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“西岸艺博会DREAM xiàn ch?ng单元”

"DREAM xiàn ch?ng section"

GATE M 西岸梦中心-梦工场


王一全新大型装置作品《雅各宾5号》参加西岸艺博会"DREAM xiàn ch?ng"单元。王一探索着抽象形状和工业材料对自然和城市介入和再造,观者形态将在抽象化的山水迷宫穿梭间被漂浮的影子包围不断消解。远古时代的人类将对自身肉体、动物、神衹的模拟或想象刻凿于洞窟或岩石上,企图记录并构建永恒不变的事物,而在保罗·塞尚对维克多山反复解构后的现代主义艺术之中,自然元素的精神性和神秘性落入了缺席或失语的境地。


Wang Yi's new installation work Jacobin No. 5 is featured in the "DREAM xiàn ch?ng" section of the West Bund Art & Design Fair.  Wang Yi explores how abstract shapes and industrial materials intervene in and reshape nature and the city. As viewers wander through an abstracted maze of landscapes, they’re enveloped by floating shadows that continuously dissolve their forms. In ancient times, humans inscribed or imagined representations of their bodies, animals, and deities onto caves or rocks, striving to create and record the eternal. In modernist art, following Paul Cézanne’s repeated deconstructions of Mont Sainte-Victoire, the spirituality and mystique of natural elements seem absent or muted.

In the work Jacobin No. 5, the artist uses computer programs to merge geographical landscape data, creating an imagined, symbiotic, yet alien relationship between humans and nature. These chimeric forms are rough, even comically crude. However, Wang Yi finds common ground with “Dada” and “Theater of the Absurd,” where the blunt and chaotic mix parallels humanity’s industrial-age attitude toward nature. Strange and grotesque silhouettes coalesce into towering, Frankenstein-like mountain ranges.  

He imagines space as a vast, open cavity. Glass mountains, positioned like organs, symbolize the establishment and dissolution of permanence-solid yet fragile. Natural light refracts and shifts within, and coiled cables, like black veins, pulse with life. Do we shape the landscape, or does it shape us? In a crimson-tinted memory, the flesh of fallen giants melts into earth and stone, while our forms become shadows, left to be redefined in future narratives. Ultimately, a fragmented, absurdist stage is built as viewers traverse through this abstract theater.

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AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客

王一,《雅各宾5号》,2024,黑透钢化玻璃,黑色不锈钢底座,陶瓷灯座,红色钨丝灯泡,黑色电线,尺寸可变;“西岸艺博会 DREAM xiàn ch?ng 单元”,展览现场,GATE M 西岸梦中心-梦工场,上海,中国,2024

Wang Yi, Jacobine No.5, 2024, black tempered glass, black stainless steel base, ceramic lamp holder, red tungsten filament bulb, black electric wire, dimensions variable; "DREAM xiàn ch?ng" section of the West Bund Art & Design Fair, installation views, GATE M, Shanghai, China, 2024



"The Age of Human Wisdom 

-The 3rd Jinan International Biennale"

山东美术馆 Shandong Art Museum




Wang Yi participated in the "The Age of Human Wisdom-The 3rd Jinan International Biennale".  The exhibition centers on the theme of the "The Age of Human Wisdom", examining the influence of new technologies on contemporary artistic practices, as well as their implications for society and daily life.

The exhibition features a selection of 291 works by 215 artists from 21 countries and regions. Notably, it introduces for the first time categories such as performance art, land art, and film art. In collaboration with participating artists, the exhibition integrates their works with media creations, fostering an exchange between diverse artistic forms that encourages interaction and inspiration. This multifaceted approach offers audiences a rich and varied visual experience, highlighting the dynamic intersection of art and technology.

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AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
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AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客


"The Age of Human Wisdom-The 3rd Jinan International Biennale", installation views, Shandong Art Museum, Jinan, China, 2024



"Glass Flows in Myriad Forms"

玛丝菲尔大厦 Marisfrolg Building



Wang Yi was invited by the brand Marisfrolg to participate in the group exhibition "Glass Flows in Myriad Forms".  This exhibition, held at the Marisfrolg Building in Shenzhen, features an array of glass artworks that reflect a diverse range of cultural influences and perspectives from around the world.  

