参展艺术家 / 谢红东
Artist: Xie Hongdong
第三规 08,收藏级艺术微喷,133x200cm,2023
间隙 05,收藏级艺术微喷,80x120cm,2020
文/ James Elaine
延展 01,收藏级艺术微喷,80x120cm,2023
Xie Hongdong peers into the microcosmic landscapes of familiar territories yet undetected by the naked eye. His photos evoke the feelings one might have if looking through a glass floor of a ship at sea or through a glass ceiling of a satellite in space. New worlds and possibilities appear, endless in hope and wonder in their sometimes heart-stopping mystery.
Xie's photographic investigations into the natural world around him are not fabricated or computerized, they are real. He sheds light in the darkness and reveals what we cannot readily see. His process of searching, finding, and creating is largely intuitive, poetic, and a form of self reflection and contemplation on his own existence. Like taking a walk through the subconscious, his process takes time, sensitivity, and perseverance. “The experiences of life can be quite fragmented, colliding, separating, but eventually they reunite like the veins of a leaf at the stem,” states Xie. This is the heart of his work. We travel far and wide through time and space, get lost at times, but the act of creating is the tie that binds Xie to nature, home, and to himself.
Dhana 05,收藏级艺术微喷,120x80cm,2021
Dhana 04,收藏级艺术微喷,120x80cm,2021
灵焰 03,收藏级艺术微喷,80x120cm,2022
参展经历:“第三规”摄影个展,Aspect/Ratio/Projects Gallery,芝加哥,美国(2023);" Intentional Attention "Aspect/Ratio/Projects Gallery,芝加哥,美国(2021); “拼拼凑凑的利维坦”第二场,桥项目,洛杉矶,美国(2021);“拼拼凑凑的利维坦”第一场,桥项目,洛杉矶,美国(2020);“道在稊稗冰晶”,正艺美学空间,台北(2018);“尘·光”谢红东个展,科拉肯威尔空间,北京(2016)。
Xie Hongdong, born in 1986 in Tianshui, Gansu Province, China. He is currently based in Beijing.
Exhibitions: "The Third Compass" Solo Exhibition, Aspect/Ratio/Projects Gallery, Chicago, US(2023); Intentional Attention, Aspect/Ratio/Projects Gallery, Chicago, US(2021); A Composite Leviathan, Part 2, Bridge Projects, Los Angeles, US(2021); A Composite Leviathan, Part 1, Bridge Projects, Los Angeles, US(2020); Inside The Reed and Ice Crystal, Artrue Space, Taipei(2018); Dust & Light, Clerkenwell Space, Beijing(2016).