
如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024

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如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客


The spring breeze awakens the senses while green shoots emerge from branchlets. Neri&Hu is delighted to share with you some of our latest news, ranging from architecture, interiors, products, exhibitions and lectures.


Shanfeng Les Roches School Cultural Quarter, Shanghai

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客
如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

如恩受邀为山峰教育集团打造其位于上海崇明岛的山峰理诺士学校文化中心。19,000平米的建筑空间不仅为师生提供活动场所,同时也服务于更广泛的公众群体——艺术中心、黑匣子剧场、书店、教师公寓楼,实训零售、餐饮空间以及实训酒店。在崇明岛郁郁葱葱的自然环境中,如恩以“chōra”为题,在严谨的教学之中为学生们提供探索自我的空间,给予未来无限想象。该项目于今年破土动工。 #整体规划 #建筑 #室内

Neri&Hu is tasked to design the cultural quarter of an entirely new school campus providing hospitality vocational education programs, located on Shanghai Chongming Island. The 19,000 square meters of programming includes amenities not only for the school, students and teachers alike, but will also serve the larger community— an art center, a black box theater, a bookstore, retail and restaurants, a faculty dormitory and hotel. Beyond the lush natural environment of Chongming island, Neri&Hu explores the notion of “chōra” to provide space to students where they may discover the essence of who they are and what they can be. The project breaks ground this year. #masterplanning #architecture #interior


Hankow Access Renovation, Wuhan

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

武汉一元新所 Hankow Access项目(原武汉市档案馆大楼项目)围绕三栋建筑展开:汉口国民政府外交部旧址、原武汉市档案馆办公楼、武汉市档案馆档案展示中心。改造后的建筑将被塑造成为文化商业综合空间,呼应设计理念中“由内而外发光的灯笼”之美,试图为档案馆注入新的生机与活力。 #建筑 #室内

Hankow Access (former Wuhan Municipal Archives renovation project) revolves around three buildings: the former site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hankow National Government, the former office of Wuhan Municipal Archives, and Wuhan Municipal Archives Exhibition Center in Wuhan, China. After the renovation, the building will be shaped into a cultural and commercial complex space, responding to the design concept of "a lantern that glows from the inside out" and aiming to instill new life into the Municipal Archives. #architecture #interior


INDIGO Jingdezhen Hotel, Jingdezhen 

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

英迪格景德镇酒店坐落于景德镇凤凰山脚下。如恩在建筑设计和材料使用上汲取当地的文化元素,通过极具韵律感及渗透性的栖居之塔、如露天剧场般的景观基座以及高识别度的漫步长廊,为访客创造了独特的在地体验。 #建筑 #室内

Located at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain in Jingdezhen, China, INDIGO Jingdezhen Hotel project has captured the local cultural elements in the design and materialization with the inhabitable structure, sculpted base as an amphitheater and the promenade to create a unique local experience for guests. #architecture #interior


Meitan Boutique Hotel, Zunyi

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

遵义湄潭精品酒店项目坐落于自然茶园梯田之中,曾是茶农的宿舍。如恩在设计中关注新与旧的对话,巧妙融合周围的自然茶园景观,探索场地所蕴含的原始记忆。 #整体规划 #建筑 #室内

Zunyi Hotel project is located in Meitan County, Zunyi, China within the tea plantation and was historically used as dorms of the tea peasants. The design concept focuses on the dialogue between the old and new. The main idea is to deal with the site memories as well as the beautiful scenery around the sites. #masterplanning #architecture #interior


Lake Como EDITION, Lake Como

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

由Omnam集团开发的意大利科莫湖艾迪逊酒店坐拥科莫湖西岸的壮丽景观。如恩在设计中融合科莫湖的宁静、浪漫与诗意,并将意大利乡村别墅的空间魅力融入室内设计中,宛如湖畔的一座文化宝库。 #室内

Overlooking Lake Como’s western shore, The Lake Como EDITION conceptualizes the hotel as a cultural repository in the design. The project, under the development of the visionary Omnam Group, captures the serene, romantic, picturesque qualities of the lake and brings notions of the Italian countryside villa into the interior. #interior


Monogram New York, New York

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

纽约Monogram璞隽公馆坐落于曼哈顿中城东的中心地段。如恩在室内设计中延续了曼哈顿Art-deco建筑艺术的经典风格,以独特的视角诠释这座城市的双重魅力——在实用主义理性规划的框架下,散发着无穷的创新与变革潜力。 #室内

Monogram New York is located in the heart of Manhattan’s Midtown East neighborhood. The interior by Neri&Hu features details that take a modern interpretation of Midtown’s Art Deco heritage and seek to reflect the duality of Manhattan – an urban context born out of utilitarian planning, yet also full of the potential for speculative transformation. #interior

