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时间:8?24?,11:00 - 12:15
01 论坛主题
02 论坛嘉宾
谢南星的绘画方式充满了颠覆性。他的创作在西方艺术史上具象和抽象的两极之间游走,将它们的传统用途颠倒过来——具象的元素被用来创造抽象图像,而抽象的笔触则被用来描绘可识别的形象——以此来促进绘画这一媒介的发展。谢南星重要个展包括“谢南星:副词司令部”(佩策尔画廊,纽约,美国,2022);“骰子滚滚”(麦勒画廊,北京,中国,2020);“Xie Nanxing: A Gift Like Kung Pao Chicken”(托马斯·戴恩画廊,伦敦,英国,2019);“谢南星:香料”(UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国,2018);“无题三种”(麦勒画廊,北京,中国,2015);“THE SECOND WHIP WITH A BRUSH”(麦勒画廊,卢森,瑞士,2013)。重要群展包括“贮藏”(麦勒画廊,北京,中国,2022);“川美:新绘画的一代”(四川美术学院美术馆,重庆,2021);“SNAPSHOT”(麦勒画廊,北京,中国,2021);“意大利文艺复兴纸上绘画:一次与中国的对话”(木木美术馆,北京,中国,2021);“Psychic Wounds: On Art & Trauma”(THE WAREHOUSE,达拉斯,美国,2020);“中国私语”(MAK Museum für Angewandte Kunst,维也纳,奥地利,2019);第十二届卡塞尔文献展(卡塞尔,德国,2007);“d’APERTutto”第四十八届威尼斯双年展(威尼斯,意大利,1999)等。
范冉冉是一位装置艺术家,其创作实践涉及装置、新媒体和行为艺术领域。她在香港获得生物学学士学位,在伊利诺伊州芝加哥艺术学院获得艺术学士学位,并在阿尔伯克基市的新墨西哥大学获得工作室艺术硕士学位。曾举办多场沉浸式装置作品个展,包括哈利福特艺术博物馆(塞勒姆,美国)、The Print Center(费城,美国)、Currents 826画廊(圣塔菲,美国)、无地画廊(圣塔菲,美国)、Sanitary Tortilla Factory艺术空间(阿布奎基,美国)。其作品曾于海内外群展中展出,如马里兰州伊斯顿学院艺术博物馆(美国)、圣塔菲当代艺术博物馆(美国)、圣塔菲艺术学院(美国)、Tamarind印刷学院(美国)、OCT当代艺术中心(中国)、仁川国际海洋摄影节(韩国)。目前她在北德克萨斯大学任新媒体艺术助理教授。
在北京,秦小杰创办了两家心理健康机构。她于2015年创立了CandleX,为在华国际群体提供心理健康倡导和社会情感支持服务,并在多所知名国际学校和文化机构开展心理健康教育宣传工作,包括北京大学附属中学国际部、德威国际学校、英国大使馆文化处、德国文化中心·歌德学院等。她目前担任CandleX的执行总监。2021年,她发起了Project A,专注于为在京有家暴经历的人群提供个体和团体治疗,帮助他们进行心理重建和康复,并担任项目总监至2022年10月。
Wind H Art Center Talk Preview
“Liminal Stages: Explorations on Perception, Existence, and Techno-consciousness” exhibition view, 2024
Unraveling the Mind:
Psychological Perspectives in Contemporary Art
Speakers: Fan Ranran (artist), Xie Nanxing (artist), Xiaojie Qin (Psychotherapist)
Moderator: Nataline Colonnello (exhibition curator)
Format: hybrid (online+offline)
Length: 60’ talk, plus 15’ Q&A
Organizer: Wind H Art Center
Location: North Gate 1, 751 Art Unit, Jiuxianqiao North Road, Chaoyang, Beijing
Time: 24 August, 2024, 11:00AM-12:15PM (CST)
Language: Chinese
Free Admission
Please scan the QR code below to make a reservation online
“Liminal Stages: Explorations on Perception, Existence, and Techno-consciousness” exhibition view, 2024 (Swipe left to view more images)
01 Introduction
As part of the ongoing group exhibition "Liminal Stages: Explorations on Perception, Existence, and Techno-consciousness," the Wind H Art Center will host the third and final talk in the series on August 24, 2024. Titled “Unraveling the Mind: Psychological Perspectives in Contemporary Art,” this discussion will delve into the intricate relationship between psychology and modern artistic expression.
