如恩设计创始合伙人、普林斯顿大学建筑系客座教授郭锡恩与如恩设计创始合伙人、美国宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特·韦茨曼设计学院建筑系系主任胡如珊将于5月11日在The World Around Summit 2024全球峰会上发表主题为“再re-”的演讲,分享如恩是如何以“再re-”为题,为曾经的废墟之地注入全新的生机,使其蜕变为迷人乡村度假胜地的设计见解。
Lyndon Neri, Founding Partner of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, and Visiting Faculty of Princeton University School of Architecture and Rossana Hu, Founding Partner of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, and Chair and Miller Professor of the Department of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design will be giving a presentation titled "re-" to share how the studio uses this idea "re-" to infuse life into a derelict ruin into a rural retreat at The World Around Summit 2024.
青普扬州瘦西湖文化行馆,摄影:Pedro Pegenaute
Tsingpu Yangzhou Retreat, photo by Pedro Pegenaute
该峰会由The World Around和纽约古根海姆博物馆共同主办,卡地亚当代艺术基金会协办。峰会将于美国东部时间 5 月 11 日星期六下午1:00 – 6:00在纽约古根海姆博物馆的Peter B. Lewis Theater举行。
The event is co-presented by The World Around and the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, with Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain. It will take place at Peter B. Lewis Theater of the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum in New York City from 1-6PM EST on Saturday, May 11.
青普扬州瘦西湖文化行馆,摄影:Pedro Pegenaute
Tsingpu Yangzhou Retreat, photo by Pedro Pegenaute
“再 re”作为英文常用前缀,有“再次”、“重新”之意;中文语境中则代表回顾和审视过去,突破现有框架超越自我,同时预示新趋势的诞生。“再re-”是一个极具开放性的概念论题,它邀请每个人深思独特的设计之路,并为我们所处的时代和环境注入全新活力。
"re-" is a crucial prefix today because it signifies the abstract idea of "Do Again". It explores open-ended conceptual topics and invites everyone to reflect on their approach to design, thus reinvigorating our community and environment at large.
“The World Around Summit 2024全球峰会等公共论坛鼓励设计师们离开舒适区,思考如何在设计作品中回应社会正义、气候变化和文化意义。”郭锡恩和胡如珊表示。他们将在为期一天的峰会中分享由如恩设计的青普扬州瘦西湖文化行馆以及其他适应性改造项目。
"Public forums such as The World Around Summit interrogate designers to leave their comfort zone and demand that our work respond to social justice, climate change, and cultural significance," said Lyndon and Rossana, who will present the Tsingpu Yangzhou Retreat and other adaptive-reuse projects during the day-long event.
This series of talks and conversations will spotlight recently completed or under-construction projects from all over the world, with a focus on the intersection of architecture with ecological and social justice. An interdisciplinary array of speakers will present new approaches to landscape and urbanism, material innovation, synthetic spaces, housing, museums and community.
Please click "read more" for more information about the summit and register for a free livestream.
The World Around是一个全球性非营利平台,其使命简洁且纯粹:致力于让每个人都能接触到建筑领域的优秀新理念。由The World Around举办的广受好评的一系列公共活动致力于与公众分享当代建筑和设计文化的现状、近期和未来,重点关注跨学科设计、行业进步、可行性理念和气候正义。
The World Around is a global nonprofit platform with a simple but ambitious mission: to make the best new ideas in architecture accessible to all. The World Around’s critically acclaimed public programs share the now, near and next of contemporary architecture and design culture with a focus on interdisciplinary, progressive, actionable ideas and climate justice.
纽约古根海姆博物馆(Solomon R Guggenheim Museum)由著名建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计,于1959年开放。该博物馆收藏了一系列令人印象深刻且范围广泛的现代艺术品,囊括了从19世纪中期的现实主义到后现代雕塑和装置艺术,堪称世界上藏品丰富的现代艺术博物馆之一。
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It opened in 1959 and contains one of the most impressive and comprehensive collections of Modern art, spanning mid-19th-century Realism to Postmodern sculpture and installation. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is now one of the wealthiest museums devoted to Modern art in the world.
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