2024年米兰设计周新品发布, 米兰

Milan Design Week new product launches 2024, Milan

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

2024年4月15日至21日,如恩为世界知名品牌Arflex、Cassina、Ento、Stellar Works以及Valcucine所设计的产品与展陈将在米兰设计周亮相。这些设计诠释了如恩的跨学科设计方法论——在建筑学科中探索及展开家具、配件、产品设计与室内设计之间的对话。#产品 #装置 #展览

For Milan Design Week (April 15 – 21, 2024), Neri&Hu will unveil their latest installations and product designs for Arflex, Cassina, Ento, Stellar Works and Valcucine, representing their interdisciplinary approach that seeks to find meaningful dialogue between furniture, accessories, product design and interior design within architecture. #product #installation #exhibition


Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Querétaro 2024, Querétaro, April 13

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客
如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

如恩设计创始合伙人郭锡恩与胡如珊受邀将在2024年墨西哥克雷塔罗国际建筑大会 (Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Querétaro 2024) 上发表主题演讲"from here to there",分享其建筑实践,并在卡洛斯·希门尼斯 (Carlos Jimenez) 的主持下,与来自斯里兰卡建筑师佩林达·坎纳加拉 (Palinda Kannangara) 、墨西哥建筑师路易斯·阿尔德雷特 (Luis Aldrete) 和马努埃尔·塞万特 (Manuel Cervantes) 进行圆桌对谈。该活动将于当地时间4月13日13:30 – 18:00在墨西哥克雷塔罗 The Hub 进行。



Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu, Founding Partners of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, will be giving a keynote presentation titled “ from here to there"  to share their design practice and philosophy at the Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Querétaro 2024. There will also be a panel discussion moderated by Carlos Jimenez, together with architects Palinda Kannangara, Luis Aldrete and Manuel Cervantes. The event will take place at The Hub of Santiago de Querétaro in Mexico from 13:30-18:00 (UTC) on April 13.

For more information:



Milan Design Week IKEA Talk, Milan, April 16

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

米兰设计周期间,如恩设计创始合伙人、美国宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特·韦茨曼设计学院建筑系系主任胡如珊教授受邀将参加宜家在米兰举办的名为“1st 第一次”的展览中的设计系列对谈, 在Fast Company全球设计编辑马克·威尔森 (Mark Wilson) 的主持下,与谷歌硬件产品设计副总裁艾薇·罗斯 (Ivy Ross) 以及美泰首席设计师克里斯·唐 (Chris Down) 就“好的设计存在吗?”这一话题展开讨论。该对谈将于当地时间4月16日下午4点在米兰Padiglione Visconti, via Tortona 58举行。



During Milan Design Week, Rossana Hu, Founding Partner of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office and chair of the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design, has been invited to participate in the IKEA TALK, which is part of the "1st" exhibition presented by IKEA in Milan. The discussion will center around the topic "Does good design exist?" together with Ivy Ross, Vice President of Product Design at Google Hardware, and Chris Down, Chief Design Officer at Mattel, moderated by Mark Wilson, Global Design Editor at Fast Company. The talk will start at 4pm CEST on April 16th at Padiglione Visconti, via Tortona 58 in Milan. 

For more information, please visit: https://www.ikea.com/global/en/ikea-around-the-world/ikea-festival-2024/

米兰设计周NOT COMPROMISED设计对谈,米兰,4月17日

NOT COMPROMISED Roundtable Discussion, Milan, April 17

如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

米兰设计周期间,如恩设计的创始合伙人、普林斯顿大学客座教授郭锡恩受邀参加由designboom创始人及前董事比吉特.罗曼 (Birgit Lohmann) 和马西莫·米尼 (Massimo Mini) 共同创建的新平台"NOT COMPROMISED"在米兰举办的创新展览。其中,郭锡恩将与来自Bangkok Project Studio的泰国建筑师布恩瑟姆`普莱姆塔达 (Boonserm Premthada) 围绕主题“人类与自然的最佳状态!”进行圆桌对谈,该对谈由吉特.罗曼(Birgit Lohmann)主持。对谈将于当地时间4月17日下午6点在米兰Liceo classico Giuseppe Parini (地址:Via San Marco, 2/3 Milano)举行。



During Milan Design Week, Lyndon Neri, Founding Partner of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office and Visiting Faculty at Princeton University School of Architecture, has been invited to join a panel discussion as part of NOT COMPROMISED's innovative exhibition, presented by Birgit Lohmann and Massimo Mini, founders and former directors of designboom. The discussion will focus on the topic "HUMANS and NATURE at their best!" and will include architect Boonserm Premthada from Bangkok Project Studio, moderated by Birgit Lohmann. The event will start at 6pm CEST on April 17th at Liceo classico Giuseppe Parini, Via San Marco, 2/3 Milano. 

For more information, please visit: 


如恩最新动态 | 春 · 2024 崇真艺客

www.neriandhu.com | instagram: neriandhu

linkedin: neri&hu design and research office

facebook: neri&hu design and research office

微信 wechat: neriandhu | 微博 weibo: 如恩设计


building 31, 322 jiaozhou road, shanghai, china

press@neriandhu.com | 8621 5286 2900

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