This talk is a culmination of a series designed to deepen the exploration of themes presented in the exhibition, which is currently taking place at Wind H Art Center in the 751 Art District. By examining the intersection of perception, existence, and technology, the exhibition and its accompanying talks offer a comprehensive look at how contemporary artists are navigating and reflecting on the complexities of the human experience in the digital age.
"Unraveling the Mind" promises to be a thought-provoking conclusion to the series, inviting audiences to explore the psychological underpinnings that inform and shape contemporary art practices today.
Moderated by the exhibition curator Nataline Colonnello, this talk will bring together artists Fan Ranran, Xie Nanxing, and Psychotherapist Xiaojie Qin. The talk will delve into the psychological dimensions of the artworks on display, examining how they reflect or provoke introspection, self-awareness, and explorations of the human mind. Discussions may touch upon themes such as identity, perception, emotions, and the subconscious. The panelists will share their perspectives on the role of art in understanding and expressing psychological states.
The group exhibition "Liminal Stages: Explorations on Perception, Existence, and Techno-consciousness" stems from Nataline Colonnello’s research in art history, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and neuroarts, delving into their implications in machine learning and new media. The show explores the contemporary human-machine relationship and its existential implications through the interpretations of six international, multi-generational, and cross-disciplinary artists.
02 About the speakers
Xie Nanxing (artist)
Xie Nanxing's approach to painting is one of reversals. Working between the two poles of figuration and abstraction as grounded in Western art history, he reverses their traditional use—figurative elements produce abstract images while abstract gestures are manipulated to portray recognisable forms—as a means of furthering the medium of painting. His major solo exhibitions include: “Adverb High Command” (Petzel Gallery, New York, 2022); “A Roll of the Dice” (Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, 2020); “A Gift Like Kung Pao Chicken” (Thomas Dane Gallery, London, 2019); “Xie Nanxing: Spices” (UCCA Beijing, 2018); “Untitled 3 ×” (Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, 2015); “THE SECOND WHIP WITH A BRUSH” (Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, 2013). Notable group exhibitions include: “A Place for Concealment” (Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, 2022); “The Generation of New Painting in SCFAI” (Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, 2021); “SNAPSHOT” (Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, 2021); “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China” (M Woods 798, Beijing, 2021); “Psychic Wounds: On Art & Trauma” (The Warehouse Dallas, 2020); “Chinese Whispers” (MAK Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna, 2019); Documenta XII (Kassel, 2007); and the 48th Venice Biennale (Venice, Italy, 1999), among others.
Fan Ranran (artist)
Ranran Fan works across print, new media, installation and performance. They earned a BS in Biology in Hong Kong, a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL; and an MFA in Studio Art from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. They have presented their immersive installations in solo exhibitions in Hallie Ford Museum of Art (Salem, U.S.), The Print Center (Philadelphia, U.S.), Currents 826 (Santa Fe, U.S.), No Land (Santa Fe, U.S.), and Sanitary Tortilla Factory (Albuquerque, U.S.). Their work has also been included in group exhibitions internationally such as Academy Art Museum (U.S.), SITE Santa Fe (U.S.), Santa Fe Art Institute (U.S.), Tamarind Institute (U.S.), OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (China), and Incheon Marine Asia Photography and Video Festival (South Korea). They are an Assistant Professor of New Media Art at the University of North Texas, Denton.
Xiaojie Qin (psychotherapist)
Xiaojie Qin is a certified (level 3) counselor/psychotherapist in China, and a registered with Australia Counseling Association. She is the founder and director of CandleX, and co-founder of Project A, both of which are mental health organizations in China. Previously, she was working in international NGOs for over a decade. She has a master’s degree in counseling from Monash University in Australia, and a master’s degree in Development Evaluation and Management from Antwerp University in Belgium. She was born and raised in Sichuan, China, and is working internationally both in Chinese and English based in Beijing currently. She was interviewed for her work in mental health by various media over the years including the national TV CGTN news in China, and ABC news in Australia, Global Times amongst many other media.
Nataline Colonnello (curator)
With over 20 years of experience in China and a background in sinology and contemporary art, Nataline Colonnello serves as a consultant and curator for museums and institutions. Her expertise spans photography, film, performance, multimedia installation, and painting, emphasizing historical and cross-disciplinary research, new technologies, neuroaesthetics, and scientific applications in the arts. She has directed both commercial galleries and not-for-profit institutions, including Galerie Urs Meile, INKstudio, and Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Recently, she was the Exhibition Director of Gallery Weekend Beijing. Her essays and interviews have been featured in numerous international publications, exhibition catalogues, and monographs.