
新氧艺O2art 冬至特展 | 彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕

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新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

新氧艺O2art欣然宣布将于2024年12月21日推出冬至特展 彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」,展期将持续至2025年1月27日。
O2art will present a Special Exhibition for Winter Solstice, PENG Si's Individual Project "One Stroke at a Time: Approaches to Daily Work from 2017 to 2024" from December 21, 2024 to January 27, 2025.

新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

本次项目首次呈现了彭斯 2017 — 2024年间珍贵的手稿作品,这一系列作品包括了材料实验探索、与意象累积等,是彭斯近几年工作方法详实的记录,并如实保存了他从2017年之后消失在大家视野,与那段私密时光无我相处的痕迹。这些如日课般练习的最大的特征是,作品的外轮廓均留有一个白边,这一点来源于彭斯对传统书法和篆刻的理解。同时,“留白”是彭斯一直比较关注的课题,在他的油画创作中也常常会呈现类似留白的边界。


独立之处在于,这一系列练习呈现的是彭斯静默的 “无我” 状态,而非表现性的。“当我深深的根植于一笔,记忆和期待才会有所触及。”他将禅修的“观照念头”运用到日课般的一笔一笔之中,并力求在艺术创作层面呈现出以往难以抵达的境界。在练习的过程中,摒弃以往对艺术和绘画的固有想法,于日常生活中发现新的材料,不去设定画面最终的呈现,而是信任身体与媒介接触那一刻的感受,回到绘画最初手与笔与纸的关系,一笔一笔,经年累月。



新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

彭斯 Peng Si

武夷山-岩黑 Wuyishan - Rock Black


Rock black powder on paper

30x42cm 2018

This exhibition debuts a number of precious manuscript works by PENG Si between 2017 and 2024. The series includes material experiment and exploration, and imagery accumulation, and serves as a visual diary of PENG's recent approaches, faithfully preserving the traces of his “no-self” relationship with his private time after disappearing from public view in 2017. A distinctive feature of these his daily practice works like daily lessons is the white border on all his work, a choice that stems from PENG's understanding of traditional calligraphy and seal-cutting. Naturally, "blank space" is a subject that has long captivated PENG and similar blank boundaries have prevailed in many of his oil paintings. 

The works in this exhibition are closely linked to PENG's portrait and landscape series but also independent from them. The close link lies in his numerous new attempts in materials and brushwork during the training of these manuscript works like daily lessons, allowing for a continuous enrichment of painting experience. The expansion of the painting dimensions has led to the emergence of his new portrait and landscape series later. Although he tries to abandon subjective ideas and understanding, the works still reveal what he has learned and experienced in the past, and the images demonstrate a regular sequential pattern, a rational illustration naturally formed based on his accumulation of thoughts. 

The independent aspect is that this series of practices presents PENG's quiet "no-self" state rather than being expressive. "Only when I am deeply rooted in a single stroke can memory and expectation be reached." He applies the "observation of thoughts" in Zen meditation to each stroke in the daily practice like daily lessons and strives to reach a realm that was previously difficult to attain at the art creation level. During the practice process, he abandons his previous fixed ideas about art and painting, discovers new materials in daily life, does not set the final appearance of the images, but trusts the feelings at the moment when his body makes contact with the medium, returns to the original relationship between the hand, the pen and the paper in painting, stroke by stroke, over the years. 

A single stroke, with the simplest of movements, connects all the motives of PENG's paintings. It represents the certainty in daily life, the origin of painting, and the answer to the pictures.

Text/Loar Wang

新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

彭斯 Peng Si

温榆河-红丹 I  Wenyu River - Minium I?


