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正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客

正在展出 What's On
周轶伦  Zhou Yilun

北京公社欣然呈现艺术家周轶伦在北京公社的第四次个人项目“SANLIANZMK”, 展出艺术家近期创作的一系列绘画,雕塑和装置作品。展览名称取自艺术家创作中常使用的建筑模板上印刷的意义不明的英文字母。这些文字往往就没有什么指向意义,却在组合中达到字体排印学(typography)上的美感。这类字母图案被大量运用于日常消费品中,它们或是随机单词或是任意字母的组合。艺术家作品中处处是熟悉而又陌生的图像,混乱中映射出趋于同质的表面下的复杂机制和动态。看似散漫古怪,周轶伦的作品试图重新审视自身和外部、秩序和混乱、意义和行动、日常和艺术之间的关系。

正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客


正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客


正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客恰当却又含糊的总结 The vague expression aptly sums up???????


正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客在很长的一段时间里 After generations





正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客

Beijing Commune is pleased to present “SANLIANZMK”, Zhou Yilun's fourth solo exhibition with the gallery, featuring a series of the artist's recent paintings, sculptures, and installations. The exhibition title is borrowed from the inexplicable English letters on the water shield of the construction boards often employed by Zhou in his art practice. Devoid of literal meanings, repetitive groups of letters lead to a typographic beauty. In the form of unmeaning words or random combinations of letters, these patterns are extensively incorporated into everyday consumer products. Familiar yet estranged forms prevail in the artist’s work, shedding light on the complex mechanisms and dynamics underneath the homogeneous spectacles. Seemingly desultory and eccentric, Zhou’s work reexamines the relationship between the subject and the surroundings, order and chaos, concepts and practices, and life and art.

正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客

Three steps down the dim lane emit faint light from the door through which visitors can squeeze themselves into another narrow trail under the corrugated panel. Four low-rises, casually arranged in the makeshift hall, all seem to have an unimpaired view of the stage on high overlooking the almost shanty town. It would be a wishful thinking. If the viewer ventures into the two-room cabin, they will find no window facing the stage. Yet it is at least plausible to say the reverse: the eccentric sculptures arrayed on the stage have the all-seeing eye into the audience.  

正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客

Though simply structured with sometimes readymade tripods and plant stands, the sculptures are often lopsided and tilted, chiming in with the mishmash of colors and textures. Some in gaudy wigs and sunglasses, their faces, realistically molded or abstractly executed in a childlike manner, appear less as body parts than carnivalesque masks. However, they barely interact with each other, nor with the viewer. A Parthenon-like expressionlessness bizarrely emerges along the way where the viewer meets all the vacuous eyes—if any—on the life-sized marionette-like figures. It is not a cynical or nihilistic statement mocking the ideal beauty when Zhou refers to these seemingly crude structures as emulation of classical sculpture, but a delirious dream to join. Zhou imagines the sculptures in the Acropolis degrading and evolving, while the cultural-shaping mythologies are strangers to his obsession with the form. In the same vein, the titles of the works in this presentation are randomly taken from a book, the poetic words that spark imagery rather than endow personalities.


正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客信念与怀疑 Belief and doubt

Floating on the front layer, dissolving in the middle or inlaid in the back layer, familiar figures of religious icons, modern-day celebrities, and, more recently, cartoon characters are set in an estranged relationship with the often mottled and smudged backgrounds in Zhou’s painting oeuvre. For the artist, the figural ones perform almost identically as the geometric forms and ornamental patterns superimposed on or displayed next to them, creating spatial oddity on the canvas and board. In extreme cases, Zhou leaves hole cutouts on the canvas in blank yet visually mesmerizing. When attention is driven away by means of careless figure accumulations, it recalls the wry remark on the notion of the referential in discussions of iconoclasm. For the artist, the eye is keen with forms, figural or abstract: in the doorway, the hemisphere window, emblematic of the desire of seeing, resonates tacitly with the blue plate on the elusive canvas. Keen forms appear in his work in more random ways: drips and splashes of paint, or even existing signs and marks on scavenged boards and tarps.

正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客

It is a game between forms and the eye. Nevertheless, significance can be traced through the idea of provenance. For instance, among the similar-looking wall lamps in this exhibition, two are by Charlotte Perriand; the distorted Venus takes shape from a used and discarded silicone mold that the artist collected at a sculpture factory in Zhejiang Province. The fact that they are from these two places seems to be no surprise when it comes to the current discrepancy between design and reproduction–features that are yet blurred in Zhou’s work when the works randomly punctuate his playful rhythms of form. Images of marble, wood, and tile flooring unsubscribe the visual patterns from the material; religious and landscape paintings appear as mural wallpaper, as both objects and witnesses of seeing, feeling, inhabitation.

正在展出|北京公社正在展出周轶伦个展《SANLIANZMK》 崇真艺客




About the artist 

Zhou Yilun was born in 1983 in Hangzhou, China. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Art in 2006. He currently lives and works in Hangzhou. Zhou’s practice often includes remaking everyday objects that seem superfluous - from internet pictures to decorative gadgets and furniture. In a lighthearted and unrestricted manner, his work is often a parody of symbols and images in which the artist critically explores the potency of the medium. Through dismissing, upsetting, and improvising the relationships between forms and contents, he reexamines forms of production overarched by the monolith of modernism. 

Zhou Yilun’s solo exhibitions were presented at Fosun Foundation (Shanghai), Beijing Commune (Beijing), Cc Foundation & Art Centre (Shanghai), Start Museum (Shanghai), etc. His works were exhibited at Start Museum (Shanghai), Contemporary Gallery Kunming (Kunming), He Art Museum (Guangdong), Aranya Art Center (Baidaihe), TANK (Shanghai), Orange County Museum of Art (California), Museum of Fine Arts (Florida), Tampa Museum of Art (Florida), Oklahoma City Museum of Art (Oklahoma), the IAAB project space (Basel), Kunstverein Museum (Germany) and more.





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