The revival of Du Jiayan's paintings is the awakening and rebirth of the natural world, but also a record of the artist's inner healing. The choice of creative language is the intertwining and collision of brushes and colours, which tells the power and hope of life through visual communication, leading the viewer to feel the sprouting of vitality. In her paintings, one can see the tenacity and beauty of life, and also feel the power of the mind to move from darkness to light.
Du Jiayan“Recovery & Vernal Equinox" 80×60cm Propylene杜家燕《复苏-蝶恋花》 100×150cm 丙烯/油画Du Jiayan “Recovery & Butterfly Love Flower" 100×150cm Propylene/Canvas白色的灵蝶是在绚烂的花丛间轻舞,还是在与花朵告别,向空中的暖阳奔赴而去。花朵及其美丽,就像是各种各样的诱惑,想让人沉沦其中,可我们终究还是要从诱惑,从束缚中解脱出来,追求更高境界的精神自由,寻得真我。
Is the white spiritual butterfly dancing lightly among the gorgeous flowers, or is it saying goodbye to the flowers and running towards the warm sun in the air. Flowers and their beauty are like all sorts of temptations, trying to make people sink into them, but we must ultimately free ourselves from temptation, from bondage, and pursue a higher realm of spiritual freedom to find our true selves.
Du Jiayan “Recovery & Spring everywhere" 80×60cm Propylene杜家燕认为人是有磁场和能量的,积极的能量与磁场会引导出积极的结果。她认为我们总会相信“相信”的力量,也总会为“吸引力法则”动容。那么绘画亦是如此,艺术家的画面语言同样传播高频率的能量。
To Ka Yin believes that people have magnetic fields and energy, and that positive energy and magnetic fields lead to positive results. She believes that we will always believe in the power of ‘belief’ and will always be moved by the ‘law of attraction’. The same is true for painting, as the language of the artist's images also transmits high-frequency energy.
Du Jiayan “Recovery & Still night" 50×60cm Propylene紫色的花朵在静谧的夜晚绽放,它逃开了白日的喧嚣,悄然在绽放在在夜的宁静里,不争不抢。如同夜空中的星辰,静静地闪耀。我们在逆境中也要保持坚韧和美丽的品质,我们要始终坚信,即使在最黑暗的时刻,也有美好存在,光就在前方。
Purple flowers bloom in the quiet of the night, it escaped the hustle and bustle of the day, quietly in the bloom in the tranquility of the night, do not compete. Like the stars in the night sky, quietly shining. We also need to maintain the qualities of resilience and beauty in the face of adversity, and we should always believe that even in the darkest moments, there is beauty, and light is ahead.
Du Jiayan “Recovery & Wisdom for welfare" 80×60cm PropyleneDu Jiayan “Recovery & Antidote" 80×60cm Propylene
‘Painting for me is the antidote to everything that has ever hurt, shocked, or struck my mind. Every brush stroke, every stroke, is the antidote against those gloom and doom, they slowly heal those parts of the mind that have been hurt, and make every corner of the mind shine again. Each stroke, each stroke, is medicine against those gloom and doom, they slowly heal those parts of the mind that have been hurt and make every corner of the mind shine again.’
Du Jiayan “Recover" 50×60cm Propylene
Du Jiayan “Recovery & Vigorous" 76×50cm Propylene有过痛苦,方知众生痛苦。在这个世间,无论是已经经历过苦难,还是正在承受痛苦的人们,数不胜数。杜家燕希望复苏系列能给大家能量,要始终坚信,即使在最黑暗的时刻,也有美好存在,光就在前方。
There has been suffering to know the suffering of all beings. In this world, there are countless people who have experienced suffering or are suffering. To Ka Yin hopes that the recovery series will give everyone the energy to always believe that even in the darkest of moments, there is still beauty and light just ahead.
Du Jiayan “Recovery & Spring glory" 50×70cm PropyleneDu Jiayan “Recovery & Sunlit river" 60×90cm Propylene
A:跟着直觉画,不去过于思考,因为在开始画画前该吸收的能量和知识已经足够了。Q:你的创作过程一般是什么样的,有什么特别的体验吗?A:进入心流模式,跟着感觉选颜料开始挤,不铺底层,直接拿画笔上油画布。Q:最近有什么感兴趣的主题吗?什么样的场景和素材会吸引到你?A:春天的希望,万物合一的理念,一切随缘,活在当下,通过我的画分享高频率的能量。A:《The Divine Matrix》、《How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey》、《海边理发店》、《十方异世录》、《夜晚的潜水艇》
My Sharing Moment
My Solo Exhibition
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