The Marisfrolg Building itself is a striking architectural marvel characterized by its biomimetic design, which integrates organic forms with sophisticated detailing. Within this context, the "Glass Flows in Myriad Forms" exhibition draws inspiration from the geological formations associated with glassmaking, transforming the space into a semi-open labyrinth that offers a unique experience through its one-way pathways and immersive environment.

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AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客


"Glass Flows in Myriad Forms", installation views, Marisfrolg Building, Shenzhen, China, 2024



"The New Narrative as Method"


Yangpu Cutural and Arts Center




Wang Yi participated in the opening exhibition "The New Narrative as Method" at the Yangpu Cultural and Arts Center, jointly organized by the Yangpu District Cultural and Tourism Bureau and the China Shanghai International Arts Festival Center. The exhibition, centered around the theme of "New Narratives," utilizes a dynamic visual language to spotlight the emerging creative community of young contemporary artists in China. Total of 40 artworks by 17 individual or collective young Chinese artists are on display. These works may include new creations specifically tailored for the venue, demonstrating the artists' profound understanding and innovative use of space, or they may represent creative adaptations of existing pieces, infusing them with new life and meaning. Collectively, they reflect the ongoing exploration and innovation of a new generation of artists in the realm of art.

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AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客
AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客


"The New Narrative as Method", installation views, Yangpu Cultural and Arts Center, Shanghai, China, 2024



"Metaphysics 2024: Restart"

上海浦东碧云美术馆 Being Art Museum





Wang Yi's artwork from the "Primary Structure" series is featured in the group exhibition titled "Metaphysics 2024: Restart" at the Being Art Museum in Pudong, Shanghai. The "Metaphysics" series of abstract art exhibitions was inaugurated in 2001 by the distinguished curator Li Xu and has since developed into a significant academic brand.  It represents the first series of abstract exhibitions to be hosted in a public art museum in China.  To date, it has successfully conducted four iterations at the Shanghai Art Museum, establishing itself as a foundational academic initiative in the narrative of abstract art development both in Shanghai and nationwide.  In 2024, curator Li Xu has conceptualized a new edition of this exhibition under the theme "Metaphysics 2024: Restart." As a venerable "Shanghai brand" with a history spanning over two decades, this year’s exhibition aims to spotlight significant recent abstract works by artists based in Shanghai, including both native residents and long-term inhabitants of the city.

In the exhibition, artist Wang Yi presented his work "Primary Structure" series. Originally derived from the residual layers of resin on painted surfaces, the artist collected these remnants into various discarded containers for disposal.  Over the years, these layered color strata unintentionally coalesced, ultimately forming an "amber" that preserves both time and light.

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Wang Yi, Primary Structure series, 2016-2020, resin, dimension variable; "Metaphysics 2024: Restart", installation views, Being Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2024


Texts and images courtesy of the artist.



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Wang Yi was born in 1991 in Shanghai, China.  He graduated with an MFA from the Oil Painting Department at the China Academy of  Art.  Currently, he lives and works in Shanghai.

Wang Yi's artistic creations revolve around the abstract expression of urban and natural environments, exploring the transformations in the form, material, and concept of painting. He attempts to confront the rapid production and consumption model through slow-paced, individual manual labor, invoking a contemporary visual appreciation that pays homage to classical art. Wang Yi exemplifies the new generation of Chinese abstract artists, many of whom consciously abstain from overt political or social commentary in their artworks. Beyond pure formal exploration, Wang Yi retains elements rooted in real societal and natural contexts. In his pieces, he repeatedly combines singular structural elements to discuss the social relationships between the individual and the collective, also hinting at the interplay between units and collectives, uniqueness and uniformity within the context of network environments.

His recent solo exhibitions include “Dark Light Bright Night”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2020; “Geometry Rules All Phenomena: Wang Yi”, Hive Centre for Contemporary Art, Shenzhen, China, 2018; “Inside and Outside: Claude Viallat & Wang Yi”, HdM Gallery, Beijing, China, 2018; “Yi Ri Guang”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Wang Yi”, HdM Gallery, Hangzhou, China, 2014; “Nothing”, J:Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2012.

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AIKE|王一近期展讯 崇真艺客

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