
王凯梅著名策展人,出生成长于中国内蒙古,读于北京师范大学外语系,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学,苏富比艺术学院当代艺术研究硕士。曾长期侨居瑞典,2010年现定居上海。王凯梅的职业生涯中,一直贯彻着建立在多年海外生活和工作经验的全球视野和亚洲认知,近十余年中,王凯梅深入当代艺术研究、写作和策展工作,通过不断学习和与多种艺术机构和艺术家的直接联络,积累了当代艺术领域深厚的专业知识和广泛联系。她是诸多重要国际艺术杂志的特约撰稿人,当代艺术评论人,并曾发起和创办“极地光影”北欧电影节。与艺术史学家Tony Godfrey合作出版英文专著《当代画家丁乙》,2021年国际艺术评论奖的四名获奖者之一,2022年出版由瑞典文直译电影大师伯格曼文集出版。未来,王凯梅将作为HOW昊美术馆执行馆长致力于国际文化艺术的沟通,建立持续的交流机制,为美术馆带来更多元、更广泛的展览项目。

In September 2017, HOW Art Museum moved from Wenzhou to Shanghai, officially inaugurating HOW Art Museum (Shanghai) with the opening exhibition Manifesto. Over the past seven years, HOW Art Museum has organized 100 original exhibitions and welcomed nearly one million visitors, earning multiple awards for Best Private Art Museum of the Year in China. None of this would have been possible without the attention and support of our audience and friends from all walks of life.
On the occasion of our seventh anniversary, HOW Art Museum is pleased to announce the following new appointments: Kaimei Wang as Executive Director.
In the future, HOW Art Museum will delve deeper into the local community environment, bringing more diverse exhibition projects from a more active regional perspective and a broader international outlook, continuing to convey beauty through art.
HOW Art Museum

Kaimei Wang | Executive Director
Kaimei Wang was born in Inner Mongolia, China. She graduated from Beijing Normal University, Stockholm University and holds a master degree on the study of contemporary art at the Sotheby's Institute of Art. Throughout her career, Kaimei has consistently adhered to a global perspective and understanding of Asian cultures based on her years of overseas living and working experiences. Since 2010, she has been engaged in art scene in China actively, has both curated and written on many art exhibitions and artists. She also founded a Nordic film festival Beyond Frozen Point specializing on screening of Nordic films. She is a frequent contributor for most of the major art media in China. She is the co-writer of a book about contemporary painter Ding Yi published by English publisher Lund Humphries In 2020. Her translation work from Swedish to Chinese on the collective writings by director Ingmar Bergman published in 2022. She is one of the 4 award winners of the International Award on Art Criticism 2021. She has been collaborating with many art institutions and curated many exhibitions.
