瑞士科技文化中心Swissnex in China本次讨论将关注艺术理事会与领事馆文化部门发起的各类项目和活动对本地艺术图景的发展与创新所产生的影响力。受邀的嘉宾将分享其所在文化机构部门的发展远景以及推动跨域合作的最新动态,并从他们自身实践经验与观察视角出发,探讨近年来跨域合作之特点,以及这类合作之于艺术创作产生推动力的关键因素,深入挖掘合作艺术的复杂性与之伴随的潜力。瑞士文化基金会驻留艺术家Jana Vanecek,“从跨媒介到泛媒介:影像艺术的媒介之变”对谈活动现场,上海当代艺术博物馆,2024由Siwssnex in China主办的沉浸式虚拟现实当代舞蹈现场VR_I,新时线媒体艺术中心(CAC),2019德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处(AKuB)与新时线媒体艺术中心联合主办的“机械仿生”系列活动之“科幻创意写作工作坊”,2021由英国文化教育协会支持的“天耳猫遇无店”(The 3rd Ear Cat Meets The N?tel)项目呈现现场,新时线媒体艺术中心,2019
胡艾琳博士(Dr. Evelin Hust)
胡艾琳博士(Dr. Evelin Hust)出生于德国美因茨。她在德国弗赖堡大学攻读古典印度学、政治科学和经济学,并作为交换生在英国萨塞克斯大学度过了一年,在那里她专攻发展经济学与政策。之后,她加入了德国海德堡大学南亚研究所,围绕印度展开跨学科研究,并凭借一偏关于印度女性如何提高农村政治中女性议席配额从而为印度女性赋权的论文,获得南亚政治科学博士学位。2001年,她成为印度新德里的南亚研究所分部主任。在此工作期间,她同时支持着研究所成员与自己的研究工作,她的研究关注政治表象与城市发展问题。2004年,她加入具有全球影响力的德意志联邦共和国文化机构歌德学院,致力于促进国际文化交流,推广德语学习,支持文化和科学的无障碍发展。除了在慕尼黑的总部工作外,她还在班加罗尔(印度)、布加勒斯特(罗马尼亚),与布达佩斯(匈牙利)的歌德学院担任主任,并于2023年6月加入位于上海的德国总领事馆艺术与文化教育处。
辛琼(Cat Sinclair-Jones)
自2009年加入瑞士科技文化中心以来,长期关注并支持富有创意、具实验精神的跨界项目及研究,通过策划展览、演出、论坛、讲座和工作坊等公众活动展示瑞士的艺术、科学、设计等跨领域项目,以促进瑞中艺术与科学领域从业者及高校间的跨界合作。自2023年起担任列奥那多国际艺术、科学与技术协会上海地区讲座系列(LASER Talks)负责人。除此之外,也长期关注各类艺术家驻地项目,并曾担任斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心艺术家顾问(2011年),协助驻地艺术家的在地创作并融入本地网络;也曾供职于瑞士文化基金会(2009/2013年),负责协调基金会下属各项驻地项目。
Catalysts for Change: Fueling Cross-disciplinary Collaborations inArt
Date:May 23, 2024
Time: 2 –4 pm
Guests: EvelinHust, Lucy Lu, Cat Sinclair-Jones, Cissy Yiwen Sun
Language: English
Venue:14F, East Building, No.102 Qinjiang Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai
On May 23rd, Dr. Evelin Hust (the Head ofthe Culture and Education Section and Consul[Culture and Education] of the German Consulate-General in Shanghai), Lucy Lu (the Head of Pro HelvetiaShanghai), Cat Sinclair-Jones (the Director of the British Council in EastChina and Consul [Culture and Education]), and Cissy Yiwen Sun (Head ofAcademia and Arts, Swissnex in China) will join the Productivity Conference of Artand Technology to explore the possibility of cross-disciplinary art collaborationsin today.The discussion will focus on the impact ofvarious projects and activities initiated by by art councils or culturedepartments of consulates on the development and innovation of the local artlandscape. The invited guests will share the agendas and strategies of theirdepartments or organizations as well as the latest initiatives to promotecross- disciplinary collaborations. Starting from the guests’ own practicalexperiences and observations, the event will delve further by probing on the featuresof cross-disciplinary art projects in recent years, as well as the key factors ofsuch collaborations that energize the process of artistic creation, investigatingthe complexity and potentials of collaborations in art.About the Guests
Dr. Evelin Hust was born in Mainz, Germany. She took up her studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany in the subjects of Classical Indology, Political Science and Economics, and spent a year as exchange student at the University of Sussex, UK, where she focused on development economics and policies. From there she joined the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany, where she pursued interdisciplinary studies focusing on India and did her PhD in Political Science of South Asia with a thesis on Women’s Empowerment in India through women’s quotas in rural politics. In 2001 she became the director of the South Asia Institute Branch Office in New Delhi (India), where she supported research endeavors of members of the Institute and pursued her own research, mainly on issues of political representation and urban development. In 2004 she joined the Goethe-Institut, the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global presence, facilitating international cultural exchange, promoting access to the German language, and supporting the unimpeded development of culture and science. Besides working at their Headquarters in Munich, she served as director of the institutes in Bangalore (India), Bucharest (Romania), Budapest (Hungary) before joining the Department of Arts and Culture of the German Consulate in Shanghai in June 2023.
Lucy Lu has been the Head of Pro HelvetiaShanghai since August 2018. She has extensive management experience ininternational cultural exchanges. Lucy holds degrees in Archaeology andInterdisciplinary Information Studies.
Cat Sinclair-Jones is the Director of theBritish Council in East China and Consul (Culture and Education), withresponsibility for leading the UK’s cultural relations and educational exchangework in the three Eastern provinces of Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, as well asShanghai Municipality. She holds the diplomatic rank of Consul where shemanages the UK’s education and cultural relationship on behalf of the BritishConsulate General Shanghai.
She was appointed to the role in December2022, following three years in Sub-Saharan Africa as Director Tanzania andprevious posts in Pakistan and Turkey. Cat has a passion for equality,diversity and inclusion and is an experienced mentor. She holds a master’s inMedieval History and prior to joining the British Council in 2015 she worked inPublic Affairs across the Education and Justice sectors in the UK.
Cissy Yiwen Sun,Head of Academia and Arts, Swissnex in China,She became part of the Swissnex team in 2009, where her primary role involves curating and coordinating Acedamic and Art-Science Projects, as well as organizing engaging public events. Through the curation of exhibitions, performances, forums, lectures, and workshops, She has actively showcased Switzerland's diverse projects spanning the realms of art, science, and design. This endeavor aims to facilitate collaborative ventures across borders, fostering partnerships between professionals and academic institutions in the fields of art and science between Switzerland and China. As of 2023, she has assumed the role of LASER Chair in Shanghai and hosted series of LASER Talks in collaboration with the Leonardo International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, furthering her commitment to cross-disciplinary dialogue. In addition, she occasionally serves as an arts consultant for artists participating in residence programs. Her deep involvement with the art and design community has allowed her to champion exciting and innovative ideas. Before joining Swissnex, she worked with Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, and contributed to the Shanghai eArts Festival. She holds a Master’s Degree in Arts Management and Cultural Entrepreneurship from the Education University of Hong Kong, complemented by a Bachelor's degree in Arts Management from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.I hold a Master’s Degree in Arts Managementand Cultural Entrepreneurship from the Education University of Hong Kong,complemented by a Bachelor's degree in Arts Management from the ShanghaiConservatory of Music.
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