
广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹

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The BAIETAN Greater Bay Area Art Center is the province's major emblematic cultural project. As an important part of the art center, the completion and opening of the Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN) is a milestone event in the history of Guangdong art development, providing a better platform and broader space for the high-quality development of Guangdong art. 
广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

值此白鹅潭馆区开放之际,我们特别策划推出“新时代 ? 新跨越——广东美术馆新馆系列大展”,全面展示近现代中国美术、广东美术的辉煌历程,为公众献上高品质的艺术盛宴。

On the occasion of the opening of the new museum, we specially curated and presented the "Stride Toward the New Era: Opening Exhibitions of the New Guangdong Museum of Art", which comprehensively showcases the brilliant history of modern and contemporary Chinese art and Guangdong art, offering the public high-quality exhibitions.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

本次系列大展包括“觉醒时代——20 世纪上半叶中国美术的传承与演变”“激情岁月——新中国美术的转型与建构”“潮起珠江”“新时代赋”“未来的触感——沉浸式数字艺术大展”“城市链:风起南方的艺术实验大展”“未来花园——当代公共艺术展”,以及“凝固的诗篇——博尔盖塞美术馆藏文艺复兴至巴洛克时期杰作展”等八大展览,共展出海内外 700 余位艺术家的近千件作品,主题多元、内容丰富、规模宏大。前七个展览以广东美术馆近三十年的收藏为基础,并借入中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆等单位和艺术机构的馆藏经典,展示中国美术特别是广东美术不同历史时期的经典之作。其中既有齐白石、林风眠、黄宾虹、高奇峰、高剑父、陈树人、潘天寿、傅抱石、李可染、关山月、黎雄才等一批近现代中国画坛大师的精品佳作,也汇集了近年来文化和旅游部、中国美术家协会组织创作的重大历史题材美术创作工程、国家主题性美术创作工程,广东改革开放实践题材美术创作工程、广东省新时代主题美术创作工程等表现新时代社会风貌的优秀作品,还打造了沉浸式数字展、当代艺术实验展等,用丰富多样的艺术形态带给观众不同的审美体验。特别引进的“凝固的诗篇——博尔盖塞美术馆藏文艺复兴至巴洛克时期杰作展”将展出拉斐尔、鲁本斯、提香等意大利以及北方地区 16、17世纪的艺术大师的55件真迹作品,展现广东美术自觉拥抱世界经典的自信与能力。

This series of exhibitions includes eight major projects, "Age of Awakening: The Development and Evolution of Chinese Art in the First Half of the 20th Century", "Days of Passion: The Establishment and Transformation of Art in New China", "New Waves Arising from the Pearl River", "Ode to the New Era", "Futuristic Touch: An Immersive Digital Art Exhibition", "A Constellation of Cities: Contemporary Art and Experiment in Southern China and Beyond", "Future Garden: Public Art Exhibition", "Timeless Verses: Renaissance and Baroque Masterpieces from Galleria Borghese", featuring over 900 works by more than 700 artists from domestic and oversea. The exhibitions are diverse in theme, rich in content, and grand in scale. The first seven exhibitions are based on the collections of the Guangdong Museum of Art over the past thirty years, and loaned by the classic collections of institutions and art organizations such as the National Art Museum of China and the National Museum of China, showcasing the masterpieces ofChinese art, especially Guangdong art, from different historical periods. Among them, there are fine works by a group of masters of Chinese painting in modern and contemporary, such as Qi Baishi, Lin Fengmian, Huang Binhong, Gao Qifeng, Gao Jianfu, Chen Shuren, Pan Tianshou, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai and other masters. As well as outstanding works that reflect the social features of the new era, such as major historical themes art creation projects organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the China Artists Association, National Thematic Art Creation Projects, Guangdong's Reform and Opening-up Practice Thematic Art Creation Projects, Guangdong Province's new era thematic art creation projects. It also creates immersive digital exhibitions and experimental exhibitions of contemporary art, bringing audiences different aesthetic experiences with rich and diverse artistic forms. The special exhibition "Timeless Verses: Renaissance and Baroque Masterpieces from Galleria Borghese" will present fiftyfive authentic works of the 16th and 17th centuries by masters of Italy and the northern region, including Raphael, Rubens, Titian. This exhibition demonstrates the Guangdong art circle's dedication to embracing a global vision.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区  1/2/3号厅
Date: May 1st to September 7th, 2024
Venue: Hall 1/2/3, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: 
The Department of Culture and Tourism ofGuangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art, Galleria Borghese

