Invisible & Nameless|Sun Zhou Solo Exhibition is Opening Soon
孙周 |Sun Zhou
郑闻 | Zheng Wen
Organizer|In&Out Gallery
设计支持 |形而上
Design Support|SENS
Support|KSANA-Ding Fengru
2024.12.28 (周六 Sat.) 15:30
浙江省宁波市江北区槐望观邸42号槐树路256号出入艺术Samuel Stage, 256 Samuel Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

Invisible & Nameless: Sun Zhou Solo Exhibition, curated by the renowned art scholar Zheng Wen, is the new year exhibition presented by IN&OUT Gallery. From the “invisible” to the “nameless”, this show illustrates the artist’s innovative media experiments and concept exploration through various series of his artworks.
The title of this exhibition, chosen by the curator Zheng Wen, originates from the famous commentary on Laozi of the philosopher Wang Bi during the Wei-Jin Period:“Generally speaking, being begins in non-being. That is why the Dao will be at a time when there are neither shapes nor names, the beginning of all things.” It not only conveys the worldview of an ancient philosopher, but also directly reflects the philosophy of life. It parallels with the themes presented in Sun’s solo show, which depicts an original physical world and a detached spiritual universe.
All perceptible and visible things begin in the “Dao”. The latest paintings of Sun in recent years, full of instincts and inspirations, portray the misty and blurry state of all things at the very beginning of the universe. The invisible and the nameless, mysterious and profound, gradually grow into everything. It’s like the cell division or quantum entanglement, and sometimes the diffuse nebulae. It also echoes Wang Bi’s other comment:“All things are begun and completed by the Dao, but they do not know that through which these come to be as they are very mysterious.”

艺术家 孙周
Artist Sun Zhou
1981年出生于宁波镇海, 2004年南京艺术学院国画系毕业,宁波美术馆副研究馆员。作品曾在中国美术馆、上海当代美术馆、深圳美术馆、香港艺术馆、日本东京都美术馆、天一阁博物院、宁波博物院等美术、博物馆展览及收藏。
The artist, Sun Zhou, was born in Zhenhai District, Ningbo, in 1981. He graduated from the Nanjing University of the Arts’ Chinese Painting major. He currently works at Ningbo Museum of Art as an associate researcher (the level of associate professor). His artworks have been exhibited at and collected by various institutions, including the National Art Museum of China, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, Shenzhen Art Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tianyige Museum, and Ningbo Museum.

策展人 郑闻
Curator Zheng Wen
Zheng Wen is an art scholar and curator. He has curated various exhibitions, including Sightings: Position of Art from Germany, Sean Scully: Resistance and Persistence, Joel-Peter Witkin’s first soloexhibition in China, and the Jiangnan Rebirth series on Chinese art history, as well as dozens of solo exhibitions for famed Chinese contemporary artists, such as Zhou Chunya, Yin Zhaoyang, He Duoling, Mao Yan, and Miao Xiaochun. Since 2018, Zheng has been the Deputy Director of the Art Museum of Nanjing University of Arts. He is now also a PhD candidate at Fudan University, and his research interests are art philosophy and contemporary aesthetic theories.

“Let Life In And Out Of Art”
开馆时间:每周二至周日 10:00-19:00
Opening Hours:Tuesday-Sunday 10:00-19:00
