
J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞

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J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客


The Origin: Eternal Dust


J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

王偲丞 Sicheng Wang

王偲丞出生于武汉,毕业于马里兰艺术学院,先后工作居住于武汉、纽约和上海。艺术实践涉及绘画、装置、行为和新媒体等。其是实验艺术团体ACE Lab的创始人。在王偲丞的艺术实践中,艺术家通过对不同媒介的诗意化表达来表现他对生命捉摸不定的流动的体验和理解,和其对于环境问题的忧虑。利用艺术作品讨论故土与他乡之间的私人,文化,历史的内在联系,同时也试图展示他所处的动态变化的社会如何塑造他自己。

Sicheng (born in Wuhan, China) is an artist living and working in Wuhan, New York City and Shanghai, whose works range from painting, installation, performance, video and new media like 3D animation. He is the founder of the media art lab named ACE Lab. In Sicheng’s practice, he expresses experiences and understanding of the mysterious life flow through a poetic expression through various media, and his concern on environmental issues. Artist uses his works to explore the personal, cultural, and historical connections between his homeland and other places. Meanwhile, he also wants to show how the different ideologies and rapidly advancing technology might impact on society which has shaped him.


J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

冯雅菲 Yafei Feng


Yafei has lived in New York for couple years. She graduated from Parsons School of Design with a B.F.A. degree, while academic exchanged at Central Saint Martins, UAL. After that, she achieved a M.A. degree of Art, Law and Business from Christie’s Education (New York). Currently, she works in Shanghai. In addition, she has curated art exhibitions at West Bund Art & Design/West Bund Art Center, K11, New World Daimaru, Hangzhou Cultural Fair, etc. She has cooperated with the New World Group, Bailian Asset Control and Bai Space, MGM, Yit Art and other institutions and media group. Yafei has been dedicated to supporting and promoting potential young artists in the art market.


宇宙的起源从最初的奇点到通过大爆炸(The Big Bang)的能量形成基本粒子,进而形成世间种种物质。粒子组成的细菌、人类、万物生命不妨是宇宙大爆炸洒落的一粟尘埃,一粒星辰,微小而恒久,形成系统,生生不息。细菌、病毒、人体、水、宇宙,皆是艺术家王偲丞此次展览作品的元素,他擅于借助不同媒介诗意化地阐述生态困境的洞察以及人文历史的链接。本次展览呈现了王偲丞2021-2024年的装置、绘画以及新媒体作品于四重空间内,邀请观众沉浸式感知由光线引导着的微观生态宇宙的宏观表现,探索一切生命的起源。


The origin of the universe, from the initial singularity to the formation of fundamental particles through the energy of the Big Bang, eventually gave rise to all matters. From the particles that constitute bacteria, humans, and all living beings, one could consider these entities as fragments of cosmic dust scattered by the Big Bang—a grain of stardust, minuscule yet eternal, forming systems and perpetuating life. Bacteria, viruses, the human body, water, and the cosmos are inspirations of Sicheng Wang’s artistic exploration in this exhibition. Through various media, Wang poetically conveys insights into ecological crises and the connection of art and human history&culture. The exhibition presents Wang's installations, paintings, and new media works from 2021 to 2024. Guided by the light, the audience is invited to be immersed in a macro-scale of microcosmic ecological universe and to explore the origin of all life.

J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客
J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