博尔盖塞美术馆收藏的意大利以及北方地区 16、17 世纪绘画构成此次展览主体内容。展览分别以“神话与古代艺术”“历史中的信仰”“自然与风物”“社会生活及肖像”四个部分呈现,55 件作品从不同的角度涉及了人与神、人与自然、人与人群的关系。展览构建了作品的空间关系,意在强调艺术自身的生命,也凸显艺术与整个文化的联系,帮助观众更深入地理解文艺复兴时期艺术家处理继承与扬弃的智慧。

This exhibition focuses on paintings from Italy and the northern area created in 16th and 17th centuries, which are part of the collection of Galleria Borghese.The exhibition includes four sections, i.e., "Myth and Antique", "Faith in History", "Nature and the Landscape" and "Society Portraits". More than 50 works in the three halls interpret the relations between human and god, human and nature, as well as individual and community from different perspectives. The exhibition constructs the spatial relationship of works, which is aimed to emphasize the life of art itself and highlight the connection between art and the entire culture.
Note: This is a special exhibition and tickets are required or can be redeemed on certain free days, click on the poster to learn more.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

展期:2024 年 5 月 1 日至 2024 年 10 月 31 日
地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区   18/19/20 号厅

Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Hall 18/19/20, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: The Department of Culture and Tourism ofGuangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art
Special Thanks: National Art Museum of China
Co-organizers: National Museum of China, He Xiangning Art Museum, Beijing Fine Art Academy, Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Museum of Art, China Art Museum,Shanghai, Anhui Museum, Jiangsu Art Museum, Hubei Museum of Art, Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting, Art Museum of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Art Museum of China Academy of Art, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Gu Yuan Art Museum, Yan Huang Art Museum, Beijing Taikang Art Museum
Supporting Organization: Hong Kong Museum of Art

上世纪初 , 中国经历了巨大的社会转型,面对西方现代化力量的冲击,“救亡”与“启蒙”成为回应这些冲击的重要命题,这些回应不仅仅限于政治体制和经济层面,更深入到文化艺术等各个领域。西学东渐的风潮伴随着 20 世纪上半叶中国文化的发展,深刻影响到中国美术的进程,美术界开始探索如何用艺术的力量回应现实,当传统的艺术形式已无法满足时代的需求,他们以不同角度的艺术实践将中国美术推向现代化。展览从中国传统绘画的继承和改良、西画的引入与传播、新兴木刻与广东版画三个板块呈现这个阶段重要的艺术家及其作品。
At the beginning of last century, China experienced a huge social transformation. Faced with the impact of Western modernization, concepts of "salvation" and "enlightenment" emerged as important propositions in the political system, economy, and various cultural and artistic sectors.Moreover, as the trend of Western learning spreading eastward accompanied the development of Chinese culture in the first half of the 20th century, it also impacted on the development process of Chinese art. The art circle of that time began to explore ways to respond to the changing reality through the power of art. When traditional art forms could no longer meet the needs of the times, they promoted Chinese art towards modernization through artistic practice from different perspectives. This exhibition aims to present the important artists and their works of this era from three aspects: the inheritance and improvement of traditional Chinese painting, the introduction and dissemination of Western painting, and the New woodcut movement and Guangdong printmaking art.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

展期:2024 年 5 月 1 日至 2024 年 10 月 31 日
地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区  14/15/16/17 号厅

Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Hall 14/15/16/17, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: 
The Department of Culture and Tourism ofGuangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art
Co-organizers: National Museum of China, He Xiangning Art Museum, Beijing Fine Art Academy, Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Museum of Art, China Art Museum,Shanghai, Anhui Museum, Jiangsu Art Museum, Hubei Museum of Art, Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting, Art Museum of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Art Museum of China Academy of Art, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Gu Yuan Art Museum, Yan Huang Art Museum, Beijing Taikang Art Museum
Special Thanks: National Art Museum of China
Supporting Organization: Hong Kong Museum of Art

