新氧艺O2art 展讯 | 「谷响」陈督兮个展将于4月21日开幕
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O2art is pleased to announce that Chen Duxi's solo exhibition "Rumbling Valley" will be open on April 21, 2024. The exhibition will last until May 20, 2024. Chen Duxi paints plants and animals, including Phalaenopsis aphrodite, longhorn cowfish, and beetle. They are small, ancient, and cold-blooded. He claims that he thought about grain seeds budding in the spring as he painted these things. The buds struggle to break through the soil and yell. That is the sound of life's ambitious actions. To him, the sound is deafening in quick succession, like a thousand huge bells colliding with each other.
尔躬-白色百合 The Order Of Body-White Lily
Mineral pigment on silk
200x300cm 2024
Chen Duxi, 1983, Born in Chengdu, Sichuan; 2006, Graduated from Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts; Now Living and Working in Beijing. Main solo exhibitions: 2023, The Order Of Body, Fine Art, New York, America; 2022, Hydrology, Tea Here, Beijing, China; 2021, Emerging From The Twilight, Salon Ten in WF Central, Beijing, China; 2019, Chen Duxi Solo Exhibition, Art 8site, Paris, France; 2019, Wild State, Gallery55, Shanghai, China; 2017, Rhuthm Of Spring, Sino-French University History Of Museum, Lyon, France; 2016, Two Sides Of A Coin, Gallery55, Shanghai, China; 2015, Lonely Fisherman, Chen Duxi Exhibition, Art 8site of Sino-French University, Beijing, China; Main group exhibitions: 2023, Midsummer Eve, O2art, Beijing, China; 2022, BONS BAISERS DE PéKIN Musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet, Paris, France; 2022, The Rain freshens, Fine Art, New York, America; 2021, BOOMERANG-OCAT Biennale, Shenzhen, China; 2019, GAIA, Champs elysees guerlain flagship store, Paris, France; 2018, Purity of Mind, Fine Art, New York, America; 2018, Blissful Land II -Still Waters Rum Deep, Shanghai Himalayas Museum, Shanghai, China.策展人
杨紫,独立策展人,曾任UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心策展人及公共项目总监,具有近十年的艺术评论写作及策展经验。毕业于南京大学哲学系、宗教学系。2008年,于全职任职于草根NGO的同时,研习艺术评论写作;2011年,任《艺术界LEAP》杂志编辑,并为《艺术界LEAP》《艺术论坛》中文网和《艺术新闻中文版》等杂志撰写文章。2015年,入职UCCA后,编纂王音、刘韡、徐震、曾梵志等艺术家画册,并策划多场展览及公共项目活动。挑战着策展既有的框架和合作模式,他策划了“肉身:恐怖谷”、“密室”、“例外状态:中国境况与艺术考察2017”、“Pity Party”、“敢当:当代神石注疏”、“韶华”、“装饰”、“恐怖谷:肉身”等群展,赵半狄、谢南星、伍伟、姜琤、谢燚、高源、蔡泽滨、张允菡、杨露子、尉洪磊、朱昶全、3d group等艺术家个展,并以艺术家身份在布拉格和北京等地参展。2017年,入围Hyundai Blue Prize年度艺术大奖。2019年及2021年,任年度华宇青年奖初选评委。
Yang Zi received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy and religious studies from Nanjing University and is currently a independent curator. Yang Zi has worked in art criticism and curation for nearly ten years. From 2012 to 2014, Yang Zi was an editor of LEAP, and he has written extensively for a range of publications, including LEAP, Artforum China, Art Bank, and Art Time, among others. 2015, after joining UCCA, He acted as executive editor on a series of UCCA catalogues for Wang Yin, Liu Wei, Xu Zhen, and Zeng Fanzhi, and curated several exhibition and public programs for UCCA. 2018, he was promoted to curator and the head of Public Programs in UCCA.His curatorial projects include “La Chair” ; “Secret Chamber”; “Pity Party”; “Land of the Lustrous”; “In Younger Days”;“Zhuang Shi”;“Uncanny Vally” and solo exhibitions for zhao Bandi, Xie Nanxing, Wu Weu, Jiang Cheng, Xie Yi, Gao Yuan, Cai Zeibin, Chang Yunhan, Yang Luzi, Yu Honglei, Zhu Changquan and 3d groups. 2017, He was a Hyundai Blue Prize finalist. 2019 and 2021, He was one of the primary judges of Huayu Youth Award.
新氧艺O2art艺术空间于2018年建立新空间,长期经营与代理中生代当代职业艺术家,多次推出过独立策划的群展以及艺术家个展,涉及的艺术媒介包括绘画、雕塑、装置、摄影等。目前新氧艺O2art拥有位于北京朝阳798艺术区空间。新氧艺O2art会不断跟进当代艺术家的创作与事业发展,成为构建中国当代艺术生态中不可或缺的成员。O2art was established in 2018 and has been operating and representing contemporary professional artists from the Mesozoic era for a long time. It has independently curated many group exhibitions aswell as solo exhibitions, with artworks in various media including paintings, sculptures, installations, photography and so on. Now O2art is located in 798 Art Zone. O2art will continue to follow up artists’career and creation development, and become a strong part of China’s contemporaryart community.点击定位画廊空间 Find us on the map