Artist: LIU ZIFENG地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区中二街D06
Venue: D06, Middle 2nd St., 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Beijing开放时间:周二至周日 10:30–18:30
Opening hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10:30–18:30
投影Projection, 木板油画 Oil on panel, 40 x 80 cm, 2024
The Abyss
Only by removing the veil of hypocrisy and bravely facing the evil of human nature can we experience the reality of our existence. This is also the essence of existentialism. Many artists have endeavored to bring such abstract ideas into forms; the ancients, including Goya and Bosch, as well as the more recent ones such as Bacon and Freud. The tenderness of being, manifested as etiquette, covers the originally cruel reality with warmth; but once it is revealed, it becomes unbearable. Impressionism is like that veil: no matter how you look at it, it is still aesthetically intelligible. As Cézanne enters the object, the formerly concealed body is gradually revealed layer by layer. Today, too many people fail to appreciate Soutine - they are unable or unwilling to stare at the evilness of human nature. Liu Zifeng, belonging to the post-95s generation, has the rebellious spirit of rock and roll flowing through him. In these paintings of his, he returned to the seaside of Qinhuangdao when he was a child, digging into the dark memories that had long been buried in the dust.
Zhou Tong

Big Band, 布面油画 Oil on canvas, 160 x 200 cm, 2024
Trio, 布面油画 Oil on canvas, 160 x 200 cm, 2024
刘梓峰,1999 年出?于河北秦皇岛,2023 年毕业于中央美术学院油画系。个展包括:
2024 “信噪比”,BAPROJECT 计划单位,广州
2024 “狂喜”,想象?学实验室,杭州?
2024 “再见奥里诺科”,Tong Gallery+Projects,北京
2024 “不但而且(NOT ONLY...BUT ALSO…)”,叁拾空间,北京
2024 “23号楼” ,SIMPLE ONE,北京
2023 “生命之轻”,object momento画廊,上海
2023 “T13-世界,我,存在”,之谷空间,北京
2021 “我仍在观望”,悦美术馆,北京
2021 “?为之物:?常的实践”,户尔空间,北京。
?? TongGallery+Projects 北京Tong Gallery+Projects 15年诞生于北京798艺术区某巷。作为一家年轻的当代艺术画廊,希望通过国内外艺术家高品质的艺术展览,呈现具有实验性和探索意义的互动项目,以北京为起点慢速而轻快地生长。Tong Gallery+Projects, founded in 2015, sits at some alley in 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China. As a young contemporary art gallery, we hope to deliver interactive projects with experimental and exploratory significance by presenting high-quality art exhibitions by domestic and foreign artists, growing slowly and briskly starting right here, from Beijing. Web 官网 : www.tong-gallery.comE-mail 电子邮件 : business@tong-gallery.comRed Book 小红书 : Tong Gallery+ProjectsInstagram: tonggalleryprojects地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路798艺术区中二街D06Address: D06, Middle Second Street, 798 Art Zone, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, BeijingOpening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:30-18:30?? TongGallery+Projects 无锡栖居太湖之北,TongGallery+Projects 将目光投放于湿绿的江南,意欲捕捉所有野生而无畏的艺术跃动。我们将延续一贯的随性与真诚,持续关注当代的年轻艺术家们。保持严肃活泼,及时诚恳干杯。Living in the north of Taihu Lake, TongGallery+Projects Wuxi focuses on the wet green Jiangnan, intending to capture all the wild and fearless artistic leaps. We will continue to be casual and sincere, and continue to pay attention to contemporary young artists. Keep serious and lively, and drink sincerely in time.地址:TongGallery+Projects 无锡空间,江苏省无锡市梁溪区古运传奇大厦 2-2207Venue: 2-2207 GuYun Chuanqi Plaza, Liangxi Dist, Wuxi, JiangsuOpening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:30-18:30