1949年,新中国美术进入了一个转折性的历史新时期。艺术家们如何以自己的创作回应时代的要求,参与到欣欣向荣的社会建设中去,成为时代的新命题。美术家们积极探索新的语言、开拓新的题材、高扬写实精神、表现时代主题,以美术特有的图像语言形式塑造构建了国家与人民的新形象,创作了大量紧扣社会脉搏、反映时代精神的美术作品。“激情岁月——新中国美术的转型与建构 ” 选择新中国山水花鸟画、红色经典主题创作、新中国建设、新中国人物画这四个角度,以点带面呈现这一时期美术创作的特点与成就。
In 1949, with the founding of the People's Republic of China, the art of New China entered a significant historical turning point. The way the artists responded to the demands of the times through their artworks and actively participated in the flourishing social construction became a new proposition of the new era.These artists took the initiative to explore new art languages and subjects, promote the spirit of realism, and expressed the themes of the times. Utilizing the unique visual language of art, they shaped and constructed new images of the country and its people, creating an impressive number of artworks that closely attuned to the dynamics of society and reflected the spirit of the times.This exhibition aims to present the features and achievements of art creation during this period in four perspectives: landscape and flower-and-bird painting in New China, the creation of red classics, the construction of New China, and figure painting in New China.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

展期:2024年5月1日至 2024年10月31日
地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区  12/13 号厅
Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Hall 12/13, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Advising Organization: The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province
Organizer: National Art Museum of China, Guangdong Museum of Art
Co-organizer: Guangdong Artists Association

The convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) marked the arrival of a great historical turnaround and opened up a new period of reform as well as socialist modernization in China. As China's economy soared, culture and art flourished, and cultural soft power continued to grow, in addition to the enormous room for development provided by the Reform and Opening-up policy, Chinese art has entered a new period of development. Inspired by the spirit and ethos of the times, Chinese artists, with a caring heart for the society and an innovative mind, created a large batch of excellent works reflecting the characteristics of the times. These artworks chanted the overhauling social changes and demonstrated the vigorous vitality and brilliant achievements brought about by the Reform and Opening-up, embodying the vibrant culture of innovation. The works of this period exuded the breath of youth, the power of life, and passion for optimism, replete with their artists'sincere feelings and proactive commitment. They vividly demonstrated people's full energy to usher in the new era, and highlighted the spirit and artistic orientation of the artists to refect the development of society and the times.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

展期:2024 年 5 月 1 日至 2024 年 10 月 31 日
地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区   9/11 号厅
Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Hall 9/11, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Advising Organization: The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province
National Art Museum of China, Guangdong Museum of Art
Co-organizer: Guangdong Artists Association

The context of the new era not only endows art creation with new aesthetic requirements and subject choices, but also provides artistic images with new historical depth and context of the times. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, presenting the new trend of the times through visual images has become a common topic for artists. Theme creation that centers around the social style of the new era has gradually become a focus and the mainstream in the field of art creation and research over the past decade. Within this context, this exhibition displays the outstanding artworks of the major historical art projects and national themed art projects organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the China Artists Association in recent years, some excellent works of the major themed art projects over Guangdong's Reform and Opening-up practices, along with the new works created for the themed art project on Guangdong in the new era. By the classified display of three units, "Building a Strong Country", "Beautiful Life", and "Splendid Natural Scenery", the exhibition showcases the development changes of social life in the new era via various art categories and expression media such as Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, and sculpture, lauding the construction achievements made in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区  10号厅
Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Hall 10, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: 
The Department of Culture and Tourism ofGuangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art
Supported by: SIMA CAA / d SCHOOL CAFA

