
Wind H×CISB|CISB国际文凭视觉艺术课2024届毕业生作品展回顾

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Wind H×CISB|CISB国际文凭视觉艺术课2024届毕业生作品展回顾  山中天艺术中心 国际 文凭 视觉 艺术 毕业生 作品展 Ecdysís 山中 北京加拿大国际学校 山中天艺术中心 崇真艺客

 “蜕变” "Ecdysís"

Wind H×CISB|CISB国际文凭视觉艺术课2024届毕业生作品展回顾  山中天艺术中心 国际 文凭 视觉 艺术 毕业生 作品展 Ecdysís 山中 北京加拿大国际学校 山中天艺术中心 崇真艺客


展览由国际文凭视觉艺术课程的指导老师兼策展人刘懿萱筹备策划,带来4名优秀毕业生Tessy Umutoni、Jasmina Sovet、Sun Ming Yang、Anabel Ossorio的艺术作品,其中包含涵盖纸上绘画、雕塑、装置等多种呈现方式,充分发挥视觉艺术优势,以艺术性叙述其独立成长过程中身体与心灵的“蜕变”。



“Ecdysis”,源于希腊语“ékdysis”, 意思是“出去”或“脱落”,前缀“ek“表示“出”或“离开”;词根“dysis”来自动词“dyein”, 意思是“走进”。

复合词“ékdysis”的字面意思是“走出”或,“脱落”, 这个术语最早被采用在生物科学中,用来描述节肢动物和其他动物脱落或蜕去外骨骼的过程。


"Ecdysis", derived from the Greek word "ékdysis", means "going out" or "shedding". The prefix "ek" means "out" or "away", and the root "dysis" comes from the verb "dyein", meaning "to enter". The compound word "ékdysis" literally means "walking out" or "shedding".


This term was first adopted in the biological sciences to describe the process of molting or shedding the exoskeleton in arthropods and other animals.


From childhood to adolescence, and into adulthood, the body and mind experience a constant "metamorphosis" or "ecdysis" every day. Young female student artists from different nationalities, in the process of growing up, are using visual arts to explore the reflections of their self and identity, and this is just the beginning.


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Tessy Umutoni

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Tessy Umutoni, Harmony of Layer, 2024, Paper mache, spray paint, yarn, wire, tape, 640mm x 910mm x 1810mm


It skillfully combines various colors and shapes to convey a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences. The colors used in the piece evoke different feeling, each representing a unique facet of human emotions. Central to the artwork is the presence of a crocheted dress, which serves as a powerful symbo, representing the masks that individuals often feel complled to wear in society. Just as the dress conceals the true form beneath, so too do people sometimes hide their genuine emotions and experiences behind a facade.

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Tessy Umutoni, Waxen Arboreal Wonder, 2024, Plaster, shapeable wire mesh, wax, 340mm x 920mm x 1720mm


This piece represents a decaying nature of a tree, capturing the essence of impermanence and the continuous changes that occur throughout life. The white in the sculpture suggest purity, innocence, contrasting with the decaying tree its represents.

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Jasmina Sovet

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Jasmina Sovet,Silent desolation, 2023,Oil paint on Canvas,350mm x 510mm


In this artwork, I have illustrated a subject lying on the table while streams of blue tears cascade down onto its surface. This artwork expresses the depths of human emotion, specifically the profound experience of sorrow. By depicting her emotionless facial expression, I invite viewers to question the depth of emotions concealed beneath her seemingly detached facade. Silent Desolation prompts viewers to reflect on the intricacies of human emotion and the complexities of inner experiences that may not always be readily apparent. It invites contemplation on the masks we wear and the unseen struggles we carry beneath the surface.

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Jasmina Sovet,Ethereal elegance, 2024,Oil paint on Canvas,395mm x500mm


Ethereal Elegance represents a woman with an enchanting presence. Half of the face is covered with the subject's hair to add intrigue to the portrait. The interplay of red, brown, blue, and yellow symbolizes the range of emotions, experiences, and identities that women encompass.

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Sun Ming Yang

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Sun Ming Yang ,Stifle, 2024,Clay, plastic wrap, spaypaint ,310mm x 270mm x 180mm


Will it suffocate?Perhaps,when not understood.Like being wrapped in plastic wrap,unable to escape.Tired?Take a rest.Close your eyes,relax your body.In social interactions,many times,let It be,what'smeant to come,will come.

