【赛森 | 展览】杨淞: "光丝"即将开幕
来源 | {{newsData.source}} 作者 | {{newsData.author}}
光 丝
杨 淞
展期 | Exhibition Duration
2024.11.03—12.03 周一至周六 9:00-18:00
地点 | Location
上海市普陀区莫干山路 50 号 6 号楼 4 楼
4F, Building no.6, 50 Moganshan Rd,Shanghai
SAISEN ART is pleased to announce the opening of artist Yang Song's solo exhibition "Light", on November 2nd.
YangSong is an artist in constant movement, one of a few who explores speed as aformal visual element, evolving, experimenting, incessantly researching new artisticterritories to construct new visual worlds. His vision is clear and not tied toa specific formal language or aesthetic doctrine but explores the powerfulpotential of his own imagination. Yang Song combines forms and materials inconceptual and visual compositions, rejects or embraces his findings, changeshis perspective and procedure following his perceptual objective and visual researchresult.
他灵活的思路和丰富的表现力超越主流逻辑,诠释了基于实践的、扩展的、进化的、概念性的工作体系,并借此不断前进、超越自我。他以逻辑缜密且直观的方式、敢于解决问题的精神和开放的态度展示了自己使用的形式和材料,就像视觉科学家探索速度的自然现象以及光、物质和运动、光学现象学和感知心理学一样。His flexible mind and versatile execution transcend any mainstream logic, articulating a practice based expansive and evolutionary yet conceptual body of work that constantly goes further and beyond. He reveals his forms and materials with logic and intuitive method, with a problem-solving spirit and open approach that resembles that of a visual scientist exploring the natural phenomena of speed as well as light, matter and motion, optical phenomenology and the psychology of perception.绿瞳_2023_不锈钢板 钢丝_150x150×9cm杨淞的许多作品都表达了概念、视觉和物质上的“无定形”,通过符号和物质,探索“不可察觉的转变”和“解构速度”这两个概念。从停滞的水到快速的工业车床,杨淞在非物质和主观层面解构速度——不是通过物质或机器,而是通过光,或者更准确地说,通过我们对磁辐射的光学体验表达。In many of his worksYang Song articulates a conceptual, visual and material formlessness thatexplores, through symbol and matter, the two notions of imperceptibletransformation and the deconstruction of speed.From the physical slow inactivity of water to fastindustrial slathes, Yang Song articulates also a deconstruction of speed, thatis immaterial and subjective, articulated not by matter or machines, but bylight, or more precisely by our optical experience of magnetic radiation.旅行前的回望_2023_不锈钢板 钢丝_150x150×9cmM57_2023_不锈钢板 钢丝_150x200×9cm798 艺术区公共项目2023.03-2023.06(北京)2022 如天涯,若比邻-Nord Art 2022,卡尔舒特艺术工厂, HK(X,@),Tong Gallery + Projects, 北京 穿越时空的调色板--2022 草场地青年艺术家群展,2021 第4 届行走的艺术:北京——贵州阿西里西,2015 中国艺术家邀请展,泰勒基?会,巴黎,法国乔纳斯·斯坦普(Jonas Stampe),艺术史学家、艺评家、国际策展人。1965年出生于瑞典哥德堡市,他曾在法国巴黎高等社会科学院和瑞典隆德大学学习当代艺术史和理论,并定居法国25年。他从2001年起就在欧美不同国家组织策划了近60个行为艺术节与展览,包括来自59个国家的400多位艺术家。2017年,他加盟北京红砖美术馆,任高级策展人及资深研究员。2019年起,他与肖戈成立策展组合,策划了 CHAO 艺术中心年度大展“观看之道”,并获得《罗博报告》年度策展人奖。2020年,他与肖戈再度合作策划“从屏幕到观念—50 年的历史”“当速度成为形式—在屏幕里生活”等展览。肖 戈 艺术家、策展人、媒体人?,现任凤凰艺术总编辑、副总裁、凤凰中心馆长。出生于艺术世家,毕业于中央美术学院、法国巴黎国立高等美术学院等多所高校,2009年归国定居北京?。作为策展人,曾任第九届上海双年展“中山公园计划”策展人;2013年第55届威尼斯双年展平行展“大运河”策展人,以艺术之举推动中国大运河成功申遗;2019 年,与乔纳斯·斯坦普(Jonas Stampe)成立策展组合,策划CHAO艺术中心年度大展“观看之道”等。2014年加盟凤凰卫视集团,作为联合创始人,与团队一起将“凤凰艺术”打造成为国内最具影响力的艺术媒体之一,并策划了很多极具影响力的展览与活动。赛森致力于中国当代艺术的收藏、品鉴与推广,通过构建多元化的商业合作模式,长期支持中国一线及新锐艺术家的创作及发展。早在2005年,赛森首先将艺术作品运用到商业空间,为中国当代艺术开拓出更广泛的受众群。全新的赛森艺术空间将作为一个独特的展示平台,与艺术家、私人收藏家、公共机构以及商业品牌等密切合作,提供艺术沙龙式的咨询服务。SAISEN ART is committed to collecting, showcasing and promoting the Chinese contemporary art. Founded in 2005, SAISEN ART has developed diversified and innovative business models in order to support both established and emerging artists in a long run. Pioneer of inserting art into commercial space, SAISEN ART seeks to bring the Chinese contemporary art to a broader audience. The inaugurated SAISEN ART Space will work closely with artists, private collectors, institutions, and corporate organizations, establishing art advisory office and unique exhibition programs.E-mail:saisen@saisenart.com