The "Futuristic Touch: An Immersive Digital Art Exhibition" blends traditional culture and technology, bringing the audience a symphony of light and shadow and imagination. The exhibition digs deep into the cultural roots, and through innovative digital technological means, from the poetic exploration of landscapes to the in-depth excavation of urban culture, to the modern interpretation of natural philosophy, each chapter is an exploration of the subtle relationship between man and nature, tradition and innovation. Audiences will be invited to enter an immersive space shaped by digital art to experience a feast for the senses and open up infinite imaginations of the future.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区  4/5/6/7/8 号厅
Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Hall 4/5/6/7/8, Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: The Department of Culture and Tourism ofGuangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art

Guangdong, as the frontier of reform and opening up, as well as the frontier of artistic innovation and development, has provided a stage for contemporary art creation with its open posture and vitality. Examining the Pearl River Delta in the context of globalization, or focusing on global contemporary art and cultural phenomena from the perspective of the Pearl River Delta, has become a unique phenomenon of cultural research.By including the domestic urban clusters with Beijing and Shanghai as the core in the frame of comparison and expanding the frame to cover Asia and the Western art arena with Eastern elements, this exhibition hopes to examine the relationship of mutual reflection, delve into this geographical power structure, and probe the diversity of cultural networks in the south and their cross-boundary communication and connection. In fact, the view of the interweaving of multiple centers increasingly represents the key trend. The many centers, like stars, form chains, which then form webs, thus eliminating rigid borders. The "south", though based on geographical cognition, transcends this regional construction, and becomes more of a creative perspective. Especially, we try to study, review and present the artistic practice conducted in the deeply-connected historical, ideological and cultural relations that are unfolded from this perspective.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客
 Click on the poster to learn more.

地点:广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区  公共空间
支持单位:佩斯画廊、里森画廊、Patch XR、Volume Gallery、亚洲艺术中心
Date: May 1st to Oct 31st, 2024
Venue: Public Area of the Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: The Department of Culture and Tourism ofGuangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art
Supporters: Pace Gallery, Lisson Gallery, Patch XR, Volume Gallery, Asia Art Center

The theme of this public art exhibition, "Future Garden," aims to enrich people's spiritual lives through aesthetic experiences that provoke deep reflection. It seeks to awaken people's memories of culture and history, as well as their imagination for the future, exploring the value and meaning of existence and activating inner consciousness and spiritual pursuits. Nearly thirty renowned artists from both domestic and international backgrounds are participating, presenting diverse forms of artistic expression from various cultural and ideological perspectives. These works deliver the personal thoughts and powerful emotions of the artists, form distinct artistic domains, ultimately create an immersive aesthetic space through interaction between the audience and the artworks. Spread across public spaces, these artworks each connect and dialogue with different thematic exhibition spaces, ultimately forming a holistic environment.

学术委员会主席:范迪安、 吴为山
学术顾问(按姓氏拼音排序) :李劲堃、林蓝、皮道坚、吴洪亮、许钦松


Date: May 1st to October 31st, 2024
Venue: Guangdong Museum of Art (BAIETAN)
Supervising Organization: 
The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art
Special Support: National Art Museum of China
Directors of the Academic Committee: Fan Di'an, Wu Weishan
Academic Advisers (in alphabetical order):
 Li Jinkun, Lin Lan, Pi Daojian, Wu Hongliang, Xu Qinsong
Chief Director: Wang Shaoqiang
Academic Committee Members (in alphabetical order):
Cai Xianliang, Fan Bo, Feng Yuan, Ji Shaofeng, Jin Jun, Li Weiming, Luo Qi, Liang Jiang, Liu Guoqi, Shang Hui, Wang Fa, Wang Ling, Wang Yichuan, Yang Xiaoyan, Ying Jinfei, Yu Xuhong.

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客
↓ 详细参观和预约指南请点击下方图片了解 ↓
广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客



广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客



广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客
广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客

广东美术馆白鹅潭馆区五一对公众开放! 八大展览近千件作品,汇集海内外大师真迹 视频资讯  广东美术馆 白鹅潭馆区 公众 作品 大师 真迹 海内外 新馆 系列 现场 崇真艺客


审定 /  涂晓庞
编辑 /  曾睿洁 刘丹妮 温嘉宝 唐霖

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