展览现场 | 万里不挑一 Vol.4 陈量
来源 | {{newsData.source}} 作者 | {{newsData.author}}

Unparalleled collection Vol.4
Chen Liang
NO.202, 2nd Floor, Sea World Culture & Arts Center, Shenzhen



Chen Liang
陈量,1987年生于陕西宝鸡,现生活、工作于杭州。幼时跟随村里画庙师傅学习书法和神像绘制,成年后在陕西科技大学学习无机非金属材料工程专业,后于中央美术学院实验艺术学院和中国美术学院书法学院就读,并获得博士学位。自2012年成为职业艺术家以来,他的创作和研究基于对地方知识的田野考察、古代仪式、文字起源和人类书写的传统,并始终朝着挖掘被隐藏的历史和书写普遍性的状态前进。由于受到民间仪式、神秘主义和长青哲学的启发,常使他思考如何将零碎、混杂的民间思想以书写的方式重建。这使其工作包括以图像学和文献收集、出版、田野、纪录片、写作、诗歌、剧场、书法和绘画等各种方式展开,构建了其复杂的诗意视野。他还对理论研究、民间亚文化、艺术乡建、以及地方传说和信仰充满热情,并于2020年创立仪式民众剧团(CPT)。他的工作执着于挖掘、重新发现和解释呈现那些曾经迷失、未闻和被掩埋的痕迹和声音。Chen Liang, born in Baoji, Shaanxi in 1987, currently lives and works in Hangzhou. As a child, he studied calligraphy and the painting of deities under a local temple artist. As an adult, he pursued a degree in Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials Engineering at Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and later studied at the School of Experimental Art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the School of Calligraphy at the China Academy of Art, earning a PhD. Since becoming a professional artist in 2012, his work and research have been based on field studies of local knowledge, ancient rituals, the origins of writing, and the traditions of human script. He consistently strives to unearth hidden histories and explore the universality of writing.Inspired by folk rituals, mysticism, and perennial philosophy, Chen often contemplates how to reconstruct fragmented and mixed folk ideas through writing. This approach has led him to work across various mediums, including iconography, document collection, publishing, fieldwork, documentary filmmaking, writing, poetry, theater, calligraphy, and painting, all of which contribute to his complex poetic vision. He is also passionate about theoretical research, folk subcultures, rural art initiatives, and local legends and beliefs. In 2020, he founded the Ritual Popular Theater (CPT). His work is dedicated to uncovering, rediscovering, and reinterpreting the traces and voices that have been lost, unheard, or buried.
古往今来,艺术总与生活方式串联在一起,而且往往并非以阳春白雪、“生人勿近”的方式呈现。这些作品、物件或是非实体的存在,互相交织互相反应,一并构成了一张完整的线索网络,将主人交游、审美情趣、以及其对于艺术与生活的态度全方位地展露。Vol.1 在“万里不挑一”第一期项目中,艺术家周力首次对公众展出其横跨多学科的丰富收藏,呈现她的审美与意识世界。这些藏品和展厅中心的绘画作品有上下互文的关系,引导着观众逐步从“窗外世界”探入艺术家的“窗内世界”,周力的“艺术家形象”在日常且细微的叙事之中变得更为丰富立体,而在这个过程中,其自身也以“观众”的身份再次感受到了自我。
?万一空间 Copyright?W.ONESPACEVol.2展出了艺术家洪浩近年来不同系列的作品,并通过直观呈现其工作室部分原始状态,借以探寻艺术家在创作背后对于人文、材料、物质、收集、消费等的观念和考量。若真需要提到“收藏”这个词,那洪浩比较像在收藏自己的人生。从最初的《藏经》到最具代表性的《我的东西》,以及逐渐演变至今的《万相》,《往复》,《物境》等系列,洪浩发展出了一种特殊的,对于下信息与个人日常使用的物品收集和排列的形式,并始终保持着这种对既定客观存在的观察与反思。但从艺术家的角度来说,收集并不是他的目的,这些行为更像是自己生活流水账般的记录,艺术家仅试图去呈现一种证据感,一种客观的还原。
?万一空间 Copyright?W.ONESPACE
?万一空间 Copyright?W.ONESPACE
The unparalleled collection series “n.one in a million” is a new project held by W.ONESPACE. In each episode, we invite different art practitioners, jointly showing an image that contains unique personalities and aesthetic interests of multi-perspective. As a field that bridges the past and present of the complex art forms, W.ONESPACE provides a unique platform to the host, letting them reveal the balances between art the lives, therefore enabling the audiences to truly understand how the host's collections affect their works and how they relate to their life. Through re-presenting and re-constructing the real living scene, we want to put aside the redundant interpretation of any art form, just offering an angle that could be perceived to see the story and the spiritual world behind the works.
万一空间是由三位90后艺术从业者在深圳创立的艺术空间。其诞生于疫情席卷全球的2020年,在后疫情时代涌现对艺术与生命的全新思考。空间致力于消解当代与古代的边界,融合美学研究逻辑下的现当代与古代艺术,构建一个不同国家、时期和形式的艺术在同一语境下共容的场域。W.ONESPACE is an art gallery founded in Shenzhen by three Generation Y art practitioners. It was established in 2020 during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New perspectives on art and life have emerged in this post-pandemic era. W.ONESPACE aims to melt the boundaries between present, future and the past by mixing contemporary and ancient art under the logic of aesthetic research, thus bringing together arts of different countries, different periods and different forms to interact and express in unity as ONE.