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Sun Ming Yang,Semi-Carrier, 2023,Acrylic on Canvas,500mm×500mm

我们都是跨越时空的“观察者” 。这幅作品绘画的是?只半透明的水母状生物悬浮在空中,而下面站满了观察水母的冷漠的人。这幅画的主体与周围的黑色人群在颜色、大小和数量上形成了鲜明的对比。中间那个奇怪的生物在高处,而人群在低处,我把这些低处的人描绘成仰望的观察者。


在我的作品中,我抓住了这种微妙的境地,我用红色和橙色来试图表现能量的积累和即将发生爆炸的感觉。 即将到来的爆炸会在下面的黑色剪影中引起反应和扰动,给观众留下无限的想象空间。这也是激情与冷漠的对比,水母代表着一种燃烧和爆炸的感觉,而人物冷静而冷漠地站着,没有任何情绪。这就像雕塑是暴力和扭曲的,而观察者是平静的,用他们当下的心态来观察主体,代表了一种超越时空的“观察” 。

We are all "observers" in the transcend of time and space. The main subject of the painting contrasts sharply with the surrounding black crowd in terms of color, size, and quantity. The peculiar creature is positioned high above, while the crowd is below, depicted as onlookers gazing upward. This emotionless observation often reflects the difference in perception between individuals and groups.

When individual reactions differ from the group, the relatively homogeneous group tends to remainindifferent and fails to understand the uniqueness of the individual.

 I capture this subtle atmosphere by using red and orange, attempting to convey a sense of accumulated energy and an impending explosion. The upcoming explosion will cause reactions and disturbances among the black silhouettes below, leaving infinite room for imagination for the audience. This also contrasts passion with indifference. When People observe subjects with their current mindset, representing a transcendent"observation" beyond time and space.

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Anabel Ossorio

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Anabel Ossorio,Picayola, 2024,Plaster, water, spray paint, modelling clay, floor lamp parts, and shapeable wire mesh,270mm x 380mm x 1100mm


The artwork finds its main inspiration in the imagery of a lit match and the transformative effects of its subsequent burning, resulting in a weathered and charred appearance. Through the use of color and perspective, the sculpture aims to faithfully capture the essence of a lit match. The upper portion of the artwork features a combination of black and silver hues, while the lower section is adorned with a bold and striking red color, creating the optical illusion of the upper part being extensively burned and transformed into ash. Moreover, within the lower section, there is a metallic-looking stem that traverses the delicate structure of the lamp, symbolizing the gradual consumption of the match by the fire.

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Anabel Ossorio,To be found, 2024,Acrylic paint and plaster on canvas ,610mm x 910mm


The artwork draws its main inspiration from the aerial view of the land as seen from an airplane, offering a high perspective. The primary objective of this artwork is to delve into the potential of plaster as a medium and to experiment with texture in order to convey a sense of perspective and depth. The composition consists of interconnected planes and shapes, each carefully constructed to create the illusion of depth through the use of vibrant hues such as red, white, yellow, and green, as well as various textures. Prominently visible within the artwork are three red spirals, distinguished by their slightly darker shade, which contribute to the overall visual impact.

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Curator and Instructor: YIXUAN LIU

北京加拿大国际学校IB DP Visual Arts 视觉艺术老师


CISB IB DP/MYP Visual Arts Teacher Artist, Indie rock musician, Independent Documentary Director From San Francisco California, United States of America.

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北京加拿大国际学校于2005年秋季成立,提供国际公认的加拿大(New Brunswick)课程以及三个国际文凭(IB)课程,坐落于市中心的美丽校园。我们欢迎来自北京外交和侨居社区的学生,从蒙特梭利学前班(18个月到3岁)一直到12年级毕业班。


Canadian International School of Beijing was founded during the fall of 2005, we offer an internationally recognized Canadian (New Brunswick) curriculum and all three International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes in a beautiful downtown campus. We welcome students from Beijing’s diplomatic and expatriate communities with programming that starts in our Montessori Nursery (18 months to 3 years old) through to our Grade 12 graduating class.


Our highly qualified CISB teaching staff is made up of diverse team representing 19 different nationalities that join our community with a wide range of Canadian and International teaching experiences. All of our teachers are qualified to teach at their respective levels meeting Canadian Certification standards or the equivalent.

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