Minium powder on paper

44.5x59cm 2021

About Artist
新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

彭斯1980年出生于湖南衡阳,2004年毕业于中央美术学院版画系,现生活工作于北京。近年个展:2023,曼德尔布罗的纳西瑟斯,新氧艺O2art,北京;2022,曜曜—彭斯个展,新氧艺O2art × 北京画廊周特别项目,北京;2016,新山水——彭斯油画艺术展,中国美术馆,北京;2014,景物斯和——彭斯艺术展,北京画院美术馆,北京;2010,异世同流——彭斯油画艺术展,北京大学赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆,北京;彭斯油画艺术展,大邱美术馆,韩国大邱;2008,风——彭斯油画展,保利艺术博物馆,北京。精选群展:2023,超越BEYOND 2003-2023,明当代美术馆,上海;第三届中国新疆国际艺术双年展——和美共生,新疆美术馆,新疆;2022,旷野之途,新氧艺O2art,北京;2019,青衿计划,观唐美术馆,北京;关山月美术馆,深圳;西安美术学院美术馆,西安;万物生——思与境偕 復言社主题邀请展,复言社,北京;2017,第二届中国美术馆收藏青年美术家作品展,中国美术馆,北京;中国美术馆青年艺术家学术提名展,中国美术馆,北京;2016,诗兴处有山水,上海明园美术馆,上海;在意——2016第三届中国油画双年展,中国美术馆,北京;2015,新朦胧主义 第三回展,东京画廊,北京;流动——意大利 中国 当代艺术交流,维琴察市政大厅;借古开今——匈牙利安东·莫纳与中国彭斯艺术对话展,匈牙利文化中心,北京;国风——中国当代艺术国际巡展,圣之空间艺术中心,中国北京/俄罗斯圣彼得堡;2014,第十二届全国美展,浙江美术馆,杭州;新疆印象——青年艺术家画新疆创作展,中国美术馆,北京;2011,第四届全国青年美展,中国美术馆,北京,2010,“具象研究——重回经典”展览,时代美术馆,北京;溪山清远——中国新绘画,路易斯·布鲁恩基金会,英国;2009,东西对话——第三届中德当代艺术家联展,耶拿大学美术馆,德国;2008,未来天空——中国当代青年艺术家提名展,今日美术馆,北京;2007,艺术中国——全国画展,清华大学美术学院,北京;2006,精神与品格——中国写实油画研究展,中国美术馆,北京;2004,第十届全国美展,中国美术馆,北京;2003,第三届中国油画大展,中国美术馆,北京。

Peng SiHe was Born in Hengyang, Hunan province in 1980,2004 Graduated from Print-Making Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Currently living and working in Beijing. Solo exhibitions: 2023, Narcissus of Mandelbrot, O2art Space, Beijing; 2022, Luminary-Peng Si Solo Exhibition, O2art Space, Beijing; 2016, New Mountain and Water-Oil painting Art Exhibition of Peng Si  National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2014, Harmonia–Peng Si Solo Exhibition, Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy, Beijing; 2010, Diferent Currents of the Same River–Peng Si Oil Painting Exhibition Arthur M.Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University, Beijing; Peng Si Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea; 2008, Style-Peng Si Oil Painting Exhibition, Poly Art Museum, Beijing. Selected group exhibitions: 2023, Beyond 2003-2023, Ming Contemporary Art Museum,Shanghai; The 3rd China Xinjiang International Art Biennale:Harmonious & Symbiosis, Xinjiang Art Museum, Xinjiang; 2022, Into to the wilderness, O2art Space, Beijing; Everything is Born - Thinking and Realm Together Invitational Exhibition, Fuyin Society, Beijing; 2017, The Second Exhibition of Young Artists from the Collection of the National Art Museum of China National Art Museum of China, Beijing; Academic Nomination Exhibition for Young Artists of the National Art Museum of China, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2016, Landscape in Poetic Excitement, Shanghai Mingyuan Art Museum, Shanghai; Signifcant Presence .The Third Chinese Oil Painting Biennale(2016), National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2015, The Third Tour of Neo Moroism Exhibition, Tokyo Gallery, Beijing; Flow–Italy China Contemporary Art Exchange, Vicenza City Hall, Italy; Inheriting and Innovation–Art Dialogue Exhibition between Hungary Anton.Mona and Chinese Peng Si, Hungary Culture Center, Beijing; National Customs–International Tour Exhibition of China Contemporary Art, SZ Art Center, Beijing, China; St Petersburg, Russian; 2014, The Twelfth National Art Exhibition,Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou; The first China Xinjiang International Art Biennale, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2011, The Fourth National Youth Art Exhibition–National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)and the Tour Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2010, “Study of Concrete Image–Back to Classic” Exhibition, Times Art Museum, Beijing; Pure Views–New Painting from China,Louise Blouin Foundation of the UK, UK; 2009, East-West Dialogue–The 3rd China-Germany Joint Exhibition of Contemporary Artists Bridge Gallery, China and Museum of Friedrich Schiller Universit?t Jena, Germany; 2008, Future sky–Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Young Artists  Today Art Museum, Beijing; 2007, Art China–The National Painting Exhibition, Academy of Art & Design,Tsinghua University, Beijing; 2006, Spirit and Character–Chinese Realism Oil Painting Researching Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2004, The Tenth National Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2003, The Third China Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing.

新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客


O2art was established in 2018 and has been operating and representing contemporary professional artists from the Mesozoic era for a long time. It has independently curated many group exhibitions aswell as solo exhibitions, with artworks in various media including paintings, sculptures, installations, photography and so on. Now O2art is located in 798 Art Zone. O2art will continue to follow up artists’career and creation development, and become a strong part of China’s contemporary art community.

新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客


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新氧艺O2art 冬至特展  |  彭斯个人项目「一笔一笔:2017一2024日常工作方法」将于12月21日开幕 崇真艺客

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