艺术家动态|万亨 尾形笃-双个展:锵锵 (成都AOARASI 青嵐)
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2024.9.7 - 2024.10.7
Artist: WAN HENG · ATSUHI OGATA地址:麓山大道二段8号麓镇,四季巷23栋L205号
Venue: L205, No. 23 Building, Siji Alley, Luxetown, No.8 Lushan Avenue Second Section
—— 展览现场 ——
Recommendation of Wan Heng's Works
双松云霭-屏风系列, 2024
金箔屏风 Gold Foil Screen
162 × 352 cm
水系列-2023.1, 2023
金箔屏风 Gold Foil Screen
143 × 140 cm
水系列-2024.8.1, 2024?
绢本 Color on Silk????
168 × 70 cm
水系列-2024.4, 2024
绢本 Color on Silk
30 × 47 cm
水系列-2024.8.2 | 水系列-2024.8.3, 2024
绢本 Color on Silk
43 × 28 | 50 x 34 cm
万亨,1983年生于浙江温州,2006年毕业干中国美术学院中国画系。现工作生活于浙江温州。绘画受宋人院体影响,近年专注于中国文人素材的探究。主要个展包括:2024年《雅室茗香-万亨作品展》(小满堂艺术空间,深圳);2023年 《共逍遥 - 万亨/王客双人展》(花房美术馆,浙江);2022年 《涵墨镂金-万亨屏画展》》(龙美术馆,上海);2021年 《金生风水-万亨屏风绘画展》(浙江赛丽美术馆,浙江)。
?? TongGallery+Projects 北京Tong Gallery+Projects 15年诞生于北京798艺术区某巷。作为一家年轻的当代艺术画廊,希望通过国内外艺术家高品质的艺术展览,呈现具有实验性和探索意义的互动项目,以北京为起点慢速而轻快地生长。Tong Gallery+Projects, founded in 2015, sits at some alley in 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China. As a young contemporary art gallery, we hope to deliver interactive projects with experimental and exploratory significance by presenting high-quality art exhibitions by domestic and foreign artists, growing slowly and briskly starting right here, from Beijing. Web 官网 : www.tong-gallery.comE-mail 电子邮件 : business@tong-gallery.comRed Book 小红书 : Tong Gallery+ProjectsInstagram: tonggalleryprojects地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路798艺术区中二街D06Address: D06, Middle Second Street, 798 Art Zone, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Beijing
开放时间:周二至周日 10:30-18:30
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:30-18:30
点击定位画廊空间 Find us on the map
?? TongGallery × LouisAisinTongGallery × LouisAisin 是 TongGallery+Projects 与法国 Louis Aisin 公司合作的全新空间。空间位于巴黎,围绕当代年轻艺术家开展,关注更多实验性的艺术项目,意图打破艺术的传统边界,支持具有更广阔表现空间的自由艺术。我们鼓励所有不同,怪奇皆无罪。TongGallery × Louisaisin is a new space for cooperation between TongGallery+Projects and Louis Aisin of France. Located in Paris, is an experimental space for contemporary young artists, aiming to break the traditional boundaries of art and pay attention to free art with a broader space for expression. We encourage all differences. All strange things are innocent. 地址 Address:5 square Erik Satie 91450 Soisy-sur-Seine, Paris, France参观方式:需提前预约,请邮件至 Louis.aisin@yahoo.comPlease make an appointment in advance to: Louis.aisin@yahoo.com
?? TongGallery+Projects 无锡栖居太湖之北,TongGallery+Projects 将目光投放于湿绿的江南,意欲捕捉所有野生而无畏的艺术跃动。我们将延续一贯的随性与真诚,持续关注当代的年轻艺术家们。保持严肃活泼,及时诚恳干杯。Living in the north of Taihu Lake, TongGallery+Projects Wuxi focuses on the wet green Jiangnan, intending to capture all the wild and fearless artistic leaps. We will continue to be casual and sincere, and continue to pay attention to contemporary young artists. Keep serious and lively, and drink sincerely in time.地址:TongGallery+Projects 无锡空间,江苏省无锡市梁溪区古运传奇大厦 2-2207Venue: 2-2207 GuYun Chuanqi Plaza, Liangxi Dist, Wuxi, JiangsuOpening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:30-18:30