“起源:长恒微尘 王偲丞个展”J7 ART展览现场

带入观察者(Observer)的视角,透过闪着绿光的狭长缝隙,进入第一个锥形空间,装置“起始与未来”伫立于空间正中心,灵感源于斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking)“时间光锥(Light Cone)” 的庞大结构跃入眼帘。一根根密集的充斥着红色液体的细长导管以连接处的不锈钢时间锥体为起始点向空间顶部四周放射,红色液体似血液却是光合细菌聚集而成,而下方引用DNA“双螺旋结构”的大型透明管以及底部巨型不锈钢圆盘流淌着微生物(蓝细菌),散逸着绿色光芒。红与绿,粗与细,巨与微,极具反差感的形态细节连结着“起始(Genesis)”、“当下(Present)”与“未来(Future)”。“起始(Genesis)”取自“创世纪”,万物的起源,35亿年前起长久存在于地球的光合生物,通过光合作用合成有机物质,使地球大气从无氧状态发展到有氧状态,为一切生命伊始。光合细菌这种无需氧气生长的厌氧生物与蓝细菌这种具备光合作用能力可产生氧气的放氧生物,始于生命体产生之初,协作与对抗,固定与分解,此消彼长,产生有机物与无机物的长恒循环,造就生态系统的运转。“当下(Present)”是艺术家有关人类活动对于生态环境影响的思索,面对全球变暖、生物能源、粮食安全等等环境保护问题,我们该如何可持续发展?“未来(Future)”或许可以回溯到光合生物的“碳固定”原理,利用光能将二氧化碳转化为有机物质,或蓝细菌的固氮能力为农业生产、能源替代提供解决方案。

Bringing into the perspective of an “observer”, peering through a narrow slit emitting green light, viewers step into the first conical space, where the installation Genesis and Future stands at its center. Inspired by Stephen William Hawking’s concept of the "Light Cone," the massive structure commands attention. Dense red liquid-filled tubes radiate from a central stainless-steel cone, reaching toward the ceiling. The red liquid, resembling blood, is actually composed of photosynthetic bacteria, while below, large transparent tubes referencing DNA’s double-helix structure and the massive stainless-steel base flow with cyanobacteria that emit green fluorescence. The contrasts—red and green, thick and slender, huge and subminiature—connect Genesis, Present, and Future.


Genesis, derived from the idea of "creation," refers to the origins of life. Photosynthetic organisms, which have existed for 3.5 billion years, began producing oxygen through photosynthesis, transforming Earth’s atmosphere from an anoxic state to one capable of sustaining life. Anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria and oxygen-producing cyanobacteria have coexisted since the dawn of life. Collaborating and competing, fixating and decomposing, together these bacteria produce the cycle of organic and inorganic and perpetuate the ecosystem’s balance. Present reflects the artist’s contemplation of humanity’s impact on the ecological environment. In the face of global warming, bioenergy crises, and food security challenges, how can we pursue sustainable development? Future looks to the principles of carbon fixation by photosynthetic organisms, which convert carbon dioxide into organic matter, or the nitrogen-fixing capabilities of cyanobacteria, offering potential solutions for agriculture and energy sustainability.

J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

“起源:长恒微尘 王偲丞个展”J7 ART展览现场

如果说装置“起始与未来”探讨当代社会性问题,人与自然如何共处,而展厅深处密闭空间中的最新装置“长恒微尘”则更多阐述了宇宙的混沌与无限以及微观世界的宏观遐思。天文学家、天体物理学家卡尔·爱德华·萨根(Carl Edward Sagan)曾说:“我们DNA里的氮元素,牙齿里的钙元素,血液里的铁元素,还有吃掉的东西里的碳元素,都是曾经大爆炸时万千星辰散落后组成的,所以每个人都是星辰。” 任何物质探本溯源后均是粒子,渺小到细菌,到人体,宏大到宇宙。艺术家将细菌的微观层面宏观放大到人类尺度的装置,再到镜面反射出无限延伸的表盘12个时间指针与激光射线绵延成的无边无垠的宇宙之感。红色玻璃管“指针”与中心的绿色能量体方块相互吸引却割裂,将红色光合细菌与绿色蓝细菌的协作与对立抽象化,辅以光的运用与镜面的延伸,在暗室内形成三维几何重奏。永恒的时间,循环往复着组合分解的细菌如人类社会系统更似宇宙的无尽运转,就像生命起源于一锅无机物混合着的混沌“原始汤(Primordial Soup)”,混沌的无机物相互产生化学反应,周而复始地迭代、催化、复制、生成、循环,最终演化出五光十色的生命形态。

