Axel Kasseb?hmer
展期 Duration
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随着“歧旅”展览接近尾声,我们回顾了德国艺术家阿克塞尔·卡塞勃姆(Axel Kasseb?hmer,1952-2017)在亚洲的首次个展,此次展出的“瓦尔兴湖”系列向观者展现了艺术家的内心世界和他艺术探索的最终篇章。展厅内还并置了东方美学体系下的文人赏石,期望透过一种全新的视角,让观众体验从微观到宏观的自然之美,感受艺术与生命的全新联系。
距离展览结束仅剩 5 天

电话:0755-2668 8709
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Email: info@wonespace.com
阿克塞尔·卡塞勃姆(Axel Kasseb?hmer,1952-2017)在1970年代就读于杜塞尔多夫艺术学院,师从格哈德·里希特(Gerhard Richter,1932- )。自2001年起,他在慕尼黑美术学院任教。卡塞勃姆的作品曾在多家著名机构展出与收藏,包括德国的Leopold-Hoesch博物馆(2014)、波士顿美术馆(1994)、瑞士圣加仑美术馆(1994)、纽约古根海姆博物馆(1989)、慕尼黑艺术协会(1986)、纽约现代艺术博物馆等。
Axel Kasseb?hmer (1952-2017) was a German painter studied under Gerhard Richter at the Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the 1970s. Since 2001, he is teaching at the Kunstakademie München. His works have been shown in institutions including Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Dueren (2014), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1994), Kunsthalle, St. Gallen, Switzerland (1994), The Guggenheim Museum, New York (1989), Kunstverein München, Munich (1986), The Museum of Modern Art, New York, among others.
Kasseb?hmer devised a radical, conceptual way of painting that deliberately defied dominant painterly trends and tendencies and established him as a seminal figure in German painting. His influential work is characterized by a keen sense of the perceived lost values of painting and confidently asserts itself in an era when the medium’s future is perpetually called into question.

W.ONE SPACE is an art gallery founded in Shenzhen by three Generation Y art practitioners. It was established in 2020 during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New perspectives on art and life have emerged in this post-pandemic era. W.ONE SPACE aims to melt the boundaries between present, future and the past by mixing contemporary and ancient art under the logic of aesthetic research, thus bringing together arts of different countries, different periods and different forms to interact and express in unity as ONE.
