider ART 画廊?

I felt drained inside in the IT field, so when I had the financial ability, I wanted to reclaim my dream as an artist. After receiving international professional photography training, I organised a solo exhibition, and published an photo essay book Dance, Formosa. It was a difficult environment, and I soon realised the incredible sacrifices female artists have to make, including family, reputation, and status, which I couldn't do. So, I decided to open an art gallery instead.

王:我在 IT 领域太久,开始感到内心枯竭,所以当我实现财务自由之后,我想要重拾我的艺术家梦想。在接受专业摄影训练后,我组织了一次个人摄影展,并出版了一本摄影散文书《Dance, Formosa》。这是一个困难的环境,很快我意识到专业的女性艺术家必须做出令人难以置信的牺牲,包括家庭、声誉和地位,而这是我无法做到的。所以,我决定开设一家艺术画廊。

What draws you to the artists you work with at Bluerider ART?

什么吸引您与 Bluerider ART 合作的艺术家?

Although I gave up being an artist myself, I admire the talent of artists and also their bravery in wanting to promote their work. I understand the immense talent, loneliness, and hardships involved in their efforts.


Why did you want to set up a gallery in London in addition to Taipei and Shanghai?


Over the past decade, Bluerider ART has represented over 50 artists, mostly European. But being based in Asia, it was essential for us to make sure of having deeper connections with our artists and having a hub a little closer. Therefore, London holds significance for us. London is a vital contemporary art hub for Europe.

王:在过去的十年里,Bluerider ART 代理了超过 50 位艺术家,其中大部分是欧洲艺术家。但作为一家位于亚洲的画廊,为确保与我们的艺术家有更深入的联系,并拥有一个离我们稍近的中心,是至关重要的。因此,伦敦对我们来说意义重大。伦敦也是欧洲一个重要的当代艺术中心。

王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客MARCK’s Playground installation view. MARCK’s Playground is on show at Bluerider ART gallery in Mayfair until 26 May 2024. MARCK’s Playground展览现场,于Bluerider ART 伦敦·梅费尔展至2024年5月26日

Your London exhibitions so far are exciting and very different from what many galleries in Mayfair show. What do you hope to bring to the London audiences?


We've been exhibiting our represented artists for a long time, mainly because, as mentioned earlier, regardless of whatever unique style, I admire these incredible artists. With this admiration, our team pushes forward. I believe art must return to its essence, to the emotional moment it has on people, that intangible spiritual value, which is the true meaning of art, without it art is nothing. I hope people walking past the gallery in Mayfair will be stopped in their tracks by something new, and that they feel excited and welcome to come in.

王:我们一直都在长期展示代理的艺术家作品,主要是因为,如前所述,无论多么独特的风格,基本上我首先是全心钦佩这些不可思议的艺术家,因为这种钦佩,我们的团队付出全部努力不断推广前进。我相信艺术必须回归到本质,回到那感动人心的瞬间,那无形的精神价值,这才是艺术的真正意义,没有这个,艺术就什么都不是。”  我希望经过梅菲尔的人们会被一些新事物吸引,他们感到兴奋并愿意进来停留。

Can you tell us a bit about the current show, MARCK’s Playground?

您能介绍一下当前的展览 MARCK’s Playground 吗?

We've had a solid and trusting relationship with MARCK for many years. Initially, we introduced traditional works, but last year, we had the idea to invite MARCK for a residency program, moving his studio into the gallery in Taipei. Besides exhibiting his works, he also interacted with the audience and created art in the gallery. Audiences were able to get to know what kind of artist he is. During the three-month-long show in Taipei, we had an unbelievable 6,500 visitors to the gallery. So now, this project extends to London, where he worked in the exhibition space for a week. It's also his first exhibition in the UK in over a decade.

Marck is renowned for his experimental works in video sculpture, which combine artistic innovation and sensory delight while presenting a variety of psychological scenarios. Many of the works are interactive, and many are amusing, hence why we called the exhibition MARCK’s Playground.

We also installed a site-specific studio within the gallery space, so that audiences could see Marck at work during the first week, while he was in London. He drew inspiration from his observations of local life, and these new works are also exhibited in the gallery.

王:我们与 MARCK 有着坚实信任的合作关系多年。最初,我们单纯介绍他的作品,但去年,我们想邀请 MARCK 来参加一项驻地项目,在台北的画廊里将他的工作室搬到画廊里,除了展示他的作品外,他还与观众互动,并在画廊里创作艺术作品。观众们有机会了解他是何种类型的艺术家。在台北长达三个月的展览期间,我们的画廊吸引了令人难以置信的 6500 名参观者。现在,这个项目延伸到了伦敦,他在展览空间工作一个星期。这也是他十多年来在英国的首次展览。MARCK 以其在录像雕塑的作品而闻名,这些作品结合了艺术创新和感官享受,同时呈现了各种心理情境。许多作品是互动的,有趣的,因此我们将展览命名为 MARCK’s Playground。我们还在画廊空间内安排了一个现场的工作室,让观众看到 Marck 的工作,这些新作品也在画廊展出。

王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

Gegenstrom, 2024, 65x107x24cm, Wood, aluminum, player, screen. MARCK’s Playground is on show at Bluerider ART gallery in Mayfair until 26 May 2024. 逆流,2024,65x107x24cm,木头,铝,播放器,频幕,MARCK’s Playground于Bluerider ART 伦敦·梅费尔展至2024年5月26日

And a quick fire 5:


Any upcoming projects of note that you can discuss?

In June, we'll be launching a solo exhibition featuring a French artist, Pascal Dombis, exploring whether text is dead in the world of AI. In the second half of the year, we have a solo show for a senior Chinese artist, Cao Jigang, combining egg tempera techniques with Chinese Shan-Shui, through which he strives to express the unity of heaven and humanity, the philosophical "Daoism". We are very excited about both of these upcoming shows.

王:六月份,我们将举办一场由法国艺术家 Pascal Dombis 的个展,探讨在AI世界中,文字是否已死?下半年,我们将为中国资深艺术家曹吉冈举办个展,他将坦培拉技法与中国山水相结合,通过这种方式表达天人合一、哲学上“道”的境界。我们对这两个即将到来的展览都感到非常兴奋。

What have been the most rewarding moments of your career thus far?


I don't have any in particular. If I had to say, it would be every time I stand at this point, looking back at the ups and downs of my journey, feeling accomplished to have made it to today.


What’s the best advice you have ever received?


Trust your instincts.


Who are you outside of the ‘office’?


I'm still a naughty little girl at heart—curious, smiling, imaginative, and humorous, always looking around.


What do you love about London?


The acceptance and inclusivity of different cultures.


Bluerider ART London is located at 47 Albemarle Street. MARCK’s Playground runs until 26 May 2024.

蓝骑士艺术Bluerider ART 伦敦·梅费尔位于47 Albemarle Street. MARCK’s Playground 展出至2024年5月26日

Bluerider ART 伦敦·梅费尔

47 Albemarle St, London, W1S 4JW


Tel +44 20 3903 7827

王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

Bluerider ART 上海·外滩
Tel +86 21 6330 6166
王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

Bluerider ART 台北·敦仁
Tel +886 2 2752 7778
王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客

Bluerider ART 台北·仁爱
Tel +886 2 2752 2238
王薇薇专访 FLO London 我相信艺术必须回归到本质 那感动人心的瞬间 崇真艺客


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