While Genesis and Future addresses contemporary societal issues, such as the coexistence of humanity and nature, the forane space housing the installation Eternal Dust delves deeper into the chaos and infinity of the cosmos, as well as the macro imagination of the microscopic ecological world. Astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Edward Sagan once said, "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, and the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of stardust." Tracing any material to its origin reveals particles, whether in bacteria, human bodies, or the vast cosmos. Wang magnifies the microscopic scale of bacteria to human proportions through installations, while mirrored surfaces reflect an infinite universe composed of 12 clock hands and laser beams, creating a sense of boundlessness. Red glass "hands" and a central green energy cube symbolize attract and divide each other, abstracting the collaboration and opposition of red photosynthetic bacteria and green cyanobacteria. Using light and mirrors, the darkroom transforms into a three-dimensional geometric symphony. Time becomes eternal, and the cyclic decomposition and synthesis of bacteria mirror the systemic dynamics of human society and the ceaseless motion of the cosmos. Like life emerging from the chaotic "Primordial Soup" of inorganic compounds, the continuous reactions, replications, and iterations evolve into the vibrant forms of life we see today.

J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

“起源:长恒微尘 王偲丞个展”J7 ART展览现场


Moving through the triangular entrance at the end of the gallery’s central axis, observers encounter fragmentized gray-white sculptures, light trails, and planet-like virus forms, evoking a sense of otherworldly chapters. The interactive video installation Virtual Immunization Project explores the co-evolution of humans and viruses from an artistic perspective, drawing observers into the mysteries of biological protein structures and organic bonds. Fascinatingly, 8% of the human genome consists of viral fragments, remnants of past infections that have not only left imprints on our bodies but also contributed to the diversity of genetic evolution. Evolution relies on these conscious yet minute genetic fragments—some dormant, some redundant, and some actively expressing—serving as the informational code of DNA. In this sense, the human being is in a collusion of DNA. Fragments of shattered limbs, beams of light, flickering dust, and floating gene chains together form a kaleidoscopic universe, where Wang Sicheng’s artworks narrate a harmonious symphony of art and technology.

J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

“起源:长恒微尘 王偲丞个展”J7 ART展览现场

最后的最后,是新古典主义的美学神殿。纤巧美丽的背影、充满张力的肌肉线条,拉近镜头后看到的肢体轮廓形成曼妙或力量的曲线,似是隔着一层薄纱。艺术家描绘肢体的细腻油画与顶部纱幔映射的肖像影像作品相得益彰,这些身体与头像是时间与空间的旅行者,来自不同的时代与文化,是记忆的载体,信息互换的交织。它们承载着人类文明的对话,相互对视。头部与身体的分离揭露着殖民历史长河中的沧海一粟,在遥远的地方破碎,慢慢成为尘埃,消逝于一瞬。而当代社会关于“碳税” 的讨论,何尝不是一场新的能源殖民?空间内视角各异的窗口遍布,以便观察者们凝视作品,与之共鸣。量子力学中提及观察者效应(Observer Effect)的概念,指被观察者必然受观察者影响,在做出判断时,常因观察与否而影响结果。一语双关,观众在观察作品,作品的呈现也受观察者影响,相互凝视。

Finally, observers arrive at a neoclassical temple of aesthetics. Delicate, graceful silhouettes and muscular tension are juxtaposed in figures rendered through exquisite oil paintings. Their contours, partially veiled by translucent drapery, resonate with projected portrait imagery above, creating a dialogue between them. These figures, both corporeal and ethereal, transcend time and culture, becoming vessels of memory and agents of information exchange. They bear witness to human civilization’s dialogues, gazing into one another across history. The separation of heads and bodies evokes fragments of colonial history, where distant objects shattered and dispersed into dust. In today’s world, the debate around "carbon taxes" mirrors a new form of energy colonization.


The exhibition space is punctuated by diverse windows, offering varying perspectives for observers to engage with the artworks and resonate with their themes. Drawing from the concept of the "Observer Effect" in quantum mechanics, which states that the act of observation inevitably alters the observed, the exhibition suggests a dual relationship: observers observe the works, yet the works are shaped by their perspectives, creating a reciprocal gaze.


By Yafei Feng







B1 Floor, 7 South Maoming Road, Shanghai

J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

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J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

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J7 ART | 艺术家聚焦 | 王偲丞 崇真艺客

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